The four-star dragon was arrogant, and the eyes he glanced at Lin Qi were filled with contempt. He was really confident!

"Lin Qi, why don't you let me do it!" Sun Wufan looked at the two people who were facing each other tit for tat, and he also became excited.

"Gohan, this guy is different from the previous three stars. Even if we join forces, we can't beat him!"

Piccolo saw more things. He shook his head slightly and took Sun Wuhan up into the air, widening the distance from the battlefield.

Lin Qi shrugged indifferently, "Then let's make a quick decision?"

The power of the four-star dragon did not pose any threat in Lin Qi's eyes!

"I don't feel how powerful you are. I think the three of you should go together!" The Four-Star Dragon looked at Lin Qi with disdain.

"Haha...are you teaching me how to do things?" Lin Qi couldn't help but sneered.

"Asshole..." Four Star Dragon felt insulted and looked angrily at Lin Qi, who looked provocative.

"You're really disrespectful, I'm going to kill you!"

Lin Qi didn't want to play around with the four-star dragon. He was now eager to know the strength of the super one-star dragon that would be released later!

He had watched the past GT for too long, and he was not sure about the original ending.

Was it Sun Wukong's vitality bomb, or was it the combination of Vegeta and Sun Wukong, Gogeta, that defeated the Super One-Star Dragon?

Before Lin Qi made any move, the Four Star Dragon was arrogant and contemptuous, but after Lin Qi activated it, the Four Star Dragon didn't think so.

Being a big man, he was completely unprepared and caught off guard. He only felt his eyes blurred.

Then Lin Qi appeared in front of him, and his foot had already been kicked out.

The Four-Star Dragon hurriedly crossed his hands in front of his chest to resist Lin Qi's feet, and as Lin Qi continued to exert force.

Four Star Dragon's hands kept shaking. Looking at Four Star Dragon's astonished expression, Lin Qi raised his lips and smiled evilly, "Haha...are you shocked now?"

"Damn it..." Four Star Dragon realized that he couldn't resist at all. He retracted his hand and kept doing backflips to widen the distance between him and Lin Qi.

After the Four-Star Dragon stabilized his figure, he immediately rushed towards Lin Qi again, "Don't even think about getting complacent!"

Facing the four-star dragon's punches and kicks, Lin Qi was as leisurely as walking in the courtyard, blocking all his attacks one by one.

"Why...are you so fast!!" The Four-Star Dragon was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

Among the 7 evil dragons, if his speed dares to be ranked second, then absolutely no dragon dares to be ranked first.

But now he is so proud of his speed that he can't beat the person in front of him. It's so annoying!

The Four-Star Dragon became more and more unwilling. He did not believe in evil and struck Lin Qi with his fist again.

"If you take out the four-star dragon ball obediently, I will let you go!" Lin Qi indifferently extended his palm to receive the four-star dragon's fist and said.

"Don't even think about it!" The four-star dragon became increasingly unwilling to admit defeat like this. He struggled to push his fist out.

"I don't know how to lift!" Lin Qi pressed his palm forward, and the four-star dragon was ejected and flew backwards.

The sudden burst of air waves from Lin Qi's body shook the melted buildings around him until they collapsed.

It can be seen how swift and violent the force exerted by this gentle pressure is.

There were ruins all around, and the four-star dragon just penetrated the ruins and fell to the ground, spitting out blood.

"How is it possible..." The four-star dragon wanted to doubt his life. He always thought that Sun Wukong was the most powerful!

He was determined to fight Sun Wukong, but even if he didn't meet him, he was about to die!

Not willing...very unwilling...

The four-star dragon climbed up from the ground with difficulty. He took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, "It seems that I can only use my special move!"

"Oh... do you have any other tricks?" Lin Qi raised his eyebrows and looked at the Four-Star Dragon pretending to be very interested, "Then start your performance!"

"Ha ah ah"

The four-star dragon was not polite either, he spread his hands wide and kept roaring.

As he continued to roar, cracks began to appear on his body, and golden light shone from the cracks.

"What is that..." Sun Wuhan, who was watching the battle in mid-air, was a little shocked, "His anger is still rising!"

"No... pay attention to your feelings. Apart from his power, the surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher!"

Piccolo's forehead was covered with sweat, and he didn't know whether it was from heat or shock.

"Panic inner fire needle!!"

As the four-star dragon shouted, clusters of flames surrounded him.

The extremely high temperature spread towards the surroundings, burning and twisting the air.


Countless huge fireballs appeared around the four-star dragon, and he shouted softly and waved his arms.

Those fireballs seemed to be alive and flew towards Lin Qijiu.

At this time, the four-star dragon did not forget to say harsh words, "You guy... burn to ashes in my flames!"

The Four-Star Dragon was extremely proud, this was his ultimate trick!

"Tsk tsk...I thought you could pull off some tricks!" Lin Qi looked at the Four Star Dragon with cold eyes, his eyes full of ridicule.

"It turns out it's still the same old routine, but it's just a high-temperature flame!"

"At this time, are you still talking big words?" Seeing Lin Qi surrounded by flames, the four-star dragon also sneered.

"As long as you move slightly and break the balance of the fireball, can you withstand the explosion of the fireball?"

" a high temperature of more than 6000 degrees!!"

"What?" Sun Wuhan's eyes widened when he heard the arrogant words of the Four-Star Dragon, "More than 6000 degrees?!"

Who could survive such heat?

"What should I do? Uncle Piccolo!" Sun Wuhan turned his head anxiously and looked at Piccolo and asked.

"Don't panic, look at Lin Qi's expression!" Piccolo looked seriously at the battlefield, "Lin Qi is still very calm, he must be sure to get out of this predicament!"

"Balance?!" Lin Qi shook his head slightly helplessly and pointed at the huge fireball closest to him.

With such a gentle poke, all the fireballs surrounding Lin Qi started a chain reaction and started to tremble slightly.

"You're dead!" Seeing Lin Qi's behavior which was tantamount to seeking death, Si Xinglong clenched his fists and smiled jokingly.

"Ha..." Lin Qi also saw the expression of the four-star dragon, and he slapped the original fireball with his palm.

At this moment, all the surrounding fireballs shook violently, as if they had reached a certain critical point.

"boom boom"

All the fireballs exploded in an instant, and the terrifying high temperature set off an astonishing air wave that swept across and spread.

Brutal winds, high heat waves, dazzling fires, and billowing smoke, but in just a moment, the entire town was devoured by a sea of ​​fire.

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