And I don't know what kind of job transfer task will be triggered at that time.

Lynn quickly held the lamp and walked towards the pharmacy.

Now he still doesn't dare to stay outside for a long time. Although he is much stronger than before, who knows what kind of monsters will suddenly appear in the black mist and drag you into the darkness.

He is still too weak now!

But luckily.

Nothing bad happened along the way.

When I came to the door of the store, the lit soul lamp emitted a faint light, and there was no sign of anyone coming to the store.

"So teacher, did something happen to him?"

Lynn hesitated, sat at the counter, and knocked on the table.

After his teacher left in a hurry, he said he would be back within two days, but now it was the third day, and his teacher still hadn't shown up. Lynn had to wonder if there was something strange about it.

"Maybe something has delayed it."

Lynn looked calmly.

He knocked on the table, but decided to explore the [Vision] first.

His progress of exploration was interrupted yesterday because of the blood-clothed evil spirit, and today he really needs to do a good job of exploring.


【Skull Coin-500】

Accompanied by a sharp nausea.

Lynn opened his eyes suddenly, and the huge square and the huge eyeball above the square appeared in front of his eyes again.

He once again came to the horizon.

"Let's see what they are talking about!"

Lynn quickly opened the regional channel to see if he could get some information.

【Regional Channel】

[Blood Doll]: "Queen! Queen! How is things going?! Did that human apprentice die tragically?! Has his head been screwed off and used as a chamber pot?"

[Burning Dead Ghost]: "@Queen! Please tell me in detail, we all really want to know what happened!"

[Long-haired ghost]: "Autistic ing"

[Skeleton Demon]: "Queen, are you there?! Has the guy who dared to bully your daughter been dealt with decisively?"

【Evil Queen】: "..."

[Blood Doll]: "(Excited) Queen, you have appeared! How is it?! Did that guy get the punishment he deserved!"

[Queen of Evil Spirits]: "Well... (shy) he... made me very comfortable..."


For a moment, there was silence in the regional channel.



Then countless "???" began to swipe the screen.

【Blood Doll】: "(?Д?) Huh?"

[Burning Ghost]: "(Sluggish) What... what is comfortable?"

[Evil Queen]: "Yesterday I was too irritable (blush), he is indeed a very capable doctor, I shouldn't treat him with such a rude attitude, but I didn't break my promise, since I said I would eat If you eat him, it will eat him, but in a different way (shy)"

[Everyone]: "?!!!"

[Evil Queen]: "Ahem, let's not talk, my throat is a little swollen and sore, he exerted too much force, (??w??) I'm going to have a good sleep, goodbye!"

【Everyone】: "(wДw)!!"

What does it mean to have a little swelling and pain, please explain clearly!

Also, what are the other ways!

Why do I always feel that something strange and indescribable happened at the queen's house last night!

[Burning Ghost]: "(wДw) Queen, please explain more clearly! What happened to that guy! Queen! Queen!"

[Skeleton Demon]: "(Sluggish) Are you kidding me! Are you kidding me! Could it be that the human kid not only didn't die, but also gave... the powerful Queen of Evil Spirits away?!"


Lynn turned off the regional channel at an unimaginable speed, staring, sweating like heavy rain.


I do not have!

Don't guess!

That female evil spirit is too open, why can she say anything casually!

Lynn shook his head vigorously.

Although it is said that I did play some ambiguous games at night, it definitely didn't go to the crackling step, no!

Lynn forced himself to calm down.

Turn off the regional channel.

Decided not to think about those strange things.

Lynn began to carefully explore other functions of the horizon.

After all, Vision may become another direction for my future development. If I can open an online store similar to Hyundai, that would be great.


It didn't take long for Lynn to figure out some basic functions of the horizon.

After finding out, Lynn also became more and more suspicious of whether the so-called supreme will really came from the same place as him.

Because of many elements, it is really too similar to online games.

First of all.

1. In the horizon, all creatures can publish information to the outside world, and you can charge a fee, but when publishing information, you need to pay a part of the skull coin as a procedure.

2. You can publish in your area, or you can choose to publish in Pansight or a larger area, but you need corresponding permissions and higher fees.

3. In addition to the [Regional Channel] corresponding to each square, there is also a wider range of [Boundary Channel], and the largest public [World Channel].

That's right!

It is because of the words [World Channel] that Lin En highly doubts the composition of this horizon.

Because the painting style does not match!

4. You can consume part of the skull coins to register your own store and identity in the field of vision, but you need to charge 1 black skull coin every day.

That's right!

A whole day of 1000 skull coins!

5. In addition to trading in the horizon, you can also accept tasks issued by various creatures in specific areas, and exchange them for skull coins.

It can be said.

This horizon is almost an independent economic system by itself.

If it weren't for the fact that most of the people walking among them were dark creatures, he even thought he had logged into a large online game!

And 6!

It was also the point that Lynn found that made him focus the most.

In the field of vision, there is also a place called [Contract Territory] that is different from other fields.

According to the introduction above, prayers and sacrifices from the worlds on various lands will be collected here, and delivered to the dark world in real time.

And as long as the conditions are met, you can sign a temporary contract with a creature on the ground.

Let you come to the world where the creatures on the ground are in the form of [Demon Summoning]. After completing the contract, you will get the sacrifices offered by the creatures on the ground.

"If that's the case..." Lynn thought.

"Will there be prayers from the earth, and if so, can I go home this way?"

This is indeed a very exciting thing.

Because for a teenager.

Two years away from home.

Still in such a dark world.

It would be a lie to say that I miss home.

But Lynn is not in a hurry, he has other things to do now.

"Teleport, trading area!"

Lynn clicked on the rune in his hand.

And that is the next moment.

A six-pointed star magic circle shining with blue light emerged from under his feet, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.


[Sin City high-end weapon shop: sell black stone giant shields, suitable for humanoid creatures, price: 11 black skull coins, focus on the field of vision for teleportation. 】

[Beholder Mechanics Store: Provide limb remodeling services, sell high-level mana cores, prices are negotiable, and teleport with focused vision! 】

[Cyclops Slave Shop: Sell Violet World [Fox Lady] x1, white and beautiful, mentally controllable, trainable and raiseable, price: 5 black skull coins, focus on vision for teleportation. 】

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