Eight waves of strong fighting spirit soared into the sky, and the white pigeon spirit master Doudou, who was in the sky in shock, hurriedly raised his height in the air again.

Even the audience in the auditorium saw such a strong fighting spirit for the first time.

Is this a Silver Fighting Soul level team?

In their eyes, the nine individuals on Douhun can only be described with one word.

That is strong.

That slime was stronger, and one person could equal the fighting spirit of eight Shreks.

When the eight Shrek monsters faced Slime Weekend, their faces hidden under the masks were extremely solemn.

Although the opponent's soul ring is fake, you must know that any method can be used in the soul fighting field. Who knows how many trump cards the opponent has.

"Shrek monsters, I'm just a passing swordsman, remember it!"

He saw the three fake purple soul rings he had created over the weekend fuse and sink into himself. Then he raised his right hand and pointed the sword with his index and middle fingers, pointing at Dai Mubai.

"No! Mubai, get out of the way!" Tang San shouted!

Dai Mubai quickly used the White Tiger Vajra Transformation and the White Tiger Body Shield to defend himself.

The 30.00% increase in Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower's speed happened to fall on him, immediately causing Dai Mubai's speed to increase again.

However, Dai Mubai did not dodge, and his head was about to hit him, and then he felt as if his whole body had been pierced.

Then he was blown away directly, bright red liquid spurted out from his mouth, and his body hit the wall outside the Soul Fighting Stage hard, spitting out blood.

A two-dimensional painting was born.

"Deal one, and there are seven more!"

Suddenly, one person was killed in an instant, and the audience burst into cheers.

Compared with the visual sense of constant fighting from fist to flesh, the visual impact of instant killing brings a new impact!

This spirit fight is by no means as simple as I imagined!

On the side of the Shrek Eight Monsters, Dai Mubai was instantly killed, which set off alarm bells and forced them to deal with this battle more seriously.

"Everyone come together, we must not give her a chance." Tang San shouted.

They knew that the other party was very strong, but they didn't expect that the other party was so strong, so powerful that it was beyond their expectations.

Flanders and Yu Xiaogang on the stage saw each other's terrifying strength and wanted to stop this spirit fight as soon as possible.

"Ring Fusion! How is this possible!?"

Yu Xiaogang, Zhao Wuji and Flender in the stands all had extremely shocked looks in their eyes.

In the eyes of a group of short-sighted people, the master saw that what weekend was using was ring fusion, a different type of ring fusion, and then he used soul skills. The power was so terrifying and merciless that it was enough to kill people!

"This person is obviously coming for them. Get the little monsters down quickly, otherwise they will be injured or killed."

"This spirit fight must be stopped immediately! This is not a spirit fight, this is naked murder!"

Things had gone far beyond his imagination, and he was worried that something might happen to his disciple Tang San, so he quickly asked the staff to stop the spirit fight.

Suddenly a pressure came on them, stopping their actions.

"Don't move, they will only be injured at most!"


On the soul fighting stage, the remaining Shrek Seven Devils took the mushroom sausage that Oscar had given them early and flew into the air.

"This idea is good, but it is not enough!" Zhou said.

"Don't underestimate people!"

Ma Hongjun was flying while spitting fire and harassing the weekend.

I moved to another location to avoid it during the weekend.

Yu Tianheng used the Thunder Dragon Claw, and the speed of lightning was so fast. Almost as soon as he saw the blue figure, he had already arrived in front of the weekend.

A battle soul master with a beast soul type would be stronger than a battle soul master with an artifact soul type from the beginning. As long as she got close enough to fight with her, she would never stand a chance.

What's more, it's the best beast in the world, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex.

In addition, Tang San said that she could also create her own soul skills by releasing sword energy with her fists, so she didn't dare to underestimate the other party.

As the saying goes, a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength!

The fury of thunder is used next, and the effect is: within a certain period of time, the blue lightning dragon soul master will be in a state of rage, the power of thunder and lightning will be increased by 50.00%, and the soul power will be increased by [-]%.

Once he gets close and uses his second soul skill Thunderbolt, his second soul skill Thunderbolt will explode with unparalleled attack power thanks to the [-]% increase in lightning power from Thunder Fury.

Even if she could escape, she would definitely be injured.

However, before he made a move to touch her, his vision went dark, and he felt like he was hit behind the ear by something before he fell into coma!

Thunder and light exploded, and Yu Tianheng fell unconscious and was eliminated!

"What kind of speed and power is this! Did Yu Tianheng already know Yu Tianheng's position before he made that move!?" Tang San, who was in the state of Purple Demon Eyes, said in shock.

Then Zhao Si quietly came to Zhou Si's side to make a surprise attack. Zhou Si grabbed Yu Tianheng with his backhand and threw it at Zhao Si. Zhao Si didn't react and was hit, and he flew out. He was thrown out of the field and pushed out of the battle. Tang San's Blue Silver Grass didn't even have time to pull it back.

Tang San didn't dare to waste time, and the spider web restraint kept up.

Without the original work, the spirit ring from the Man-Faced Demon Spider comes from the poison brought by the Man-Faced Demon Spider, which is too bad after all.

When Weekend drew his sword, Tang San seized the time and frantically used Blue Silver Coil and Blue Silver Parasite, entangling Weekend so that she had no chance to use her soul skills, especially her sword.

Maybe this is their only chance to win!

Countless strands of blue silver grass rose from the feet of Weekend, constantly entangling her with parasitic paralysis, and parasitic entanglements with spider webs to restrain her. As long as she was controlled, don't use soul skills on her.

He, Tang San, had already figured it out. The opponent was a single soul master whose destructive power broke out in an instant and was unstoppable. She was definitely a top expert in close combat. He absolutely couldn't easily get into close combat with her unless she was under control and attacked from a distance. Keep attacking, and if the opponent dodges, then a surprise close attack may be enough to do it.

Ma Hongjun seemed to understand Tang San's thoughts, and immediately fired an even more ferocious Phoenix flame empowered by his second soul skill, Fire-Bathing Phoenix, towards Zhou Zhou who was already under control.

Although Bluesilver Grass has become extremely tough under the influence of three soul rings, as a plant, at least at this stage, it is still extremely afraid of fire.

This may cause the other party to escape, but it will be within her calculations.

Faced with the fierce attack of purple flames on weekends, he smiled contemptuously.

The blue silver grass on his body was shattered by the sword energy that exploded from his body in the eyes of others, which was similar to a soul skill like a protective shield.

The direction to avoid was exactly the calculated position that Tang San had envisioned.

As soon as Zhou Zhou appeared at that location, Xiao Wu appeared behind him.

In order to win this soul battle, and to win the love of his third brother, Xiao Wu bought him a lot of tender carrots and had to use the Eight Stage Throw!

This is one of the most violent throwing methods in her jutsu skills. She throws eight times in a row. As long as the first throw is thrown, there is almost no possibility of resistance!

So, don’t get close to her!

Yu Tianheng in front was instantly defeated at close range, so he had to find another breakthrough, and the gap behind her was the biggest breakthrough.

This is their only hope of victory, as their opponents are too strong.

"Caught you!"

Saying that, she stretched out her hand to control the weekend.

"Who caught who?"

At the same time as the sound came, a hand reached out and grabbed her head tightly. A severe pain that crushed her head came over her. The prepared eight-stage throw was forced to be interrupted, and she struggled in pain.

"Little dance!"

Tang San was extremely concerned about his sister Xiao Wu, and always noticed that his sister Xiao Wu was safe. Seeing the pain of Xiao Wu being controlled by the other party, Tang San's eyes turned red, and his heart felt like bleeding.

Suddenly he remembered his original vow again.

"If one day many people want to kill me, but you can't defeat them, what will you do?"

"If someone wants to hurt you one day, just step on my body first."

"Dear brother."

"Dear sister."

A warm and beautiful scene between two children.

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