The master said that the ten contestants should be given final training before the competition.

One week before the competition, everyone in shit-green uniforms came to the academy's competition field. The master said to the ten people: "You are all very familiar with each other. Today is the last training session before you go on the field. The training content is..." The master paused and continued, "In Flanders, Liu Erlong and Zhao Wuji persisted for twenty minutes while suppressing their soul power below the soul emperor level. The three teachers could use their full strength against Tang Yao."

Everyone's expressions changed slightly. They could indeed use tricks to win over Liu Erlong once, but with three soul emperors coming together, what's the use of measuring?

"I'll give you a stick of incense to study tactics." After the master said that, he had already stepped down.

"Brother Yao, do you need this? Ye Lingling, who was nestled in Tang Yao's arms, looked up at Tang Yao and pointed at the kaleidoscope on his waist. Seeing this scene, Dai Mubai felt slightly sad.

The same fiancée, why is there such a big gap?

"No, it can't be used. Since it's a simulated martial arts competition, it can't be used." Tang Yao said, "Just control yourself and listen to Third Brother's command. Third Brother, you make the arrangements, I will hold off Flanders Courtyard Long." After saying that, Tang Yao had already moved a recliner out of the ring and lay down on it. Bai Wenxi, who was wrapped around his right arm, moved, leaned over and said in Tang Yao's ear: "You can do it. I just slept in your room for a few days without getting up, and you got a girlfriend? Okay?"

"Okay, very good. Who doesn't love a gentle and considerate girlfriend?" Tang Yao directly used his mental power to talk to Bai Wenxi.

"You are so shameless... Go back to bed and call me again if you fight." After saying that, Bai Wenxi returned to Xiaolong's appearance and lay in Tang Yao's pocket.

"You can become smaller again. It seems that your strength has improved... Are you about to break through ten thousand years? I hope you won't be targeted by others. Transformation Pill... It's just an eighth-level pill. I can't wait for this hundred thousand years of reconstruction. No. Just think of it as a small reward from me for saving my life." Tang Yao said to himself.

"Little monsters, are you done discussing it? Here we come!" Zhao Wuji laughed loudly and then rushed over. Flanders and Liu Erlong followed closely behind.

Seeing Zhao Wuji and the other two people rushing towards him, the corners of Tang Yao's mouth turned up.

"The twenty-fourth of the Sun's Glory, the Sun's Glory Chains." Following the words, several red chains rushed towards Zhao Wuji, but the latter dodged them. Zhao Wuji, who was just about to laugh at Tang Yao, suddenly heard a scream. Then he turned around and saw Flanders' fourth soul ring lighting up, and several black feathers instantly cut off the chains pulling him to the ground. Even so, Flanders's feathers were much singed.

"Zhao Wuji! Give me some snacks!" Flanders roared.

Zhao Wuji scratched his head, and then faced the Shrek Seven Monsters who were charging towards him. Liu Erlong and Flender, on the other hand, became more energetic and headed straight for Tang Yao. Immediately, a golden-red light dispersed, and Flanders' speed dropped significantly. The golden whip in Tang Yao's hand was shining brightly, and his fourth soul ring was shining brightly. Once the titled Douluo-level mental power was unleashed, Liu Erlong's figure sluggished a lot. Flender was stunned and fell from the sky. Before he could land, Tang Yao's left eye glowed with icy blue light, freezing Flanders in the blink of an eye. But because of this move, Liu Erlong's third soul skill followed. Tang Yao's body shook, and a mouthful of blood appeared. Then he threw the golden whip into the air.

"The sun shines all over the world, and thousands of suns soar in the sky."

Flanders's eyes suddenly widened in the ice, and then his seventh soul ring flashed, coupled with his second soul skill, the ice that trapped him shattered.

"Second Dragon, hurry up!" Flanders looked at the more than two hundred golden whips in the sky and said to himself that this kid is getting stronger again. And Liu Erlong below has also turned into a dragon.

Looking at Flanders, whose fifth soul ring was shining and rushing towards him, Tang Yao's third soul ring flickered, and several fireballs flew towards Flanders behind him. Then it quickly rotated around Flanders without any blind spots.

The seventh day of Sun Yao, Sun Yao is sleepy!

After waving the golden whip and scattering several pillars of fire from Liu Erlong, Tang Yao saw the fifth soul ring on Liu Erlong's body flashing, and his expression suddenly changed. A large shield appeared in his hand.

The fifteenth day of the sun shines, the sun shines on the shield.

The shield in his hand was shattered, Tang Yao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then the fifth soul ring shone, and the fireball around Flanders who was about to rush out suddenly exploded, blasting him towards Liu Erlong. At the same time, Flanders The skin around De Ye was burned and cracked.

"Rongrong, Lingling!" Tang Yao roared, his second soul ring lit up, and the dragon head behind him took shape in only three-quarters of the time it took last time. Ning Rongrong increased his power twice, and Ye Lingling's crabapple petals fell on him at the same time. The dragon's head smashed down, devouring both Flanders and Flanders in the blink of an eye. Although Flanders pulled Liu Erlong and retreated, he only escaped from the central area. Then Tang Yao activated the fifth soul ring, and after a loud noise, the dragon's head dispersed, blowing the two of them away, and several mouthfuls of blood were protruded in mid-air. Their sixth soul rings shone at the same time. Tang Yao was swallowed up by the pillar of fire in the blink of an eye, and the eagle feather cut through the space and penetrated Tang Yao's body.

"Brother Yao!" Ye Lingling trembled when she saw the blood hole on Tang Yao's body. Begonia petals flew out from her hand, and Tang Yao's wound healed in the blink of an eye. Pushing his feet hard on the ground, Tang Yao flew out like a cannonball, entwined with the two-color light from the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower. The dozens of fireballs left behind him all melted back into the golden whip.

Speed ​​increases, strength increases.

When Flanders saw Tang Yao charging forward, he immediately wanted to dodge, but found that Tang Yao's whip was unavoidable. He quickly fired dozens of air blades, but they were smashed by Tang Yao. In desperation, he could only use his wings to catch the blow.

Just as he was about to be hit, he was kicked away by Tang Yao. The golden whip in his hand had already come out and hit the ground with great power.

After landing on the ground, the golden whip made a buzzing sound, and then with the golden whip as the center, a huge pit appeared on the bluestone floor, and the body of Zhao Wuji in another section of the battle was directly suspended in the air. A golden red color filled the pit.

Solar whip method. If Tang Yao hadn't kicked Flanders away just now, his eagle wings, that is, both arms would have been directly torn to pieces. Hesitating that the sun's golden flames would stick to the fracture, Flanders would be unable to recover. He would either find someone to remove the golden flames, or wait to bleed to death.

The incense in the hands of the master outside the field was burned out. Zhao Wuji also suffered a little loss from the other nine Shrek people.

Looking at Tang Yao, Flanders said with some bitterness: "You are a team by yourself. You have all kinds of attack methods and you have the nerve to say that you are the Soul King. Even the Soul Saint can't beat you."

Tang Yao chuckled: "Aren't you merciful? The sixth soul skill can't be hit on the head, but it can't be repaired."

The master clapped his hands: "Okay, little monsters, you have successfully passed this training! You can rest for a week, and next week is when you will show off your skills. Let Tiandou Royal Academy see how we are!"

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