"Self-created soul skills, for you, it counts." Weekend said calmly, as if it was nothing at all.

Dai Mubai quickly recovered from the shock and remembered what he had just said. Arrogance also requires the ability to be arrogant, and the other party obviously had it.

The opponent's strength may be that of a soul master, which is very possible.

If the opponent is a great soul master, there is no problem if he does not use the third soul skill. However, if he is dealing with a soul master and does not use the martial soul, only one soul skill can seriously injure him, and he is still possessed by the martial soul. His.

The opponent is by no means simple.

“The opportunity that allows you to reframe your language.”

Zhou Zhouqiu said: "Go with all your strength, otherwise you will lose when the time comes. I'm afraid you won't be convinced!"

"it is good!"

Dai Mubai raised his evil eyes: He didn't hesitate and directly used the soul skill of his purple soul ring.

The third soul skill, White Tiger Vajra Transformation.

His shirt exploded, his muscles expanded even more, and black horizontal lines appeared on his skin. If it weren't for the fact that there was no hair, it would really be a good tiger skin.

After using the most powerful soul skill, Dai Mubai was filled with strength, his confidence returned, and the injury on his arm also healed a lot.

Soul skills have no healing effect, which is probably due to the increase in various attributes brought by his soul skills.

"You are indeed very strong. I can almost see what your martial spirit says. Your martial spirit is probably a sword. The attack power of a beast martial spirit will always be stronger than a weapon martial spirit."

"What I am using now is my third spirit ring skill, White Tiger Vajra Transformation. In order to obtain this spirit ring, I went through many hardships and finally hunted a thousand-year Vajra Tiger spirit beast. Not only did it make me The strength, attack, and defense are greatly increased, and at the same time, it also gives me the skill of White Tiger Vajra Transformation."

"My White Tiger Vajra transformation can last for half an hour. During this half hour, my resistance to abnormal conditions will be doubled, as well as my attack power, defense power, and strength. With my level 37 With such an increase in soul power, at the same stage, I am invincible!"

He ejected the tiger palm and hit the weekend.

The tiger's claws are sharp and have the sound of breaking wind!

An indescribable power arose naturally.

The afterimage of the body is like a young tiger leaping into the stream!

There was a soft snap and it stopped suddenly!

A strike from the scabbard struck Dai Mubai's chest as fast as lightning.

The extremely sharp sword energy penetrated his defense.

Exit and bring out a bunch of blood flowers.

Then he was blasted out. He quickly adjusted his figure in the air based on his combat experience. As a result, his body suddenly shook and he was kicked again and hit a wall behind him.

A sword penetrated his shoulder and was nailed to the wall.

Just ask if you accept it!

"Invincible? That's it?"

A strong white light suddenly lit up, and Dai Mubai's evil eyes suddenly turned white. Among the three soul rings on his body, the first soul ring suddenly shined brightly, and the white tiger protective shield wanted to shake the weekend away.

However, it was useless for the weekend when it was released, and it was broken in an instant.

But he still has one more move, the White Tiger Fierce Light Wave.

Coupled with the second soul skill assisted by the third soul skill, the second soul skill exploded.Rich golden energy shot out.

However, Zhou Zhou pinched his mouth and raised it, and the white tiger's fierce light wave shot into the sky.

"Are you convinced or not! I'll ask you if you agree or not!"

shouted Weekend, twirling the sword on his shoulder.

Dai Mubai endured the pain and wanted to resist, but Zhou Zhou punched him in the throat, which immediately made him uncomfortable.

Press his face again.

"I don't like it!"

"Kill you! It's just a matter of me adding more force!"

They say that a tiger's ass cannot be touched, but that's just because you don't have the strength. When you have the strength, you can poke a tiger in the anus with a sword.


An uncomfortable sound came from Dai Mubai's mouth.

Just dropped it to the ground over the weekend.

A sword suddenly struck down!

There were countless shocked shouts and screams all around. Many people covered their faces and turned sideways, not daring to look!

At this distance, even with his guards around, it would be too late.


"Submit it! Submit it!"

The sword was hovering over Dai Mubai's head. It was only a millimeter away from being damaged.

But it really blossomed, and a lot of his hair was cut off, turning into a Mediterranean Sea. Perhaps it can only grow when the martial spirit is possessed.

It’s not certain whether it will grow back in the future, that sword from the weekend.Some of his hair follicles were cut off, including part of the invisible underground.

This weekend he put away his sword.

Dai Mubai then fell weakly to the ground. The crowd eating melons and melons looked at him. His appearance was not terrible, but the young man was holding the Mediterranean Sea, which was very funny.

And he was panting heavily with lingering fear, and he really almost died.

Where did the monster come from? It was scary to think that it could kill him without using a soul ring.

Don't mess with it!

Dai Mubai usually thinks of himself as a monster, but now, he realizes that each mountain is higher than the other!

In the world of cultivation, sword cultivators have the hottest tempers. They will start fighting at the slightest disagreement, and their attacks are very brutal.

This has been very restrained over the weekend.

If it wasn't still useful, I could have killed him with one sword now.

"Be more restrained from now on and don't offend people you shouldn't offend."

Suddenly, the frustration in Dai Mubai's heart became even more painful.

At this time, a nearby patrol team responded. As one of the important cities in the Kingdom of Barak, Soto City's patrol team was very competent in maintaining public security.

Of course, it was not the patrol team that came, but the personnel from Wuhun Palace.

"What's the matter with you soul masters? You choose to fight in a place like this. Do you want to demolish this place? Do you have any sense of public morality? It's noisy and noisy. The neighbors should not sleep. They will have to fight again tomorrow. At work"

The deacon came up and pointed at the client's nose and cursed, "Don't be too happy!"

Weekend followed up with a smile and said, "I'm sorry, this didn't cause much damage. Do you see what sparks our two children can create?"

Children's ignorance is always the best excuse, isn't it?

The deacon smiled: "Children? Do you consider your body shape to be children? Oh, it's so funny? Look at the marks on the wall. Do you think this is playing?"

In Douluo Continent, martial arts, as well as ways to obtain soul rings and soul bones, can change a person's physical appearance.

Look at 12-year-old Tang San, who is 1.7 meters tall. The whole Shrek is like this!

A person's appearance can also conceal their age, but bone age cannot be deceived. In Douluo Continent, looking at bone age is a way to identify age.

"It's okay, nothing happened, and we are really just discussing. We will compensate for the damage caused, don't worry."

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