Douluo's previous life

Chapter 3 Chapter 3 The Body of the Ice Jade Scorpion

How could she not have imagined that Electrolux died trying to save them all. At that time, whether it was Tianmeng, Ice Emperor or Snow Girl, they all had the desire to die. But it was the undead holy law god and undead scourge Electrolux who had divine consciousness who finally gave his life.

Huo Yu howled in pain, but Electrolux could no longer be seen. Only some of the memories he left behind slowly merged into Huo Yu's spiritual sea, including a sealing technique, the memory of the previous sealing spirit that created the Snow Emperor's soul, as well as the spells and the experience gained by Electrolux.

If possible, Huo Yu would rather die herself, but she knew very well that if she, the carrier, died, no one would survive. But at this time, how could she think rationally about everything? In her heart, there was only intense sadness and pain.

This cry continued until everything fell into darkness again, and her consciousness fell into silence again.

In the dark sleep, she seemed to see many people, but she seemed to be the only one. The heavy sadness pressed in her heart and could not be relieved.

When Huo Yu woke up again, her spiritual sea seemed to have recovered somewhat due to her deep sleep. Except for the significant reduction in volume, everything seemed to be normal. It's just that the lively scene where the four major spiritual imprints of Tianmeng, Ice Emperor, Snow Girl, and Electrolux gathered in the past no longer exists, and the entire spiritual sea is deserted.

Huo Yu stared at the cold sea of ​​spirit, patted his cheeks with both hands, and said to himself: "We can't do this anymore, we can't live up to the teacher and everyone's expectations!"

After concentrating his mind, Huo Yu left the sea of ​​spirit. The moment he took control of his body, he felt that his body was too heavy to move at all. She was not in a hurry. Even though the current situation was too much beyond common sense, the quality of an extreme individual soldier still kept her calm.

The soul power circulated throughout the body, and the discomfort was relieved a little. Huo Yu raised his hand in surprise and moved. No, he raised his front paws, which went smoothly. But when she wanted to move her feet, her six long legs refused to obey her. Fortunately, she seemed to be buried in the snow, otherwise she would have performed a crooked dance.

Huo Yu opened her eyes. When she woke up for the first time, she saw a white snowfield, but now she was buried in the snow, and her eyes were dark.

Huo Yu recovered some soul power, but was in no hurry to take action. According to the teacher's photo, she is not in the environment she is familiar with, or even in the familiar time and space. She has no strength, so she should not act rashly.

Running the Xuantian Technique to absorb the energy of heaven and earth, Huo Yu thought that the most important thing now was to get familiar with the body of the Ice Jade Scorpion, and to be wary of the unfamiliar environment around him, to understand the era he was in now, and whether there was any way to go back.

Because he was not familiar with the body and didn't know what the cultivation level of this ice jade scorpion was, Huo Yu felt that when his soul power was almost restored, he raised his two front claws and dug upward based on his feeling.

In general, in snowfields, soul beasts often hide under the snow, because ice attribute soul beasts can be better improved in close contact with snow.

Huo Yu seemed to have slept for a long time, because the ice jade scorpion's powerful front claws were unable to dig through the snow immediately.

When she dragged her heavy body crookedly out of the snowdrift, she felt that if she were still human at this time, she would have been sweating all over, and then it would turn into ice and stick to her body in the cold wind of the far north.

Yes, the far north.

The vast expanse of snowfield is filled with dazzling white snow. Because of the low temperature, the light in the sky is slightly distorted, giving the sky a strange and dazzling colorful halo. If it weren't for this unique colored halo, Huo Yu even doubted that he would be blinded.

Because of this unique scene, Huo Yu has only seen it in the far north.

Because there were many speculations, Huo Yu was not too surprised by coming to the far north. She felt it and found that there was no soul beast that could threaten her within ten miles, so she breathed a sigh of relief. She waved her front pincers in front of her to condense an ice crystal. The ice crystal was not big, but it was enough for Huo Yu to observe the appearance of various parts of her body. , this is the simplest ice control technique.

Even though he had been mentally prepared, Huo Yu couldn't help but be startled when he saw his appearance. The body of about one meter is more delicate and smaller than most soul beasts, and its whole body is not only ice blue but also beautiful turquoise. The familiar protrusions like diamond carvings are densely covered on the scorpion's front body and its six slender and powerful legs. Under the light of the snow, it exudes an unparalleled brilliance.

The two front pincers are half the length of the body. The clips and mouthparts at the front of the front pincers are silver-white, shining with a faint cold light.

A pair of eyes is a different ice blue from the Ice Emperor, as if two pieces of crystal are dotted on this body like a work of art.

In addition to the front pincers, the long scorpion tail is also a sharp weapon. There are nine sections in the scorpion tail. Each section is a beautiful green color. The green color is shining with the luster of life. The nine sections are the same color. The section closest to the upper body is the widest and narrows towards the back. . At the last section, the tail hook, which also had diamond particles, was raised high, and the tip was also the tip of the hook with silver-white mirror luster.

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