Silver Fantasy stared at him in a daze.

Of course she knew all this.

Because this is the most basic course that you must master when you get started with mechanics.

For example, the simplest program is to set up the machine gun turret to monitor within the range. If it is a mechanical unit, it will not fire. If it is not a mechanical unit, it will immediately pull the trigger and cover the fire.

"What you mean is..."

Lin En nodded and said seriously:

"If machines can do it, why can't the rules that are everywhere around us do it?"

Silver Fantasy suddenly shuddered, which made her feel waves of cold power.

"This is ridiculous..."

She said subconsciously.

Because most people would never think about it in this way, because those are the objective things and rules that exist in the world, and no one would compare them to man-made machines.

And the meaning of Lin En's words is even more radical and far-reaching than manipulating the rules.

Because he wants to set rules and establish higher rules!

Linn whispered:

"This is just a possibility, a hypothesis, but I'm thinking, if this situation can really be realized...then this bloated machine will come alive, and the entire main universe will also come alive?"

Establish higher rules for the rules, give the rules higher authority and capabilities, instead of just maintaining the existence of all things in a stagnant and rigid manner as before.

Those disorderly creatures that broke in, those polluters that broke in!

Since you do not conform to the order and rules of our world, you will have to bear the price. You will have to be subjected to the greatest rejection and attack from our world!

Every space under your feet.

The wind you can feel, the scenery you can see, the objects you can touch.

Everything you feel in this world is against you!

Lynn slowly opened her eyes.

"Why not?"

The God King told him not to use the power of the First Born to offset it, because even if you control the entire main universe, it is like a drop in the ocean compared to Chaos.

But then Lynn thought about it for a long time.

But he thought he had figured it out.

You can't make this comparison because this is not a decisive battle on the great plains, nor is it about bringing two legions together and comparing them based on paper data.

Because he was not dealing with the entire chaotic deep space, he was only dealing with that disaster!

And that disaster cannot represent all the disorder!

Lynn's eyes flickered.

"The Painter told me that the disaster is gradually developing its own thinking ability. It can attack and kill the ravens in a targeted manner, launch a time war, and corrupt the creatures of the main universe to give birth to those polluters..."

"All these show that he has his own clear will and judgment."

"But for a disordered being..."

"What price will it cost to have the will to order?"

He looked up.

Because the jailer has to bear the risk of being drowned at any time, the painter has to use a long sleep to resist the invasion of disorder on her will, because this is the price that anyone who tries to make disorder and order coexist must pay.

The clearer your will is.

The more disorder there is, the more it will move away from you.

Because will itself is also a product of order.

Because he knew the price paid by the painter.

In that ancient era of the Three Pillars, the [Painter] who possessed his will was no match for the third disordered [Musician].

Her size was greatly weakened.

And if the Sleeper can also bear such a price...

That might not be a bad thing for the entire main universe.

Lin En took a deep breath and said:

"Of course, these are just my inferences and guesses. If the disaster represents the Lord of the End himself, then no one knows whether the gradual return of his will will cause him to reduce his size like the painter."

Silver Fantasy listened to his grand speculation and vision for the future in one breath. She stared blankly at Lin En who was sitting in front of her.

Although many of the things he said were just one-sided assumptions, they even made people feel absurd and unrealistic.

But it's obvious.

He is indeed looking for a way out for the future.

Find a way for all of them to survive...

for a long time.

Silver fantasized: "I never thought you would think so much..."

Lin En whispered, "Because people are forced to do things, especially when this responsibility falls on you, even if you want to escape, there is no way back."

The silver fantasy eyes looked at him and said:

"Do you think you can do that?"

Not to mention the grand narratives.

It's just the most basic thing, to make the world they live in move and to develop a set of enemy response mechanisms for them.

Let all the disordered beings that dare to appear in the main universe be shaken by a little rule.

Lin En shook his head and said, "I'm trying, but for now, there are no very good results. I still know too little about the power and laws of the First Born. But if my idea is really feasible, then maybe..."

Linn raised his head.

"That God King can do it."

Establish a set of rules for all the laws of the main universe.


It doesn't need to be that grand.

If it succeeds, it will only require planning for an area.

In this area, all disorderly entities will be actively rejected and attacked by the rules. They can either leave or accept the rules of this area and become part of this system.

And when that time comes.

Then the main universe will truly become the home ground for these ordered creatures!

"I believe you."

Silver Fantasy looked at him, her eyes still as tough as ever.

Lynn was taken aback.

Silver Fantasy grabbed his hand, held it tightly, looked at him and said:

"Because the scary thing is not whether or not we can do it, but being so confused that we don't even have a direction. But whether it's the path to becoming a god that you proposed to everyone, or this grand vision that you've proposed now..."

"This shows that you have become a truly qualified leader."

"So I believe you."

"Even if the future proves that all this is wrong, we will definitely move forward side by side, even if it is really a dead darkness without light."

She held his hand tightly.

Tighter than ever.

Lin En looked at the determined mechanical girl in front of him, he slowly closed his eyes, the expression on his face seemed to finally get a moment of relaxation, he smiled, the long-standing fatigue that had been hidden in the deepest part of his eyes seemed to finally get a little comfort in this moment of confession.

"Thank you, Ms. Omnic."

"You're also...becoming more and more like my family."

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