Wen has no first, Wu has no second.

Generally speaking, although a magician's talent does not represent the height that the magician can reach in the end, it can represent the potential of the magician.

The Magic Association's determination of a magician's qualifications is very simple and only includes two parts, namely "Magic Affinity" and "Magic Records."

The former represents the magician's magical power, and the latter represents the ability to learn magic.

Both of these will increase with age, but generally speaking, if a person's values ​​have been very high since childhood, then the magician's achievements will not be small when he grows up.

The logic is this, so in the end, Hayami Mion from the "Astronomical Group" completed the purchase of Danyang for 3.5 million Tarot coins.

The transaction was carried out secretly, without notifying any media, and there are no plans to make the transaction public in the short term.

The price of 3.5 million tarot coins is not expensive. In Fanjing Mansion, the historical standard king is an A-level elf named Bian Yun. The transaction was completed at a price of 10.78 billion tarot coins five years ago in the form of auction. .

This is even true for the A-class, let alone the S-class.

After the transaction was completed, Fanjingfu Exchange was supposed to treat Danyang in an unfamiliar environment for two weeks, but the "Tianwen Group" insisted that it was not necessary. They just wanted to get the elf as soon as possible. As for the possible consequences, it was up to them Take it upon yourself.

Such a request was displeasing, and mere words were not enough to make Fangyongfu Exchange make an exception. Therefore, "Tianwen Group" added more money, and more money, until the total price reached 4 million tarot coins, and Fangyongfu Exchange So he was relieved, but also said that he would give them at least a day or two to go through all the necessary procedures for Danyang.

Including elf household registration, elf level registration, elf type registration, elf life safety insurance, etc.

It is very simple to go through these procedures, but it cannot stop the large number, and quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Five or six staff members of Fanjingfu Exchange have been busy for this matter for a whole day.

So, on the third day after completing the transaction, that is, the second day after Danyang came to this world, when he was still sleeping soundly on the soft bed, the slight shaking of the room made Danyang open his eyes immediately.

People are usually very wary when they are in a strange environment. Danyang sat up and found that the walls on all four sides were completely blank and he could not see the outside scene at all.But he could clearly feel that the room was being moved.


After a while, the whole shaking feeling in the room disappeared, followed by a "bang" sound as a heavy object was placed on the ground.

The next second, the sound from the outside world disappeared.

Along the way, Danyang could hear the noise of countless people communicating, as well as the chaotic sound of "hula hula" as the paper was turned.

As time gradually passed, there was suddenly no sound from the outside world, and the entire space suddenly became quiet. It was as quiet as a needle piercing Danyang's heart, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

A little scared, he suddenly realized that people outside the room could easily see the scene inside the cage. Subconsciously, Danyang got into bed again, not knowing what to do.

This situation lasted for a long time, and the time without sound made people feel painful and tortured. It aroused the fear deep in everyone's heart and even caused Danyang to hallucinate.

Gradually, I can no longer remember exactly when it started. I only remember that countless colorful threads suddenly appeared. These threads ignored the confinement of the cage and the rules of physics. They floated beside Danyang with a particularly elegant way. The rhythm of the song surrounded him, dancing up and down.

This is like a romantic scene that only appears in comics. These colorful lines are long or short, bright or dark, thick and flat, and full of three-dimensionality.

"Am I dazzled?"

Danyang stretched out his hand to catch it, and the moment Danyang took action, these lines seemed to be given life. They were obeying his will. These lines rushed to gather and formed an entity in the boy's thin palm. And have a real sense of touch.

Soft and smooth.

Danyang looked at the sphere in his hand, pinched it, and it would change shape.

The colorful colors are fascinating, and Danyang compares them to wild mushrooms.

So the next second, the sphere responded to Danyang's will, like a ball of wool being roughly cut open. Countless thin threads exploded, with different colors, different lengths, and different shapes.

The lines scattered and were expelled from Danyang's palm.

"What are these?"

Danyang was stunned. He watched these vivid and beautiful lines flying away, feeling shocked and confused in his heart.

time does not wait.

The next second the ball exploded and scattered, there was a "click" sound, and the four walls of the cage suddenly became transparent. There was no one outside the cage, but it was no longer the house where Danyang stayed yesterday, but another completely different one. unfamiliar environment.

After changing his clothes and making the bed, Danyang got out of bed and walked to the wall and patted the transparent brick gently.

Then a bell rang.


It was the sound of the door opening. It was still Miss Su Mo who took care of Danyang yesterday. She was wearing tight-fitting work clothes, with black hair tied on top of her head, and her huge wings were eye-catching.

And walking in behind her was a man, his wife, and daughter.

They are all elves, carrying a pair of eye-catching wings on their backs. Their feathers are the same color, as white as snow.

"Wow, so cute!" (Tarot language)

The little girl bumped into Danyang slapping the wall. She screamed with joy and ran over. The boy was so frightened that he backed away until he retreated into the corner.

"Uh-huh, little sister, elves are very timid animals, so please don't yell at them, okay?" (Tarot)

"Yeah!" (Tarot language)

Hayami Mion glanced at her parents and found that they nodded, and then she obeyed.

However, the elf would be available soon, so Mioin didn't care about the few seconds of pressing. She glanced at Danyang and found that the little pet was still huddled in the corner of the cage, so she had no choice but to return to her parents in frustration. around.

"Are all elves like this?" (Tarot)

Kaoru Hayami hugged the disappointed Mion and comforted her a little, and then asked doubtfully. "This situation should be just an exception, right?" (Tarot)

"Well, if you're talking about being afraid of people, that's indeed an exception, but young elves are generally timid, and loud screams will indeed scare them. "(Tarot language)

"Well, I understand, so Miss Su Mo, can we take him away now?" (Tarot language)

"Of course." (Tarot)

When a customer came to pick up the goods, Su Mo had no reason to stop him.

"Hey, Mr. Hayami, this cage cannot be taken away?" (Tarot)

"Huh?" (Tarot)

Zao Jian Zi was stunned for a moment, and the bodyguards Zao Jian brought with him to move the items also stopped at the door, wondering whether he should go in or not.

"According to Chapter 1, Chapter [-], of the Tarot Kingdom Elf Public Law, elves have certain citizenship rights, and the buying and selling of the above elves is prohibited. At the same time, for the following elves, except for the "Tarot Kingdom Exchange", any No individual, organization or institution may magically imprison elves or restrict their personal freedom. "(Tarot language)

Su Mo stood up straight and educated this wealthy boss.

"So, do you understand now?" (Tarot)...

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