The blue light shone everywhere, quietly bathing Tang San's body, but the strange thing was that this blue light enveloped Tang San's body.But it didn't change color as quickly as the others before, it still remained blue, but the light became more and more intense.

This was also the first time Seahorse Douluo encountered such a situation.He also didn't understand why Blu-ray didn't make changes.No matter how weak the soul master is, there will at least be a white-level assessment.And the strength of the young man in front of him is obviously not bad.

Just when everyone was surprised and inexplicable why the Poseidon's light didn't change color. The blue light on Tang San's body changed. Not a shift in color, but a shift in quantity. What was originally a blue light suddenly split into two. The split light was thrown out horizontally and fell on Xiao Wu, who was holding Ning Rongrong's arm.

The blue light shook slightly and shook Ning Rongrong away, then brought Xiao Wu back to Tang San and stood still.

Such a strange sight immediately made Dai Mubai, Oscar and others feel excited. Xiao Wu has lost her soul, how can she accept the assessment? Even the simplest white level assessment is difficult for her to complete. What's more, why did the Poseidon's Light suddenly split and drag Xiao Wu over to accept the test with Tang San?

At this moment, the blue light on Tang San's body remained unchanged, but the light on Xiao Wu's body began to change.

The blue turned into white, then quickly turned into yellow, and spread to purple without stopping.

At this time, Tang San's expression had also changed. He wanted to break away from the blue light around him, but found that he couldn't even move a finger. Although he didn't feel any pressure, under the blue light, he couldn't do anything. Do. He could only look at Xiao Wu beside him, standing in the beam of light that was constantly changing with a blank look on his face.

When Black appeared, the faces of the Shrek Seven Devils had turned ugly. Each of them was not afraid of difficult tests, but Xiao Wu was the exception. She has lost her own soul! How could he accept the test of Poseidon? Moreover, if the black level test cannot be completed, the only outcome is death.

The black magic patterns continued to climb on the Seahorse Holy Pillar. Dai Mubai and the others couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to rush forward, but Tang Yao stopped them with a look. When they were puzzled, Seahorse Douluo also waved his right hand, and a layer of azure light curtain blocked their way. That was not only Seahorse Douluo's own power, but also with the help of the Seagod's power contained in the Seahorse Holy Pillar. Not to mention that Dai Mubai and the others were far behind in terms of strength. Even if a Titled Douluo was here, they couldn't easily break through the barrier of this light curtain.

The black magic lines were still rising, and Tang San was burning with anxiety, but he couldn't stop the spread of the black light.

Soon, the magic pattern had climbed to the same Black Level Six Examination position as Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar. Except for Tang San and Xiao Wu, who could not move, the other Shrek Seven Devils subconsciously clenched their fists.

However, their shock was not over yet.The black light suddenly jumped, and it was that beautiful crystal red again.A red light also shot up into the sky, piercing the sky.

The blood-like light instantly climbed up, causing the clear blue sky in the sky to flash a bloody light.

The top seven exams are another top seven exams. Not only the Shrek Seven Devils were stunned, Seahorse Douluo also opened his mouth wide at this time. How many years has it been since the top assessment took place? But today two appeared at once. What was most difficult for him to understand was that this girl in white clothes with a blank expression had not said a word since she came here. Her aura was not weak, but her spirit was so weak that it was almost non-existent. It could be seen from the expressions of other people. It can be seen that there must be something wrong with this girl. Can such a person take the top seven exams?

However, what surprised Seahorse Douluo even more was what happened next. In a flash of red light, a red light curtain appeared in front of Xiao Wu. It was not like Ning Rongrong, who had seven light curtains appearing in front of her. There is only one light curtain. A piece of red. The light surged from Xiao Wu's forehead and merged into her body. It turned into a red light spot. It added a bit of radiance to her already outstanding beauty.

Seahorse Douluo, the top-level tester, looked at Xiao Wu in confusion. In his memory, the number of times the top-level test occurred was very rare, and there had never been a situation where there was only one test. Moreover, even as the examiner, he couldn't clearly see what Xiao Wu's test was about now. These eight foreign land soul masters seem to have become synonymous with the word subversion.

The red light penetrated Xiao Wu's forehead, but the light pillar did not disappear with it. However, the red light emitted by the Seahorse Holy Pillar disappeared in an instant. At this moment, the light on Tang San also began to change.

If the color of the beam of light changes gradually when other people accept the test of the Seagod's Light, then the color of the beam of light shrouding Tang San changes in leaps and bounds.

Blue, white, yellow, purple, these four colors all flicker and then become the next one, the speed is extremely fast, and even gives people a feeling of being dazzled.Even the transition from purple to black is just a split second.The next moment, the black magic pattern climbed up at an astonishing speed.The speed is so fast that it has surpassed everyone who has been tested before.

"My God, is it another top-level assessment?" Seahorse Douluo found that his heart could no longer bear such a stimulus.As the guardian of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, let alone him, even with the seven Sacred Pillars combined, he has never experienced such a special scene.

However, the shock didn't decrease because of Seahorse Douluo's changed mood, instead it reached an unprecedented height.

The black magic pattern passed through two-thirds of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar smoothly, the black color turned into blood red, and the blood-colored magic pattern suddenly appeared, and this time the blood-colored magic pattern did not just jump on the basis of the original two-thirds One point, but instantly smashed the top, and rushed straight to the highest point of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar.

A buzzing sound like the whimper of the sea resounded from the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, and immediately after that, a huge blood-colored beam of light ten times stronger than the one caused by Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong soared into the sky.

At this moment, the entire sea in the sea suddenly set off a huge wave as high as meters, which rose vertically.Amidst the huge waves, a strong blue light erupted.

The change was not over yet, the entire Sea God Island seemed to tremble with the red light from the Seahorse Sacred Pillar shooting up into the sky, and then, the Shrek Seven Devils clearly saw that the same six huge blood-colored beams of light shot up into the sky.The seven beams of light converged at one point in the air, and the next moment, the blood color faded, and from the point where they converged, an extremely brilliant golden light descended from the sky.

At this moment, everything seemed to have entered a state of absolute stillness, only the splendid light of the central point between the sea and the sky descended from the sky.

This golden light bathed Poseidon Island, bathed everyone in Shrek, sea within sea, Seahorse Douluo, but in the end there was only one destination, and that was Tang San standing under the sacred pillar.

As the golden light shone, a trident-shaped brand appeared between Tang San's eyebrows. The sacred aura in it was faintly related to the sword-shaped brand on Qian Renxue's head, the yin-yang fish on Tang Yao's head, and the one on Ye Lingling's head. The begonias blooming on one side and withered on the other stand in contrast to each other and complement each other.

Slowly open your eyes. Tang San's originally clear blue eyes looked even clearer. Raise your hand. Subconsciously, he touched his smooth forehead. Tang San was completely sluggish. Seahorse Douluo, who looked like a sculpture, asked: "Senior. Red is the top test. Then what kind of test is this gold? I really think you need to complete nine tests to pass."

Seahorse Douluo shook his head vigorously.Look carefully at Tang San again.he saw.It is still the brand of the trident shining with brilliant golden light.That's right.This is not a dream.

"I don't know either." It seemed very difficult to spit out these five words from Seahorse Douluo's mouth.

Tang San looked at Seahorse Douluo doubtfully. Said: "What about her? Why did she fail the top test?" Tang San hugged Xiao Wu. Along with the disappearance of the golden light on his body. The red light that surrounded Xiao Wu's body had quietly disappeared. Only the round red dot remained.

Seahorse Douluo looked deeply at Tang San. "Why does the top test appear? I don't know either. However, I can tell you what the test she will face is. Although there is only one test, it is definitely worthy of the difficulty of the top test. Because. Her The test is to follow you. Complete the nine tests."

After hearing what Seahorse Douluo said. Tang San couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect that such a situation would occur in the Poseidon test. But Seahorse Douluo's words did not intend to make him feel much more relaxed. As long as he can help Xiao Wu. He was relieved. It's much better than what kind of test Xiao Wu would have to face on her own.

"What a beautiful trident. Third brother, you are even more handsome." Ning Rongrong couldn't help but admire.

Tang San couldn't see his own appearance. "Trident? Do you think the brand on my forehead is different from yours?"

Ning Rongrong nodded. Said: "It's different. There is a golden trident on your forehead. It is very beautiful. It looks very noble."

Tang San couldn't help but be speechless. Hold on to half hope. He asked Kaiba Douluo again. "Senior, think about it carefully. What does the golden light just now represent? Is it the top nine exams I am going to face?"

Seahorse Douluo just wanted to speak.A leisurely voice came from afar.The voice seemed to come from heaven.It sounds beautiful and sounds like it came from heaven.But full of kindness.

"Don't make things difficult for him. This is the first time this has happened since the Sea God Island appeared. What you have to endure is not the Nine Trials of the Top Level. It is the Nine Trials of the Sea God."

The sound is from far to near.When the last word was passed into the ears of the Shrek Seven Devils.far away.A red light spot slowly enlarged.Everyone just felt that the space seemed to be slightly moment.There is already one more person in front of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar.

Her height seems to be about the same as Xiao Wu's. The whole body was covered in a bright red robe. Her long sea-blue hair spreads behind her back. Although not as long as Xiao Wu. But when spread out, it is also close to the vertical surface. Her soft face looks like she is about thirty years old at most. Her beauty comes more from her temperament. Noble, elegant and warm. In her right hand. Holding a three-meter-long scepter. The scepter is golden. Just like the gold that appeared in the sky just now. The whole body is engraved with magic patterns. The head of the staff is a diamond-shaped protrusion like a spear. Five inches below the tip of the spear. Set with a diamond-shaped golden gemstone.

If you just look at looks. She is definitely a rare beauty. And her temperament is indeed unmatched by anyone. Even Pope Bibi Dong, whom Tang San and others had met before. She is also inferior to her in terms of temperament.

Most surprising. Those same eyes of hers. The clear blue eyes are deeper than the sea. The vicissitudes of kindness in it seem to have gone through eternal time. These eyes. How can it be something that a thirty-year-old woman can have?

"See the great offering." Seahorse Douluo bowed slightly. Salute to the woman in red robe. "My subordinate failed to fulfill Lord Poseidon's instructions. Please punish me."

The red-robed woman smiled slightly.Hai Zhonghai also seemed to be fluctuating because of her smile.

"It's not your fault. It's also the first time I've seen such a situation." Her gaze shifted.Everyone present seemed to feel that she was watching them.And the eyes of the red-robed woman.In the end it was fixed on Tang San.In other words, it was fixed on the golden trident brand on his forehead.

"Young man. I have been waiting for more than a hundred years. I finally met you in my dying years. Can you tell me your origin?"

He listened closely to her voice.Tang San immediately felt his heartbeat speed up.It certainly wasn't because of her beauty.It was because her voice was full of touches from the depths of the soul.She looks like an ordinary human woman.But.Tang San knew it deeply.In front of her.It was at the beginning that he was as famous as his great-grandfather.He also defeated his great-grandfather and Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi who enshrined Qian Daoliu in the Spirit Hall.

"Junior Tang San sees seniors. The name of the great-grandfather of the family is taboo as the single character Chen." Tang San almost bent over nearly ninety degrees.Respectfully bow to the Seagod Douluo who represents the highest authority of Seagod Island.

but.What he didn't expect was.Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi's figure flickered slightly.appeared on his side.Did not accept his courtesy.

"There's no need to be too polite. Are you Tang Chen's great-grandson?" Bo Saixi's voice was somewhat surprised.

Tang San said respectfully: "Yes."

There was a look of confusion in Bo Saixi's eyes. "Time flies so fast! Even his great-grandson is already so old. I didn't expect that the person I was waiting for turned out to be his great-grandson."

Bo Saixi quickly came to her senses. His eyes were fixed on Tang San. "Tang San. Look at me. Tang San looked into Bo Saixi's eyes. His eyes were clear. He didn't flinch at all. Bo Saixi solemnly said: "From now on. You have to remember. On Poseidon Island. No one is qualified to accept your courtesy. Including me. "

"Ah?" Tang San looked at Poseidon Douluo in surprise. He didn't understand why this peak powerhouse would say such a thing to him.

Bo Saixi turned to Seahorse Douluo. "Eurasia. Pass my order. These eight people are all VIPs of this island before they complete the test of Lord Poseidon. No one should be neglected or offended. In addition to not helping them complete the test, try to meet their conditions as much as possible. Just Live in your Seahorse City. Also, summon the other six people. Tomorrow there will be a meeting at the Seagod Temple." After saying this, the Seagod Douluo had already left.

Seahorse Douluo bowed deeply to show that he understood, and then said to Shrek and the others: "Dear guests, come with me."

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