Five years later.

Soto City is the richest plain granary city in the Barak Kingdom.

It was just after noon, the sun was blazing, and a carriage drove into the west gate of Soto City. The family crest of the Si family was hung on the carriage, indicating that there were nobles sitting inside. Pedestrians on the road gave way when they saw it.

There were three young people sitting in the carriage. They were all in their teens, and they did not carry any luggage. One man and two women.

The boy is well-dressed, about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a light blue outfit. Around his waist is a belt inlaid with twenty-four jade stones. His black half-long hair barely reaches his shoulders, giving him the impression of hidden jade. A restrained feeling.

One of the girls had a scorpion braid that went down past her calf. She was half a point taller than the boy. She was wearing a pink coat and white pants with bunny-style dark patterns embroidered on them. She had a rosy face and looked really cute, little girl. His mouth was opening and closing, talking to the girl next to him.

The girl next to her is wearing a white dress with dark patterns of windmills and dandelions tattooed on the skirt. Because of her five years of experience in decision-making and management, she has an attractive aura around her, even though she still has smooth black hair. , those emerald green eyes are no longer as innocent as they used to be, but instead have a hidden edge.

These are the three Si Miaomiao.

In the past five years, Notting City has vigorously developed Mond's specialty wine culture and established Mond Liquor Co., Ltd., taking advantage of local advantages to transport wine to Douluo Continent. The most famous one is apple wine, which is popular among soul masters across the continent. respected.

Want to ask her why she developed a wine culture?


The wine we drank when we were sworn off at the top of the mountain was really terrible! I really don’t know how people in Douluo Continent can drink. Oh, the nobles all drink red wine...

That's even more wrong!

What kind of wine are you drinking? Is it because the distilled wine from our ancestors is not fragrant enough?

So, with the help of Tang San, a native of Shuzhou in his previous life, they first worked out the brewing technology, and then launched apple brewing based on the city's characteristics.

Although she did not officially take over the government affairs, after this battle, the residents of Notting all called her the little city lord. Because of the existence of Mond Liquor Co., Ltd., Notting, which was previously remote, poor and neglected, has radiated new vitality. , the entire city is in dire need, providing employment for more than 500 people.

It can be said that it is a Fortune 500 company in the world. Si Miaomiao would not have dared to think of this speed of listing in her previous life.

Having said that, Si Miaomiao looked at the military defenses along the way to Soto City and couldn't help but sigh with envy: "Soto City is indeed the top priority of the entire Balak Kingdom. There are heavy troops guarding this road, so that People shed tears.”

Soto City is a big city, which can be seen from the fact that its Wuhun Palace is configured as the third-level Wuhun Main Palace.

When he heard Si Miaomiao's tea smelling like tea, Tang San was no longer moved. This was nothing compared to the pain he had endured in the past five years.

Xiao Wu, who was next to her, started acting directly. With one end of her face, she approached Si Miaomiao like a bewitching concubine and whispered softly: "Although Soto is good, he is not even half as good as Nordin!"

Si Miaomiao raised Xiao Wu's chin like a foolish king, her tone was seductive, and she said in a deep voice: "What's your opinion on Xiao Wu?"

Xiao Wu smiled confidently, she really knows this question!

I saw her talking eloquently: "The Kingdom of Balak is located in the south of the Tiandou Empire, bordering the Fasnuo Province. It is said to be a kingdom, but in fact its area is only three-quarters of the Fasnuo Province. It belongs to Tiandou The empire is one of the four major kingdoms within the Tiandou Empire. King Balak Kundra is the cousin of the current king of the Tiandou Empire, Okula.

The southern part of the Balak Kingdom directly borders the Star Luo Empire. Therefore, among the four kingdoms of the Tiandou Empire, the Balak Kingdom has the most powerful military force. It can also be said to be the gatekeeper of the Tiandou Empire. As long as the Star Luo Empire If you want to attack the Tiandou Empire, you must break the defense of the Balak Kingdom.

The Heaven Dou Empire originally consisted of ten provinces. Later, with the division of the four major kingdoms, six powers were formed. The empire itself directly controlled five provinces, each of the four major kingdoms controlled one, and there was a duchy next to the kingdom. Occupies one of the smallest provinces in the eastern part of the empire.

On the surface, the four major kingdoms and the principality are all under the rule of the Heaven Dou Empire, but in fact, these five countries have long since become a kingdom within a kingdom, and everything is completely independent except for the necessary tribute.If it wasn't for the Tiandou Imperial Family's mastery of heavy troops, perhaps the civil strife would have already occurred.

The Star Luo Empire also had a similar situation. Therefore, the two empires looked strong, but in fact, they were both in decline. No one can predict which day the situation on the entire continent will suddenly change1.

therefore! Occupying the junction of the two countries, Notting City is in the center of the mainland——

It is a battleground for military strategists, and it can even be said to be the hub of the two countries! "

Xiao Wu said so much at once, her mouth felt quite dry, so she directly picked up the water and drank it.

Si Miaomiao and Tang San applauded.

Yes, yes, she finally remembered what she said countless times in the past five years. Si Miaomiao touched Xiao Wu's head lovingly.

Tang San suggested: "I will accompany Miaomiao to see the Lord of Soto City later, and I will ask Xiao Wu to find a good place to stay."

Xiao Wu nodded. She didn't understand anything about business or politics at all, so she couldn't help Miaomiao. Although Miaomiao had been teaching her, she had a hot temper and couldn't always do things well in some worldly matters. She had been doing this all these years. The mistress accompanied Miaomiao to various places to visit and discuss business, and this time was no exception. Just do what she can do!

In Si Miaomiao's heart, if Tang San is the shield, then Xiao Wu is the spear, and both are indispensable.

Their purpose for this trip was to enroll in Shrek Academy, and the visit to Soto City Lord was just a required ritual. Of course, it would be better if the alcohol supply channel for the next five years could be Mond Liquor Co., Ltd.


After Xiao Wu and Miaomiao separated, they walked slowly in Soto City. Although they had to admit that Soto City was much larger than Noting City. Patrolling soldiers could be seen everywhere on the streets, and there was a bustling flow of people. non-stop.

But she still likes Notting City the most!

It was a city built from scratch by the three brothers and sisters. It was full of their hard work, and the residents of Notting City were super warm and kind. Every time she led the patrol on the street, she would receive a bunch of delicious food. thing.

Well, this time the three of them came out to study. I hope Wang Sheng and Xiao Chenyu can manage the patrol team well.

Xiao Wu let her thoughts fly:

I remember that after the battle in the woods, Xiao Chenyu changed his temperament, changed his mind, and began to work down-to-earth. Now he is a general under Miaomiao.


After Miaomiao's overall planning, every student studying at Notting Junior College can join the patrol team and receive a certain salary in return. This will increase the students' social experience and practical experience on the basis of protecting the people and maintaining law and order. It is also a To recruit outstanding talents for Miaomiao's directly affiliated knights - the Knights of the West Wind, transform them in advance, keep these talents in Notting with excellent policies and generous rewards, and even join the "□□Guardian" team.

Hehe, she even became the leader of the Knights of the West Wind!

Later, Miaomiao and her third brother worked together in the cellar after class every day to make some kind of apple wine. After the master's advice, they established the Mond Wine Co., Ltd., uh... the name "Limited Company" came from her. I had never heard of it, but Miaomiao was very persistent. They had been busy for a long time since recruiting people. Miaomiao stayed up several nights to come up with a set of recruitment information.

Salaries are paid monthly, and what kind of insurance will be purchased for employees? Employees can stay in the employee dormitory for free. Star employees who have worked continuously for ten years or perform extremely well can get permanent residence in the dormitory. According to Miaomiao, five insurances and one housing fund are provided. and housing security are the foundation. Only by providing employees with security and leadership can we truly retain employees. Then she worked five days off and two days off to ensure employees' work happiness, and then came a series of performance systems, which dazzled her. She only remembered that some employees could actually get higher wages than her.

After all, she is also a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast. What kind of storms and waves has she not seen?

All right! She had never seen Miaomiao's behavior before.

It even completely changed her previous understanding of ordinary people. It turns out that ordinary people can get such a large sum of money! Other nobles kept their money in their hands, but Miaomiao gave it to the people instead. She didn't understand. Miaomiao explained that only when the basic interests of the people are protected and the people think you are trustworthy, will they work hard for you.

Later, the apple wine they made became an instant hit, and even the emperor was full of praise. From then on, Nordin's economy exploded, and Miaomiao worked overtime until she became bald. And during that time... I was really happy. Miaomiao and Third Brother negotiated many business deals and orders in person. The other party looked down upon them as children who could easily steal profits. At this time, she would lead the West Wind Knights to threaten them with force. , thus getting the order!

Xiao Wu simply ate something and then looked for a place to stay. Not long after, she found a very unique hotel.

The hotel is three stories high. Although it doesn't look too big, the exterior decoration is completely rose red. The architectural style of the whole hotel is also like a huge rose, which can easily give people a glimpse. Bright feeling.

Yes, yes, very good. Xiao Wu nodded and decided that this is the place. Miaomiao likes to be exposed to novel and special things. I have never seen a hotel of this style in Notting. Miaomiao will definitely be happy!

"Rose Hotel. It's you!" Xiao Wu announced with her hands on her hips.

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