My martial spirit in Douluo is Kunpeng

Chapter 27 Kunpeng’s Changes

"I'm coming down, I'm coming down." Tang Shi couldn't help but look at the shining bald head under the tree. He jumped slightly and landed smoothly. He had a strange look on his face, slightly covering his stomach, raised the corners of his mouth, turned his head, and chuckled twice. , turned his head hurriedly, bit his lower lip, exposed a row of white teeth, and said with a normal expression: "I'm not smiling, I'm not smiling, okay, I'm not smiling."

"Don't your conscience hurt when you say this?" Tang San looked depressed and said angrily. He gently put his hand on Tang Shi's shoulder, grabbed it fiercely, quickly took a step forward with his right leg, pushed his shoulder, and raised his waist. With a twist, he turned around and bowed his body, exerting force on his arms.


There was a crisp sound of fracture in Tang San's arm.

The breeze blew slightly, and a few leaves fell gently.

"Xiao San, your arm seems to be broken." Tang Shi looked embarrassed. She wanted to use her strength to shock Tang San away, but she was afraid of crippling him.

With his current physique, strength, and speed, he can resist three shots and barely survive a nine-hundred-year-old spirit beast. With the spirit ring skill activated, he can fight hard or even kill him instantly.

"...I know my arm is broken." Tang San breathed cold air, his face looked ugly, his forehead was sweating, and two leaves fell from his bald head. He gritted his teeth and said, "Cooperate with me, let me fall down and vent my anger. "

"..." Tang Shi was speechless, his body lost weight, and he was pulled by Tang San, causing his back to fall towards the ground.

After a while, the fire started.

Tang Shi picked up the bamboo stick familiarly, inserted it into the mouth of the colorful glazed Kun, took out the yellow gem between his eyebrows, threw it to Tang San, and said, "Is this a gem?"

"It shouldn't be a gem." Purple light flashed in Tang San's eyes, not shying away from Tang poetry. He looked at the prismatic yellow gem, frowned slightly, and said in deep thought: "There is a little bit of soul power fluctuation. I still have to open it to see what it is specifically, or Ask the teacher later."

"That's it." A blue light flashed, and Tang Shi held a yellow prismatic gem between his fingers. Cracks spread on the surface of the gem.

The strength of the two fingers slowly increased, and the cracks on the surface of the yellow gemstone spread rapidly. Inside the gemstone, the crystals rubbed, squeezed, and shattered, and an unpleasant clicking sound came out.


The yellow gem shattered, and a pool of yellow crystal liquid fell into the palm, slowly seeping into the skin, and a faint strange fragrance assaulted the nostrils.

Throwing his hand away, Tang Shi looked at his palm with a puzzled face. His palm was white, slender and smooth. There was no change, but there was an indescribable fragrance.

"It seems useless." Tang Shi said, picking up a grilled glazed colorful fish and taking a bite.

"Maybe I should." Tang San nodded, put the yellow gem in his hand into his belt, picked up a grilled glazed colorful fish, took a bite, and said: "Xiao Shi, didn't the master say you have two skills? Let me take a look."

"There's nothing interesting to see. It's a waste of soul power." Tang Shi shook his head and refused.

Tang San stared at Tang Shi suspiciously, nodded, and said, "Okay."


A bee flapped its wings and flew quickly, hovering above Tang Shi's head and spinning in circles.

Tang San sighed and said: "It's a pity, teacher, there is no hope for his third spirit ring for the time being."

"That's none of our business." Tang Shi said without blushing and without a beating heart. He seemed to have forgotten that he provoked the ghost wolf, attracted the ghost wolf, and the ghost wolf king.

The soil loosened slightly, and a few ants quickly crawled towards Tang Shi.

The corners of Tang San's mouth twitched slightly and he spoke lazily.


There was a harsh buzzing sound, and a swarm of bees, mosquitoes, flies, and insects flapped their wings and flew towards this side quickly.

"This is it?" Tang San looked at it with confusion.

"I don't know." Tang Shi was eating grilled fish with the same puzzled look on his face.

Soon, spiders, cockroaches, lizards, crabs, dung beetles, and a group of small reptiles crawled in from a distance.

After eating the grilled fish, he flicked the bamboo stick and inserted it into the head of an ant. Tang Shi raised his hand, looked at his palm, and said, "Maybe it's the liquid in the yellow gem that attracted these little animals."

"Yeah." Tang San nodded.

A faint white air emerged from Tang Shi's body. With him as the center point and six meters around, dust swelled, rolled, and exploded, blowing away a bunch of small animals approaching. He spread his hands into palms and fiercely faced them. Stir forward.

A hurricane swept away the dust, carrying the broken bodies of the small animals into the distance.

Withdrawing his hand, the world was pure. Tang Shi picked up a glazed colorful fish, sat down, and said, "Eat it. I will give you some drawings when I get back. See if you can help me build it."

The blueprint he was talking about was naturally the Barrett cannon blueprint.

Although with the Peng Transformation, you can fly and attack, but it consumes soul power, but Barrett is different. It is made, the bullet is loaded, and any ordinary person can use it without soul power.

Tang San looked curious and asked: "What kind of blueprint is it? I need to make it. Can't I give it to the blacksmith shop?"

Tang Shi pondered for a while, with a serious face, and said: "It is a murder weapon, I call it M82A1, Barrett cannon. Within a range of four kilometers, it can kill anyone at will, including soul masters. Likewise, it can kill soul beasts." You can also snipe!”

Tang San gently placed a hand on Tang Shi's forehead, with a strange expression on his face, and said, "You don't have a fever, either?"

Opening Tang San's hand, Tang Shi looked speechless and said, "You just have a fever. I'll show you when I get back later and you'll know. Just ask me for the money you need."

Seeing that Tang Shi didn't seem to be lying, Tang San's face became serious. He knew that Tang Shi had many ideas, otherwise Holy Soul Village would not have turned into Holy Soul Farmhouse.

"Describe it to me in detail. I'll first estimate how many materials we need to prepare and how much it costs." Tang San said.

"Okay." Tang Shi stood up, finished the grilled fish in several bites, picked up a bamboo stick and started drawing on the ground.

Drawing a one-meter-long round muzzle, Tang Shi began to draw the gun body, butt, scope, front sight, safety, magazine, bracket, etc...

Throw the bamboo stick away, and a two-dimensional Barrett simplified pattern appears on the ground.

"This is the Barrett shell. The firing pin, spring and other important parts inside cannot be drawn." Tang Shi said lightly, turning his head slightly and looking behind him at the dark group of small animals crawling towards him quickly.

Tang San frowned and said, "I can build it, but how can your weapon deal with enemies within four kilometers?"

"Platinum stone, gunpowder, bullets!" Tang Shi chuckled, white energy billowing from his body, and slapped the small animal that came over again.

Tang San closed his eyes, imagining the scene of burning gunpowder in his mind, shook his head, opened his eyes, and said: "I don't understand, but I can make it for you. If you want money... give me ten gold soul coins first, and I'll Go buy some materials.”

"Okay, let's go back." Tang Shi nodded, retracted his hand, and the white air disappeared from his body.

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