Douluo angel glory

Chapter 80 Improper Relationship

"You are so insidious!"

"Hehe, each other."

Yun Guang did not continue talking about this.

"Tell me, if I only keep one prince, will Xue Ye notice anything?"

Dugu Bo thought for a while and said hesitantly: "Xue Ye is also Tiandou's emperor after all. Although Tiandou is not like Xing Luo, Xue Ye is not a waste either. I'm afraid it won't end well when the time comes."

"It doesn't end well? Is he relying on guesswork? There is no evidence. It's a frame-up. Maybe Xingluo will talk about my wolfish ambitions in Wuhun Palace and ask for alliance?"

Speaking of which, no matter how disdainful Qian Renxuan is towards Tiandou or Xue Ye, he must be cautious.

"There is no need to kill them all. Let's poison the second prince first, and then poison Xue Ye. First, I wish Emperor Xue Ye a speedy death."

"It is better to poison Xue Ye with a chronic poison, one that cannot be discovered." Yun Guang added.

Looking at these two people, where does this Xueye Emperor appear in their eyes? What is the Great Emperor to both of them? Xue Ye is nothing more than rubbish, and none of them really care.

The army can intercept or even kill the title, but that's just to get trapped in, do evil things to the royal family, and then run away... That's quite easy, especially for Tiandou.

If it weren't for Tiandou Jiaxing and the "three upper sects" really unite, it would be bad news for Wuhun Palace.

But how can the alliance be so successful?

To put it bluntly, the alliance is nothing more than the fact that Wuhun Palace is so powerful that they cannot fight against it. Only by joining together can we have a chance to survive.

Or maybe Wuhun Palace is weak to a certain extent, but now it doesn't meet any of the requirements, and the entire continent still maintains a weak balance.

Whether it is the three Sects or the two empires, their interests are now inconsistent, so it is naturally impossible to reach a so-called alliance.

And what else can we call an alliance if its internal interests are inconsistent? Even if it succeeds, there is no threat.

As long as Wuhun Palace continues to maintain a weak balance, it will give them the illusion that Wuhun Palace is also afraid of them.

And Qian Renxue is the final kill. The gods on Douluo may not be as strong as some fantasy, but it is enough for these mortals.

It was definitely a one-sided massacre.

As for becoming a god, he cannot interfere with the lower realm?

If he remembered correctly... After becoming a god, you have time to stay on the mainland, so...

But maybe Qian Renxue doesn’t need to become a god!


But now I have to remind Dugu Bo one thing, otherwise when he destroys Lan Dian in the future, will he also kill Dugu Yan and Dugu Bo by the way?

"Dugu Bo, how old is your granddaughter?"

"I just awakened my martial spirit not long ago."

I probably didn't go to Tiandou Royal Academy at this time. Even if I went, I still wouldn't know that Yu... What is Yu?

Anyway, they are not a couple yet, so there is a lot of room for maneuver.

"Do you want him to go to Tiandou Royal Academy?"

Dugu Bo was stunned for a moment, not expecting Qian Renxuan to ask this question.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is? If what you have done is exposed, then your granddaughter will not be safe! And if there is an improper relationship or an inappropriate bond...then do you think I should take action?"

He did not directly tell Dugu Bo all the plans of Wuhun Palace, and now he did not have such trust in Dugu Bo.

Although he already knew the character of Dugu Bo's original work, this was a real world and he could not make a big mistake.

Now I only rely on my strength and saving him... to conquer him, but trust him in the future!

I can only make insinuations.

"Do you still know about inappropriate relationships?"

Yun Guang's tone was full of teasing.


Qian Renxuan was not to be outdone: "I know a lot more."

"Then why don't I know?"


"Ah yes yes yes!!!"

Qian Renxuan also ignored her and said to Dugu Bo, "What do you think?"

"I think what you said is right, but we can't just let Yanyan stay in the Sunset Forest. In addition to Tiandou Royal Academy, there are also..."

"Stop, stop... why do you have to be confined to the academy? Although the academy has a mimetic training environment, who are you? Although you are a gatekeeper, you are also banned. You should be more open-minded."

How to let go? ? ? Dugu Bo was slightly embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

"Look at me, I've never been to Wuhundian Academy, but am I affecting anything? It's not affecting anything."

"You, the young master of Wuhun Palace, of course..." Dugu Bo muttered a few words in a low voice.

"You probably don't know how old I am yet, please take a guess."

Dugu Bo looked at Qian Renxuan carefully and estimated a number in his mind: "Nine years old?"

Qian Renxuan smiled: "It's close."

"So ten years old?"

He really wanted to complain, but he held it back: "Eight years old."

Dugu Bo wasn't too surprised by this. After all, at his age, there was nothing surprising.

Next is the main event.

"What level do you think my soul power should be at my age?"

And Dugu Bo was also thinking about it. Most people said that this thing all depends on talent. If the talent is not will be useless no matter how hard you try.

How could the young master in Wuhun Hall not have talent? Although he has never heard of Qian Renxuan.

But there is no way that a good-for-nothing could be the young master and have a peak ninety-eighth level Douluo obey him.

Take the tenth level as an example. Some people are born with it, while others have to practice for many years.

Naturally, he has to flatter him now. Based on his innate soul power, he is now eight years old and can only upgrade his soul power by a few levels in a year. He is adding more and more...

"Level ?"

When he said this... he actually didn't believe it himself, it was so outrageous.

Will it seem too fake? Then he offended the young master of Wuhun Palace while Dugu Bo was still struggling.

Qian Renxuan spoke.


This level is not too outrageous for him, because he is at the innate level 10, plus the god-given level 10, which means he is almost level 5 and a half in a year!

But for Dugu Boban, this was a complete fantasy, which exploded his outlook on life. If he was drinking water, he would definitely have vomited it out.

"Ahem, how is this possible, how is this possible?" Dugu Bo kept saying to himself, the impact was really too great.

He never thought that Qian Renxuan would lie to him, because was this necessary?

He originally thought that what he added was outrageous enough, but he didn't expect that the reality was even more outrageous and magical, eight years old and thirty-one? Why don't you go to heaven? ? ?

"Don't be surprised, this is called genius, isn't it?"

Dugu Bo was silent for a moment... He also agreed with this point of view: "It is true that this kind of talent is unprecedented, not to mention unprecedented, but it is definitely unprecedented."

"So Yanyan goes to Wuhun Hall?"

This made Qian Renxuan stunned for a moment. Does this have anything to do with going to Wuhun Palace? He didn't think so at all.


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