Douluo Royal Beast conquers Xiao Wu as a rabbit maid

Chapter 57 Soul Power Memory Crystal

"Master, why don't you let Da Ming and Er Ming capture Tang Hao and let me kill him?"

Ah Yin immediately turned to He Dan and asked He Dan Dao sternly.

Now she just wants to kill Tang Hao, the man who has been deceiving her and only using her as a tool.

"Yeah, why did you let that bastard Tang Hao go?"

Xiao Wu also asked He Dandao sharply.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong also looked at He Dan in confusion.

"Now that you have just learned the truth of the matter, there is nothing else in your mind except hatred for Tang Hao."

"If I were to kill Tang Hao now, would you still want to continue living?"

He Dan asked A Yin indifferently.

He knew that Ah Yin had just learned the truth of the matter, and it was very likely that he had no other idea except to kill Tang Hao himself.

Once Tang Hao is killed, Ah Yin will have no other goals, and Ah Yin will most likely give up on surviving.


After Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing heard this, they realized the seriousness of the matter and looked at A Yin.


Ah Yin suddenly became speechless. She hadn't thought so much just now, she just wanted to kill Tang Hao.

But after being asked by He Dan, she thought for a moment, and it seemed that after killing Tang Hao, she really didn't want to continue living.

"You don't need to worry about it, I just want to kill Tang Hao now!"

"Hurry up and ask Da Ming and Er Ming to capture Tang Hao for me. I will kill him with my own hands."

"I must kill him with my own hands!"

Ah Yin roared and said, her eyes full of anger and her delicate body trembling.

"Sister Ah Yin!"

Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong looked at A Yin and felt very distressed, especially Xiao Wu.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong could see that Ah Yin must have been a very gentle and kind person before, but now he has become like this.

Xiao Wu knew that Ah Yin was so gentle and kind before, but now she has turned into this.


He Dan still said calmly.

"I understand, you want to get me, right?"

"After I kill Tang Hao, I will definitely not seek death. I am willing to listen to you and serve you for the rest of my life. Even if you ask me to sign a contract with you in the future and become your soul ring, I will be willing to do it, right?"

"I beg you, please let Da Ming and Er Ming capture Tang Hao and let me kill him?"

Ah Yin begged He Dan at the top of her lungs. While waiting for Tang Hao to arrive, Ah Yin had already learned from Xiaowu and the others what they knew about He Dan.

But even the person he loves and trusts the most has been betrayed by him, and Ah Yin doesn't trust any human beings now.

She felt that He Dan was definitely not doing this to help her, but to use her just like Tang Hao did back then, wanting her to become his soul ring and soul bone.

She just wanted to kill Tang Hao now, even if she had to sell herself to He Dan to do so.

"Sister Ah Yin!"

Seeing A Yin's appearance, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong felt even more distressed, and their beautiful eyes couldn't help but sparkle with tears.


He Dan still said calmly.




"Isn't that enough?"

"What do you want from me? Why are you willing to let Da Ming and Er Ming capture Tang Hao and let me kill him with my own hands?"

Ah Yin asked her birthday congratulations one after another in a hoarse voice.

"I want to get your sincerity, I want to pull you out of the abyss of just wanting revenge."

"I want you to be able to bloom a beautiful smile from the inside out like Zhuqing, Xiaowu and Rongrong."

He Dan looked at Ah Yin, smiled and said lightly.


When Ah Yin heard this, he suddenly stood still and fell silent.

Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were also stunned for a moment.

Because He Dan had always looked indifferent just now, they didn't expect He Dan to say such words.

"Of course, this is just one of them."

"I won't let you kill Tang Hao now. Secondly, what I just said is to prevent you from losing the motivation to live after killing him."

"The third time I killed Tang Hao like this, it was too easy for him."

"We will expose his true face in front of the world in the future, let the world see what kind of person he is, worse than a beast, let him be despised by the world, and then kill him."

"The purpose of coming here is to give you motivation and time to practice again. In the future, you can actually kill Tang Hao with your own hands to take revenge."

"Rather than relying on the power of Da Ming and Er Ming to kill Tang Hao, wouldn't it be better for you to kill Tang Hao yourself?"

He Dan then said to Ah Yin with a smile.

"But Tang Hao is so despicable and shameless. Even if we reveal his true face in front of the world, he will refuse to admit it, and he will even bite us back!"

"Besides, Tang Hao is so powerful and already over fifty years old. By the time I can practice again to the point where I can kill him with my own hands, he will already be dead."

Ah Yin expressed her worries.

"And my heart is dead. I will never fall in love with anyone again."

Ah Yin said to He Dan calmly again.

"Don't worry, I have a way to help you practice again to the point where you can kill Tang Hao with your own hands before Tang Hao dies."

"I also have proof that no matter how hard Tang Hao refuses to admit it, his ugly behavior cannot be covered up."

"I will definitely make your heart come back to life and get your sincerity."

He Dan said with great certainty.


Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and A Yin were all very surprised when they heard this.

【Ding!The shock value from Zhu Zhuqing is +521! 】


As soon as He Dan finished speaking, he took out a white hexagonal crystal stone engraved with runes directly from the system space.

This is not an ordinary crystal, but a soul memory crystal. As long as it is activated with soul power, it can record images.

Then activate it with soul power, and you can project the recorded image three-dimensionally.

He had previously taken Zhu Zhuqing and the others into the different space of his martial spirit, and after reviewing the combat skills of the Chinese Close Combat Technique, he had spent [-] points of shock value to exchange for this soul power memory crystal.

When Tang Hao came here just now, he had already started it and recorded everything in the system space.

He had no intention of killing Tang Hao, so he reserved this move.

"what is this?"

Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and A Yin looked at the soul memory crystal in He Dan's hand and felt very puzzled.

"This is called the Soul Power Memory Crystal, which can record and project images."

He Danyan explained briefly and concisely, then first turned off the memory function of the soul memory crystal, and then directly turned on the projection function.


The soul memory crystal immediately projected the scenes, sounds, and images from when Tang Hao arrived, all of which were very three-dimensional.

"This is the image from just now!"

Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and A Yin were all very surprised when they looked at the three-dimensional image in front of them.

Because they have not seen the soul power memory crystal, nor have they seen anything similar.

However, when they looked at such a three-dimensional image, they were very sure that no matter how much Tang Hao refused to admit it in the future, as long as they showed this, no one would believe Tang Hao.


"Why on earth are you helping me like this?"

Ah Yin looked at the three-dimensional image and asked He Dandao in confusion.

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