Another World: My life is on the hook!

Chapter 581 Face-to-face with the high-level epidemic doctor

The epidemic doctor officer on the screen was also in a hurry. Seeing Luo Shi's (sir) obviously out of breath, the epidemic doctor stretched out his hand profusely in sweat, and said:

"Calm down first, don't get excited, that is to say, you suspect that the group of screechers given to you by the clothing factory is seriously fake and shoddy, right?"

Lynn gritted his teeth and said, "That's right!"

And he had just finished speaking.

Another high-ranking epidemic doctor not far behind him suddenly became furious, pointed in their direction, and said:

"You fart! Every flesh-and-blood creature produced by my reproductive factory has been strictly checked. It is absolutely impossible for any fake and shoddy creations to leave the factory! Don't spit blood!"

It is clear.

The epidemic doctor is one of the senior managers in charge of the clothing factory.

How could he not be angry when he heard such slanderous words.

Lin En also glared at him, and said angrily: "I'm spitting blood?! I carried a gun for the organization, I bleed for the organization, I spitting blood?! Okay! Then I'll let you see if I'm spitting blood!"

Without further ado.

Under the shocked gazes of all the subordinates around.

With a bang, Lin En took out a large ghost-faced screamer from his arms, then stretched out his hand in the same way, and pulled the screamer's tongue forcefully.


"You (beep) (muffled) cracked?~You (beep) gone?~You (beep) greened you?~"

The melodious rhythm gushes out.


But Lynn didn't finish, he was obviously in a state of exasperation, and began to constantly pull out those screamers, and then kept activating them.

"You (beep) flew?~You (beep) exploded??~"




Soon, the chorus of dozens of shriekers singing "Are you (beep) gone?~" rang out in the entire chamber, and they mixed together noisily, greeting everyone in the two chambers. people.

"Enough! Enough! Enough, sir!"

The surrounding subordinates were all in a hurry, rushing over in a hurry, panicking and wanting to stop the actions of Luo Shi (Lynn).

But even if he was pulled, Lynn was still kicking his legs forward in an "anxious manner".

"I have carried a gun for the organization! I have shed blood for the organization!! Your factory is fooling us with such things. You are putting the organization to nothing and killing our Leviathan!! What are your intentions!!"

The surrounding subordinates (〃>皮<) hugged Luo Shi (Lynn) one by one, and dragged him back vigorously, telling him not to be so anal, not to be so anal!

They are all leaders!All bosses!They are all adults!

Although we are very aware of your anger and your concern for the interests of the organization, we can't do this! !

It will be bad!

And Lin En's disturbance caused all the epidemic doctors in the first chamber to fall into silence.

Especially the high-level person in charge of the flesh and blood factory was even more furious, his veins were bulging, his whole body was trembling with anger, and he was braving heat waves.

And in the ear.

The rhythm of "Are you (beep) dead?~" is still lingering in my ears, noisy and lingering.

The expression of Luosh (Lynn)'s immediate superior also turned cold. Although he was displeased with Luosh's (Lynn) tone just now, after listening to so many "you (beep) gone?~" After the rhythm, he couldn't help but want to attack the senior management of the clothing factory.

Because it is indeed deceiving too much!

Because the people in their department are fighting in front, but these bastards are messing with them in the back? !

this moment.

He already understands why Rosh (Lynn) is so out of control and angry, because if he is placed in that position and listens to so many "you (beep) dead?~" rhythms, he must also Will be furious.


The chief epidemic doctor slapped the table, looked coldly at the senior man in charge of the flesh and blood factory, and said solemnly:

"I really want to ask, the factory you are in charge of produces these "you (beep) dead?~" things, and they are assigned to my people at the forefront of dealing with those invaders. Are you What's on your mind?"

"I know that your dressing factory has always thought highly of itself and looked down on us operatives, why? Now it has grown to the point where it wants to kill us and let my people use the shit you made Are you going to die?!"

He lifted the table, stood up loudly, pointed at the high-level person angrily, and lifted the table to align.


Internal faction is also very serious.

"Don't raise your contradictions!"

The high-level executive of the clothing factory looked at him furiously, then pointed at Luosh (Lynn) in the screen, and said furiously:

"It is absolutely impossible for our factory to produce such a thing! You must have tampered with it yourself! Don't put the shit pot on our heads!"

Lynn was dragged by the surrounding subordinates, roaring forward, saying:

"I (beep——) you (beep——)!! If you have (beep——), come and check it yourself!! If you can find any hands and feet we did, I will kill myself on the spot! Lao Tzu There is going to be a war soon! I still have so much free time to frame you?! Is I dead? I (beep)! I (beep)!!"

All the plague doctors in the first chamber covered their ears in pain.

Coupled with the rhythm of "Are you (beep) gone?~" that is still ringing now, how uncomfortable it really is.

But they didn't have any doubts about Rosh, because it was very obvious that, as the team closest to the two death-level invaders, they were under the greatest psychological pressure, and at this time they also found the weapons in their hands It's such a dick, anyone's mind will explode.

Seeing that the contradiction between the two departments is about to escalate.

Dr. 315, who had been sitting on the throne with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes, and said solemnly:

"Shut up."

As soon as this remark came out, the heads of the two departments who were fighting each other and glaring at each other stopped, and immediately beat their chests with one hand, bowed their heads and said:


no doubt.

Inside Leviathan, Dr. 315 is extremely important.

Dr. 315 said hoarsely: "Now is not the time for you to quarrel. We will investigate the screecher issue. The most urgent task now is to eliminate the two intruders as soon as possible. Tell the team that they can bring any weapons they want. Leave everything else for later.”

The high-level executive of the clothing factory was eager to say something, but looking at Dr. 315's indifferent eyes, he could only swallow the anger in his stomach.

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