Another World: My life is on the hook!

Chapter 230 Mr. Raven, Come Back Quickly

[5:59 a.m., observation record]: Warning!Starting today, the observers who contact the target will be strictly limited to men, and observers will be prohibited from having any unnecessary communication with the target, and it is also forbidden to develop friendship and super-friendship with the target!

[Remarks]: This is simply the most absurd violation that has occurred during this period of time! Observer No. 1 was monitored and did not leave the target's hut for a whole night. During this period, there were bursts of strange noises and laughter inside. When leaving in the morning, the shift change staff reported that Observer No. 1 had obvious abnormalities such as flushed face and shy eyes. ...

[Appendix]: Observer No. 1 protested during the psychological investigation, and denied any form of super-friendship relationship with the target, but did not deny that he violated the rules. When talking about the target, he said that he was a capable A contagious gentleman with good words... ps: After sorting out this incident, it will be reported to Mr. Raven in a unified way.

[ps]: The observation record will continue until Mr. Raven returns.

[7:04 am, observation record]: Chief Blackhead came to visit the target and asked for greater freedom and better food treatment. After the organization voted, it was rejected by nine votes and agreed by one vote The huge score, forced to agree to this plan...

[8:02 am, observation record]: Chief Blackhead communicated with the target in the house, and the content of the communication will be forbidden to be recorded.

[8:32 a.m., observation record]: A number of undead night doctors hurried to the target location, suspected to have received orders from Chief Blackhead.

[9:[-] a.m., observation record]: Multiple times of intense white light reappeared in the target house.

[9:12 a.m., observation record]: There were continuous cries in the target room. It was shocking and unimaginable. All the night doctors of the undead department had recovered their bodies. It was like a miracle.

[Appendix]: With the permission of Chief Blackhead, we recorded this incident. According to the dictation of Chief Blackhead, the target is suspected to have a special ability that can restore the creature to its past form, which lasts for about an hour. It was unbelievable. After this incident, all undead night doctors' favorability towards the target increased greatly.

[Remarks]: As an adjutant who observes the target and puts him under house arrest, I am very worried about this, because among the 23 night doctors stationed here on this trip, 7 of the undead night doctors, including Chief Blackhead, have shown The obvious favor for the target, this has to make people vigilant.

[Remarks]: Fortunately, except for Chief Blackhead, the three oldest seniors in the group are still standing firmly on my side, and clearly reprimanded this kind of people who are too close to the target Behavior, and said that I will personally give a solemn warning and deterrence to the target, which makes me very pleased.

[11:52 p.m., observation record]: Three senior night doctors from the decision-making team entered the target house with gloomy expressions, and sternly demanded to stop monitoring.

[12:[-] noon, observation record]: The target house lit up with white light several times.

[12:21 noon, observation record]: The three seniors seem to have come out in a very young (* ̄︶ ̄) state!If it weren't for the night doctor's exclusive identification method, I would have been unable to recognize them...God...they have become so young...this...this...

[1:[-] noon, observation record]: The three seniors expressed great praise and appreciation for the target.


[15:43 p.m., observation record]: The target is in a good mood, and once again made a request for treatment for the townspeople. After discussion, the target happily agreed.

[16:04 p.m., observation record]: I feel that something is wrong. On the way to treat the townspeople, many night doctors, including Chief Blackhead and the three decision-making team chiefs, The target showed great kindness and patience, and personally guided the operation and explained the medicine... This...

[18:04 p.m., observation record]: The treatment operation was successfully completed, and most of the townspeople's illnesses have been cured. Twelve senior night doctors personally sent the target back to the house...

[20:32 p.m., observation record]: The target proposed to hold a bonfire party to thank the townspeople and night doctors for their care during this time.It is simply absurd to categorically refuse.

[20:50 p.m., recording]: Discussed by the decision-making group... The target request was happily agreed...

[At 22 o'clock in the evening, observation record]: The bonfire party that lasted for an hour ended perfectly. The target got drunk and hooked up with several night doctor companions. But was stopped.

[Appendix]: Something is wrong!Something is wrong!The situation seems to be getting out of control!Now more than half of the colleagues have developed a good impression of him, and even the members of the decision-making team have been influenced by him, but aren't we here to strictly monitor and review him? !

[Remarks]: Similar things must be strictly prohibited!

[Remarks]: As Chief Raven's adjutant, I must take responsibility. Tomorrow, I must personally warn and review him, especially his ability to change people back to their previous appearance, which is simply absurd!We are ascetics walking in darkness!How can we casually change our attitude towards him just because we miss the past!This is simply absurd!

[7:21 a.m., observation record]: Ms. the deputy team leader angrily came to the hut of the subject under house arrest.

[7:26 a.m., observation record]: Severe scolding and questioning voices came from the room.

[7:41 in the morning, observation record]: There was a white light in the house again.

[9:01 in the morning, observation record]: A...a little loli in a beautiful pink dress walked out of the room with a flushed face...before leaving, she shyly bid farewell to the target, through reluctant features With the night doctor's costume in her arms, it can be preliminarily concluded...she seems to be the deputy team leader who went in before...mygod...

[12:[-] noon, observation record]: I... I don't know if I should record... Chief Blackhead, Ms. Deputy Team Leader, and several executives in the group... They seem to be considering whether to hold a meeting It's time to bring the target too... This... They seem to be in the same group...

[16:6 p.m., observation record]: The fifth internal meeting of the night medical team was held. The content of the meeting was focused on whether to cure those werewolves in stages. 5 votes were in favor and [-] votes were against. Mr. Lynn cast the key Sexual vote.

[17:[-] p.m., observation record]: The night medical team proposed whether to suspend the observation record and review of the target. The meeting had a heated and full discussion. At the meeting, Mr. Lynn strongly opposed this irresponsible violation , In the end, Mr. Lynn united with many members and succeeded in rejecting this irresponsible proposal with a gap of one vote.

[20:43 p.m., observation record]: o(╥﹏╥)o Mr. Raven!Mr. Raven, come back soon... The target has successfully penetrated into our organization... If you don't come back... I'm afraid the team will have to start anew...


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