People are in Douluo, I am titled Douluo with one sword

Chapter 19 Like Sunshine Through the Night

Zhu Zhuqing gasped.

Half-kneeling on the ground, her opponent was a Soul King, and her chest was scratched!

How miserable~

The Great Soul Master would not be able to fight the Soul King under normal circumstances. Even if Tang San came, he would still have to rely on hidden weapons to catch him by surprise.

His ability to fight enemies across levels can only be achieved when the difference in strength is not big. If the difference in strength is too big, he can only rely on hidden weapons.

A more powerful hidden weapon.

The host announced that Zhu Zhuqing was the winner, and the few spectators on the field cheered.

They believe in the strong and the weak defeating the strong. The 11-year-old girl who is a great soul master defeated the veteran soul king, and she did it.

Naturally, they can cheer, make noise, and swing sledgehammers.

Fame, money, status.

It all belongs to her!

Her name will be engraved on the wall of honor in the Great Soul Fighting Arena.

However, it didn't matter to her at all.

The important thing is that she did it and put it to death. At that moment, she broke the darkness in her heart and was no longer afraid of it. Even if she was alone, she could face it forward.

Weekend smiled with satisfaction. She had cut off the connection between their martial soul fusion skills, but there was one thing that she couldn't stop cutting, which was the bond between Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai since childhood. Therefore, Zhu Zhuqing's attachment to Dai Mubai and Dependence, if she wants to completely cut it off, she can only rely on herself.

It's not just a beating or a scolding.

In the end, she can only rely on her own heart to break and cut it off.

Now, she has succeeded as expected.

The mental blow is a bit harsh. As the old saying goes, short-term pain is worse than long-term pain, and a big hole is worse than a long-lasting stream of water.

This pair of mandarin ducks were truly ruthlessly broken up!

It's much easier than the pair of Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng.

Draw a knife to block the water, break up when it’s time to break up!

She is professional at dismantling objects.

After walking out of the field of life and death, Zhu Zhuqing smiled when he saw his teacher.

"Teacher, I did it..."

After saying that, he fainted.

The two life-and-death battles were not cheap. This one was against the Soul King, and he had to rely on his own strength to kill the opponent.

"You did a great job, go get some sleep first."

Weekend hugged her.

To be honest, this is absolutely impossible for an 11-year-old child.

When she was 11 years old, she was still in the middle of her nine-year compulsory education.

Just after walking a few steps, several forces came and wanted to win them over. A great soul master fought to the death to defeat the soul king. This was something that had never happened before, and they were bound to be recruited.

On the weekend, two young men dressed in black robes were called to show up, and the people from these forces dispersed one after another.

It turns out that now that they have power, they can no longer rob people.

Maybe someone has an ancestor who can plant a tree on their grave!


the next day.

Zhu Zhu woke up and his injuries had completely recovered.

The table is filled with ingredients for restoring qi and blood. You can feel the rapid recovery of your own qi and blood after one bite.

This is normal. In a world where one can cultivate wind and rain, some ingredients can replenish Qi and blood extremely quickly.

After eating, I breathed a sigh of relief. I was basically resurrected with full blood, and all functions were maintained at their best.

"Teacher, was last night a test?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

Looking at her on the weekend: "The sun shines through the night, the dawn crosses the horizon, and the figure shuttles through reincarnation. Darkness is in the human heart, and we must always face the darkness in our hearts, so that we can break through the darkness and truly see the light."

Teacher Huang said: Don’t be afraid of any difficulties we encounter. Face it with a smile. The best way to eliminate fear is to face it and persevere!That's victory~ Come on, Oli!

"I understand, teacher, thank you for your guidance." Zhu Zhuqing bowed respectfully.

At this moment, she no longer had any fear of the royal family of the Star Luo Empire.

There is no more fear for my sister.

Not only in killing, but also in life.

Life education is a top priority no matter which world it is in. In a world where the jungle is strong and the jungle is strong, it is even more important to understand that only by going through the gate of hell can you better understand the rareness and preciousness of life.

Like Shrek, the kind in major colleges that only talk about killing but not about life education. They kill people and still find reasons to enlighten them. This is a very serious problem.

Think about it, in that world and that era, no one knew what life education was.

In their opinion, their approach is indeed correct and is the best education.

Any successful and powerful soul master has walked through the blood of enemies and opponents.

If you have better educational methods, don't impose your own ideas on others.

However, it’s still okay to complain.

"After going through this level, you can be considered a truly strong man. However, there will be greater sufferings, and even death, waiting for you along the way." Weekend said a few words.

Zhu Zhuqing stood aside carefully and listened to the weekend's guidance and education. The first class last night was very impressive and she will remember it in her heart forever.


Today is the time to register for Shrek Academy.

I wanted to go to Shrek this weekend to show off.

It's a pity that there is no titled Douluo around to cause trouble.

The Wuhundian members in Soto City can be mobilized, but they are not strong enough to defeat the blind Zhao Wuji.

Back then, he just broke out from the siege of the sixteen bishops of Wuhun Palace.The bishops of Wuhun Palace were all Soul Emperor level warriors who were at least level [-] or above. At that time, Zhao Wuji was only in his [-]s, and there were really not many people at the same level who could do anything to him.

The palace master of Soto City has the strength of Soul Saint, and is only one step away from Soul Douluo. In a city known as the warehouse of grain, this configuration is indeed understandable.

I went, it was no fun.

Dai Mubai was beaten violently by her, and now he recognized Zhu Zhuqing.

Could it be that Zheng Zhengren helped those people get back the gold soul coins?

Another approach was taken over the weekend.


The first generation Shrek Academy was located in a village with just over a hundred households. There was a wooden fence surrounding the village, which seemed to be used to guard against wild beasts.

There were very few people signing up at the entrance of the village, not many at all, not even ten.

You know, there were hundreds of people signing up for the original time and space at this time, but now they can be counted on one hand.

It's nothing more than people giving Shrek better and complete publicity over the weekend.

Shrek Academy specializes in selecting talented people. Once you register and fail, the registration fee will not be refunded and you will even be humiliated.The academy is very shabby, not as good as the junior soul master academy, and the food is even worse...

Basically, the students who can register for Shrek Academy are not from very good backgrounds. They are very confident in their talents. Every money invested is hard-earned money. If you put their money It was detained. Is this an unknown robbery?

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