"Yes! Master Mechanic! I'm locating your coordinates. The command will take effect in five seconds, and I'll jump the hunter team for you immediately!"

There was a quick reply from the communicator, followed by a series of crackling operations.

Obviously, they have also heard it.

Their Vice-President of Mechanical Demon went out this time, obviously encountered an extremely urgent crisis!

"Immediately notify Area 41, unblock all hunters in the area, emergency order, the jumping device has been activated, please rush to the designated location immediately to assemble!"

Among the Demon Association.

One after another, servants in black robes and three-cornered hats had gloomy eyes and quickly issued instructions.

Thrash throb--

In Area 41, the viscous liquid in one container after another was discharged, and one after another the hunters sealed in it were activated. They received the order instantly, and their eyeballs dinged and flashed a red light.

In just a few minutes, the dense crowd of hunters completed their assembly.

"The hunter troops have been assembled...the void warp device is activated...the target coordinate point has been determined..."

"Mobile authority...highest authority...authority coordinator: Mechanical Demon..."

"Move out..."


Accompanied by the cold synthetic sound resounding throughout the factory, the sound of huge machinery running rumbled.

And at the next moment, the dazzling blue light instantly enveloped all the hunters who gathered in it.

Their bodies instantly become unreal.

"The void warp has been activated—emergency warp in progress—"

"Turn on—"

In an instant, all the hunters disappeared in Area 41 of the Demon Association.

And at the same time.

In the wilderness outside Wandering Soul Alley, Lin En put down the communicator in his hand, and smiled whitely at the fleeing mechanical demon in the distance.

All the mechanical structures on the mechanical demon's frightened body flickered.

that guy...

That guy is not a human being! !

"Don't come here! Don't come here!! It wasn't me who was talking to you just now!!"

He yelled, but it was too late.

He immediately felt the shock from the space around him. He was very familiar with that feeling. It was the long-distance fast teleportation device they developed by borrowing the ability of the void warp beast.

And that is in the next moment.

brush brush --

brush brush --

One after another, glaring blue lights descended from the sky, and under his horrified gaze, they descended on his side all of a sudden.

And in the dazzling halo, one after another, fully armed hunters jumped out and gathered around him with a clatter.

Their eyeballs stared at the Mechanical Demon, tinkling red light.

"Area 41's hunter troops have been assembled...by your order...come to support immediately...I will follow your command..."

The mechanical demon roared hysterically: "You have been tricked!! This is a trap! Run... hurry..."

"Please rest assured, the vice president... The Hunter in Area 41 is a cutting-edge modification... We have higher intelligence and biological killing capabilities... There is no record of a single miss..."

The hunter in the lead suddenly showed his sharp praying mantis knife, and slashed across the space with a clatter.

It has a serious expression, and said deeply:

"Our purpose is to be fast! Faster! Very fast! Quickly resolve the battle... quickly destroy the enemy... quickly penetrate behind the enemy's rear... no matter what the opponent is, we are not afraid!"

"The first battle is the final battle!"


A tentacle that swept over from afar instantly smashed it into a meatloaf.

【Ding!After killing a Hunter Transformer, you have received a friendship reward: 50 experience】

Mechanical Demon: "(?????????)"

Hunters: "Σ┗(@ロ@;)┛"



"Run! Why are you still standing there!! You bastards!!"

The Mechanic Demon roared angrily and turned around, striding wildly, running towards the distance like a scud.

The remodeled hunters around him turned around suddenly, and immediately caught the root knight who was flying towards them with countless tentacles dancing wildly in the distance.

Hunters; "!!!!"

【Ding!The hunter modified type has a fear degree of you +10]

【Ding!The hunter modified type has a fear degree of you +10]

For an instant.

The hunters who jumped over immediately passed the Mechanical Demon at an unimaginable speed, like the wind, and fled forward at a faster speed than him.

Mechanical Demon: "0Дq!!"

These useless things! !

Run faster than him!

He was about to explode with rage!

"Come back!! Come back to me!! Protect me!!"

He growled angrily.

But just at the moment when he finished speaking, a huge shadow instantly fell on him from the sky.

He raised his head suddenly.

Then, under his shocked gaze, the huge root-level head carried the human youth and passed through the air above his head.

Then a heavy drift landed in front of him.

The crazily surging tentacles under the head instantly formed an "S"-shaped curve, with sparks and lightning all the way, drifting towards the hunters who jumped over.

The mechanical demon (wДw) hugged his head and said, "What the hell are you going to call for help!!"

[Mechanical demon collapse rate +10]

[Mechanical demon collapse rate +10]

Shrimp catcher——

Aiwo blew up and killed the special forces battalion, Buffalo——

bang bang bang-

【Ding!You shot a modified hunter, your gun proficiency +1]

【Ding!Xiaoxiao devoured a modified hunter, and his favor towards you +1, you get a friendship reward: 50 basic experience]

【Ding!Xiaoxiao devoured a modified hunter, +1 favorability for you, +10 happiness value]

It's like a tiger among the sheep.

(#ス皮?) Lily rode the little slapping and shooting Lynn, shooting at the fleeing hunters below.

It's like a tiger tank roaring into the infantry phalanx, and he is the machine gunner on top of the tank, venting his flames to the infantry below.

"At seven o'clock!! Two hunters!! Edible!"



"At 12 o'clock, there are a total of three hunters, Xiao Xiao!! Accelerate and rush over to crush them!!"

brush brush brush --

【Ding!Xiaoxiao killed a hunter! 】

【Ding!Xiaoxiao killed a hunter! 】

【Ding!Xiaoxiao killed a hunter! 】

"Wu Shuang is on!!"

In the field of vision, a large number of viewers followed the tracking picture all the way in shock, looking at the one-sided hunting and crushing in the picture.

This is simply a dimensionality reduction blow!

Because this really can no longer be called a battle!

It's like a full-level boss returning to Novice Village, or like a Tyson being put into an arena full of underage loli boxers. This is almost unilateral fish frying!

They have never seen this kind of battle before, this is really inappropriate!

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