AD 189.

General He Jin listened to Yuan Shao's words in order to eliminate the troubles caused by officials.

He led Dong Zhuo to the capital, but he died unexpectedly. He Jin's faction and the eunuch faction perished together.

Dong Zhuo reaped the benefits of being a fisherman and took charge of the capital. He defiled the harem and held the emperor hostage to order the princes. All the officials dared to be angry but dared not speak out.

The four-hundred-year-old Han Dynasty's foundation was on the verge of collapse.

"Brother, brother, you really hit the mark."

"After Cao Mengde failed to assassinate Dong, he indeed joined forces with Yuan Shao to issue a proclamation on behalf of the emperor."

"Calling the princes of the world to attack the national traitor Dong Zhuo."

"All the heroes in the world, including eighteen towns and princes, responded one after another."

"My big man is finally saved!"

In the magistrate's mansion of Zhending County, Changshan County, Jizhou, a young man in white robe broke into the backyard of the magistrate's mansion with an excited expression.

Under a big tree in the backyard, a young man in green shirt was lazily lying on a wicker chair to enjoy the cool air.

The cattail leaf fan in his hand kept fanning, as if to fan away the summer heat.

Looking at his brother lying under the big tree to enjoy the shade, the white-robed boy's eyes were full of admiration.

My brother is so awesome, he can guess everything!

It's like a god descending to earth, and he can predict events like a god!

"Zilong, how many times have I told you, don't just take everything at face value."

"Although Yuan Shao's coalition forces are powerful, most of the soldiers under their command are newly recruited militiamen, who have never been on the battlefield."

"In addition to the Xiliang Army controlled by Dong Zhuo, he also had the Central Forbidden Army controlled by his younger brother Dong Min, the Bingzhou Army controlled by Lu Bu, the Huayin Army controlled by Duan Xuan, the Xuantu Army controlled by Xu Rong, and Dong Zhuo's son-in-law Niu Fu. The Anyi army under control."

"These are my most elite soldiers. Who do you think will win in a battle between the two armies?!"

The young man in green shirt yawned after hearing this, stood up slowly, stretched and explained.

Among the princes in the world today, who is the strongest, it must be Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo basically controlled 70% of the elite soldiers of the Han Dynasty.

If you fight head-on with the eighteen princes, you can definitely defeat the eighteen princes.

It's a pity that Dong Zhuo, who had mastered so many lions, was frightened by the eighteen princes.

After Lu Bu's defeat, he became frightened and fled to Chang'an.

Since then, ambition has been lost.

Otherwise, everyone in the world would have the surname Dong.

"Brother, are you saying that Yuan Shao and the others failed to attack the board of directors this time?!"

Zhao Yun was slightly startled after hearing this. Obviously, this result was not what he wanted.

I thought the big man could be saved, but I didn't expect that my brother actually said that the coalition forces would be defeated.

"Yes, the defeat of the coalition forces is an inevitable result."

Zhao Xian explained slowly.

There seemed to be many princes in the Eighteenth Route, but how many of them actually came to attack Dong sincerely?

They were all using the name of this campaign to expand their territory and military strength and strengthen their own strength.

The leader of the alliance, Yuan Shao, directed Dong Zhuo's move to take control of Luoyang, and the deputy leader of the alliance, Yuan Shu, even wanted to be emperor.

When this group of people gather together, it is a joke that the heroes attack Dong.

"Is this the end of my four-hundred-year-old legacy?"

Hearing his brother's answer, Zhao Yun's eyes were a little gloomy and disappointed.

"If the world is united for a long time, it will divide, and if it is divided for a long time, it will unite. This is the general trend."

"The life of the great man has come to an end, and the world will be in chaos next."

"With the abilities of you and my brothers, if you find a master to assist you, great things will be accomplished!"

"When the people live and work in peace and contentment, it won't matter whether the world is a big man or not."

Zhao Xianzhan patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder and comforted him.

Only in troubled times can heroes emerge.

With his foresight of the future and understanding of the characters in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

The two brothers will surely make great achievements here.

Even being crowned king and prime minister is not impossible.

"What my brother is saying is that as long as the people of the world can live and work in peace and contentment, it doesn't matter whether the world is big or not!"

After hearing his brother's words, Zhao Yun's eyes, which were dim just now, gradually brightened.

It was as if a new path had been found.

The people live and work in peace and contentment, so what if the world is not a big man!

The people of Zhending County are living better and better under their brother's management.

"Brother, who should we seek refuge with?"

Zhao Yun asked Zhao Xian, wanting to know who among the heroes in the world they were going to seek refuge with.

"There are only two people in the world today who are worthy of our refuge."

Zhao Xian picked up a branch, drew two circles on the ground and said.

"Which two people are they?"

Zhao Yun was curious to know which two people could get into his brother's eyes.

"One of them is that Cao Cao and Cao Mengde failed to assassinate Dong."

Zhao Feng took the branch and pointed it in a circle on the ground.

"Mr. Cao is a righteous man, and Zilong admires him very much."

Zhao Yun nodded and said.

It would be fine if it belonged to Cao Cao.

In ancient times, Jing Ke assassinated Qin, and now Cao Cao assassinated Dong. Zhao Yun admired his righteousness and would be willing to follow such a person.

"Brother, what about the other person?"

Zhao Yun asked curiously, not knowing who the other person was.

"The other person's name is Liu Bei."

Zhao Feng clicked on another circle and continued.

"Liu Bei?"

"Brother, who is this and why I have never heard of him."

Zhao Yun frowned.

Why had I never heard of a person who could make his brother willingly assist him?

"Liu Bei, also known as Xuande, is a descendant of King Jing of Zhongshan and a clan member of the Han Dynasty. He is currently serving as the magistrate of Pingyuan County in Pingyuan County, Qingzhou due to his meritorious service in killing the Yellow Turban Army."

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it."

Zhao Xian introduced slowly.

There are six counties in Qingzhou, and Guangyuan County has nine counties. With Liu Bei's current status, it is normal that Zhao Yun has never heard of him.

And Liu Bei's experience is similar to his.

Five years ago, when he was still a fifteen-year-old boy, Zhang Jiao launched the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

The magistrate of Zhending County abandoned the people and fled.

It was Zhao Xian who led the people and officials of Zhending County to resist the Yellow Turban Army's attack, and thus saved Zhending County.

Zhao Xian was also named magistrate of Zhending County for his meritorious service in resisting the Yellow Turban Army, and was deeply loved by the people.

However, a county magistrate is a county magistrate. A bigger official is only known to the people around him, and a further official is a nobody.

"Liu Bei, a clan member of the Han Dynasty..."

After hearing this, Zhao Yun secretly didn't know what he was thinking.

"Zilong, besides Liu Bei, he also has two sworn brothers named Guan Yu and Zhang Fei."

"His bravery is not inferior to yours, Zilong."

"After the war against Dong is over, there will be no one in the world who doesn't know their names!"

Zhao Yun looked confused and didn't know what to think. Zhao Xian continued to explain.

Don't look at Liu Guan and Zhang being unknown now, but after this attack on Dong.

Liu Bei's name as a clan member of the Han Dynasty, Liu Guan, Zhang Sanying's deeds against Lu Bu, they will become heroes in the eyes of the world.

In this feudal society, if you want to get ahead, you can have no money or food.

But it must be famous!

Cao Cao had righteous people to join him because he had a reputation for assassinating Dong.

Liu Bei's ability to help others relied on the reputation of his Han clan clan and the pride of the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang.

Therefore, Cao Cao and Liu Bei are both potential stocks.

"Is there such a hero in the world?!"

Zhao Yun was a little unbelievable after hearing this.

I have long heard from my brother that the number one in the world today is Dong Zhuo's adopted son Lu Bu and Lu Fengxian.

I didn't expect that besides Lu Bu, there were so many heroes in the world that I didn't know about.

"Zilong, you still have a lot of room for improvement. Don't underestimate the world's heroes."

Zhao Feng ordered Zhao Yun.

Although Zhao Yun is very strong now, he is still young and his strength has not yet reached its peak. Heroes emerge from troubled times. There are so many heroes in the world today, so he must not be underestimated.

"Yes, brother, I understand."

Zhao Yun nodded heavily.


"You choose one of them."

"Which one you choose, we brothers will assist you."

Zhao Xian asked Zhao Yun to choose one from Cao Cao and Liu Bei.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei are now in the early stages of creation, and it is the time to hire people. No matter which one they choose, given the abilities of the two brothers, the final treatment will not be too bad.

"Liu Bei, I choose Liu Bei and Liu Xuande!"

Zhao Yun chose Liu Bei without hesitation.

Liu Bei is a clan member of the Han Dynasty, and he still has a glimmer of hope in Han Bao.

Although Liu Bei is unknown now, his brother said that he is worthy of their assistance.

Then this person must have his own merits.

"You and Liu Bei are really destined."

"Go back and tell your parents, and then put up a notice to recruit some young men. We will go directly to Yanzhou to wait for Liu Bei."

Zhao Feng nodded.

Compared to Cao Cao, his heart is more inclined to Liu Bei.

Although Cao Cao cherishes his talents, he is very suspicious. It is impossible for his relatives to gain Cao Cao's complete trust, and sometimes he even dies without knowing how.

If you choose Liu Bei, you won't have such worries.

Although Liu Bei is a member of the Han clan, the most worthless thing in the world is the Han clan.

Except for his two sworn brothers, the talented people who took refuge with Liu Bei were far from comparable to Cao Cao.

In addition to Liu Bei and Cao Cao, Zhao Xian has another candidate in mind.

That is Yuan Shao, the governor of Bohai.

Yuan Shaogui is the fourth generation and the third Duke. After his name, he is the easiest among all the princes to win the world.

Dong Zhuo's rebellion in Beijing was directed by Yuan Shao. From this, we can see that Yuan Shao has outstanding strategy and command.

But unfortunately his character has a fatal flaw.

He is fond of making plans without making any decisions, forgets his righteousness when he sees small gains, and cherishes his own life when doing big things.

This fatal flaw is destined to be a stepping stone for others.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Xian fears Yuan Shao to death in his heart.

He would rather assist Yuan Shu than Yuan Shao.

"Yes! Brother, I'll do it right away!"

Zhao Yun compiled with both hands, said goodbye to Zhao Feng, and prepared to complete what Zhao Xian had asked.

His eldest brother was deeply loved by the people in Zhending County. If he went to attack Dong Zhuo, he would definitely be able to recruit a group of young men.

Just when Zhao Yun was about to leave, several mechanical sounds suddenly came from the sky.

"The login interface for "God's Domain" is loading..."

"Loading completed..."

"Start selecting candidates for this internal test."

"The number of internal beta testers is 100,000."

"The selection of internal testers has been completed."

"Start issuing login devices..."

"The login device has been issued..."

"Internal beta testers please log in to the game within twelve hours and enter the divine world."

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