king of world football

Chapter 819: Criminal Excellence

The French fans at the Luzhniki Stadium were in a frenzy, waving their national flags and cheering for the goal.

"Goal! Goal! Great Kylian! Great goal!"

"On the stage of the World Cup final, the 19-year-old opened the scoring for the first time. This is a historical moment worthy of being remembered forever!"

"He used unrivaled speed to break through the Chinese team's defense all the way from the midfield, which is simply brilliant."

All commentators around the world are amazed at this sudden goal and Mbappe's unstoppable speed.

Zhang Jun lowered his feet and stomped his chest, and kept sighing: "It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be, the Chinese team's defense shouldn't be so open."

"If the opponent retreats, let him retreat. Let's stand in our formation and surround the penalty area. Alas, I'm still a little anxious to win."

"Conceding a goal in less than 10 minutes of the game is a huge blow to the defensive counterattack tactics. Players often get into entanglement whether to press out or retreat."


At this time, tens of thousands of households in China were watching the live broadcast of the game. When they heard the comments from the commentator, their hearts suddenly became cold, and many people also sighed.

The same is true for Zhao Qi, who is located in Shanghai, but his 10-year-old son has a different opinion: "Dad, the competition is not over yet, we still have Wang Feng!"

Zhao Qi couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words, he looked up at his son's confident eyes, the gloom in his heart dissipated invisible, yes, they still have Wang Feng, and the man who is called the god of football!

He smiled and held his son in his arms and rubbed his short hair: "Do you believe that Wang Feng will definitely win?"

"Of course, I will be like him in the future, standing on the stage of the World Cup and winning glory for the country!" The child's big eyes were full of stars.


Although the goal was scored first, the Chinese team did not fall into a panic. On the one hand, there were plans and mental preparations before the game. On the other hand, when the French were celebrating wildly, Wang Feng walked among the teammates to encourage them.

After leading for a period of time, the opponents will inevitably be more lax, and the Chinese superstar plans to make some fuss.

Soon the Chinese team found an offensive opportunity to advance to the frontcourt, and Wang Feng deliberately retreated to respond. As long as he saw him get the ball, the domestic fans would cheer with anticipation.

The Chinese superstar slowly walked forward along the sidewalk. Kanter and Fernandez from France surrounded him to stop him.

And they are very smart to block the position, even if they can't make a steal, they can always pin Wang Feng on the side, so that he can't directly threaten the goal.

The three quickly approached, and Kanter and Fernandez were already able to reach out to interfere with the Chinese superstar. At this moment, Wang Feng's left shoulder sank, and at the same time, he slammed the ball to the left with his right heel, causing it to roll behind his left heel, and the spike became Cut inwards trying to get between the two.

Fernandez was prepared for this move, and immediately leaned over to Kanter, and the gap between the two that was originally one person wide disappeared in an instant, forming the momentum of closing the door.

But just when they shot together to steal the ball, Wang Feng made a sharp hook with his left foot, and then hooked the ball back to the baseline. The opposite body also sank with his right shoulder.

However, Fernandez still had a way, and immediately stretched out his left leg to block the way, but he still couldn't get rid of it.

Two consecutive rather confusing shoulder smashes failed to fool the defense. With this, Fernandez is enough to be called a first-class defender.

At this time, the Chinese superstar will completely lose the room to operate if he takes a step forward, and can only be intercepted by the opponent. At this critical moment, he dunks the ball into the middle and pushes forward.

The ball passed right under Fernandez's diverted legs, and at the same time Wang Feng also accelerated to catch up with the ball.

Fernandez was taken aback. He wanted to complete the turn quickly but was unable to do anything. Instead, he lost his balance and fell to the ground due to the forced twist, watching his opponent rush to the penalty area.

"Wang broke through the double-team and knocked Fernandez down! Beautiful!"

"See what he does next!"

The Chinese superstar didn't completely get rid of the entanglement when he rushed to the penalty area, because Kanter still had enough defensive power, and French players from other areas rushed to support.

During the accelerated sprint, Wang Feng suddenly stopped. After throwing off Kanter, he swung the ball with his left foot and at the same time swung a feint shot, tricking Umtiti to fall to the ground to block, but turned the shot into a shot, opened the space again and then kicked up. shoot.

This time it was no longer a fake move, but a solid shot. The ball drew a wonderful arc in the air, bypassing Varane and hanging straight to the upper left corner of the goal.

Goalkeeper Lloris' vision was somewhat blocked by Varane, and by the time the ball appeared in sight it was too late and his save failed to work.

"Shoot! The goal is scored! Wang equalized for the Chinese team!"

"The moment he broke through, I knew there would be a goal! It was really a criminal pass. Even though he was in a tight double-team defense, he felt that he couldn't defend against it."

"Let's look back at this offense through slow motion decomposition... Oh, three consecutive extremely small-scale spikes and changing directions, Fernandez has done well enough, and he can still keep up with the rhythm of the Chinese superstar."

"However, there was really nothing to do in the face of the last crotch-piercing ball pass. The French defender even thought about turning around in time to catch up, but his body couldn't maintain his balance in that situation, so he slipped humiliatingly."

"This is not over yet. Facing the defensive threats from Kante, Umtiti, and even Varane, Wang Feng seems to use the most appropriate method to deal with them, making full use of the space advantage. The final shot is very clever and the goal is natural. It will happen."


When Wang Feng was attacking with the ball, Mbappe stayed in the frontcourt and did not go back to participate in the defense, but he also paid close attention to the development of the situation and put his heart in his throat.

Seeing the Chinese superstar rushing into the defensive encirclement, the French winger was slightly relieved. He was also facing this situation before, and there was no possibility of breaking through.

Who would have thought that he would rush out in the blink of an eye and make Fernandez fall to the ground without any contact and confrontation. This made Mbappé, who has been fighting with his strong physical fitness, inexplicably horrified. He could not understand this kind of football.

While frantically chasing back, Mbappe's heart continued to sink, because he knew such an opportunity, let alone a Chinese superstar, even he himself would never miss it.

As he expected, Wang Feng's shot bypassed the defense and got into the net. The Frenchman could only stop slowly, and was speechless with his teammates who were also at a loss.

I still remember that when Wang was young, his speed was better than Kaka, the son of the wind, but this is just one of his skills. When he grows older and loses his agility, he can still use other means to move across the football world.

Mbappe is a very smart player. At this time, he has a little feeling in his heart. Although he is still very young and energetic, aging and injuries will come to his door sooner or later. He must develop more technical means.

I want to fight side by side with Wang Feng and accept his guidance in person!The idea sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain and got out of hand.

But before that, he still has to do his best to regain the lead!

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