"As you all know, the relationship between the Sun Moon Empire and the Star Luo Empire has never been very good. Under such circumstances, it would be difficult for the two countries to conduct joint operations. Whichever side sends out a large army to suppress bandits, those cunning bastards will Run to the other side. It even once triggered a small-scale war between the two countries. But until now, they are still living well. The large number of people is of no use to them. The total number of this group of bandits is less than three There are hundreds of people, but they are familiar with the terrain and are cunning and cunning. Therefore, a small team like ours is more suitable for them to fight."

"This group of bandits calls themselves the Messenger of Death, and it is said that the leader is a very powerful evil soul master. Therefore, we must not be careless. Most of you have never killed anyone before. This time we will have a new experience. I want to emphasize The goal of our monitoring mission this time is to wipe out all of them, because there are no old, weak, women, children, or good people among these bandits."

Ma Xiaotao said: "This time it was mainly the seven of us who did the fighting. While supporting you from the sidelines, you must also protect yourself as much as possible. These bandits are very arrogant, and they gave themselves the title of "Hand of Death". In this vast mountainous area, as long as the hand of death and the messenger of death are mentioned, the local people will all change face."

"This mountainous area was created by the collision of two continents more than 4,000 years ago, so it was named Mingdou Mountains. It is very rich in mineral resources and produces more than ten kinds of precious minerals. Therefore, Xingluo and Sun Moon have always fought for the Mingdou Mountains. There are endless battles and endless battles for years. The Star Luo Empire will provide us with limited help."

"Before we set off, we have already notified the defenders of the Star Luo Empire near the Mingdou Mountains, and they will provide us with detailed maps and accurate information. If there is no problem, we will set off at full speed. Send your monitors The rings are all put away, and they can only be worn when performing tasks."

Everyone expressed their readiness, and Ma Xiaotao said: "You guys with low cultivation levels are prone to delaying things, and we can't accommodate you. In this way, I will take Ning Tian, ​​Dai Yaoheng, you take Wang Dong, Ling Luochen, and you Take Xiao Xiao and set off."

Ever since he asked Ma Xiaotao to introduce the supervision mission, Mr. Xuan stopped talking. Everything is controlled by Ma Xiaotao. This is the trust in Ma Xiaotao's commanding ability, and it is also a test for her. A dragon cannot survive without a leader, and this monitoring mission is also the final run-in before the start of the competition.

"I want Senior Ma to take it with me." Wang Dong said suddenly, and then came to Ma Xiaotao's side first, with an admiring smile on his face, "Senior Ma, I admire you the most. Can you take me with you?"

Ma Xiaotao froze for a moment, then smiled and said: "Okay, then I will take you, Dai Yueheng and you take Ning Tian. Let's go." While talking, she put her right hand under Wang Dong's armpit, jumped up, and walked quickly Set off.

And Ning Tian was still a little cautious, as a girl, she had never let a boy get too close, her pretty face was already glowing red.

"Let me come." Huo Yuhao's figure flickered, and he hugged Ning Tian's figure by the waist. Ning Tian's soft and delicate body seemed to fit together, leaning against Huo Yuhao's chest.

However, Huo Yuhao's move made many students look sideways.

Especially Ma Xiaotao and Wang Dong's eyes were the fiercest. If Mr. Xuan hadn't been here, Ma Xiaotao would have wanted to put Wang Dong down and let Huo Yuhao carry her away.

Feeling the torch-like stares from the surrounding eyes, Ning Tian's little face blushed even more, and he lowered his pretty face like an oval to hide this shyness.

Wang Dong fell into depression even more. He had known earlier that he would not let Senior Xiaotao take care of him. Maybe he was the one lying in Huo Yuhao's arms now.

Jiang Nannan's golden pupils moved, as if imagining that she was lying in Ning Tian's arms, lying in Huo Yuhao's arms, her curved smile seemed a little uncontrollable, she was startled immediately, and glanced at Ning Tian, ​​who was stretching her delicate body in Huo Yuhao's arms. God, Silver Teeth bit her red lip lightly.Instead, he expressed some indignation.

Ling Luochen's eyes did not look at the girl in Huo Yuhao's arms, but at him. For Ling Luochen, Huo Yuhao's ultimate ice attribute was the first one to let her feel the joy and joy of controlling the ultimate ice ability. Refreshing.

Xiao Xiao also looked at Huo Yuhao. He was also a second grader. Half a year ago, everyone was almost the same. Huo Yuhao's soaring strength still made her a little stunned and unacceptable.

But as a girl, she was too embarrassed to ask, so she could only keep this doubt in her heart. To be honest, she was a little envious of Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao living in the same dormitory.

If I lived with Huo Yuhao too... Bah, bah, what was I thinking?Xiao Xiao quickly shook her head to wake herself up a bit, and if she thought about it further, she probably had a child.

This comprehensive acceleration showed the powerful strength of the disciples in the inner courtyard. Beibei, Xu Sanshi, and Jiang Nannan have all tried their best, but it is still very difficult to follow.

Although Ma Xiaotao brought Wang Dong with her.But still rushed to the first place, and even had to slow down from time to time to wait for the people behind.The powerful speed ability of the Fire Phoenix Martial Soul is undoubtedly evident.

They walked fast all the way and did not stop to rest until noon. The students in the inner courtyard all looked normal, and at most they were short of breath. However, the three soul sects in the outer courtyard who had been working hard were all sweating heavily.

After all, Jiang Nannan was also an agility-based combat spirit master. Her figure was slender and nimble, a bit taller. Although she was dripping with sweat, her clothes were not soaked at all. Beibei, who was an offensive war spirit master, and Xu Sanshi, a defensive war spirit master, were in dire straits. Especially Xu Sanshi, he was the heaviest and could leave watermarks on the ground when he stopped.

At this moment of rest, Ling Luochen's figure slowly appeared in front of Huo Yuhao.

At the same time, Ma Xiaotao in the distance was watching all this with some vigilance.

"Ice and ice are more compatible, I can take you too." The icy Ling Luochen actually opened her mouth. As soon as she said this, she was completely stunned. I haven't seen her go to the If You Are the One blind date meeting in the inner courtyard!But it seems to be a little different for Huo Yuhao.

"Ling Luochen, Junior Yuhao is mine, and I will take it with you if you want to." Ma Xiaotao couldn't bear it any longer. Ice and ice are more in harmony. We have already been truly in harmony with each other, and it is better than the body. degree is the real optimal choice.

"Seniors, why don't you let Yuhao take me with you? We boys are quite normal." Wang Dong also joined the battle. When he said that he was a boy, Huo Yuhao almost laughed out loud.

"Inner, inner one, I think it's good for Huo Yuhao to take me." Ning Tian's weak voice sounded.

"Sister Ning Tian, ​​don't join the battle. I have been in the same class as Huo Yuhao for more than a year, and I have only been hugged by the princess once." Xiao Xiao's voice sounded at the right time, and the scene became even more chaotic.

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