Fairy Ceremony: Fantasy Achievements in the Times

Chapter 9 The golden finger emerges

Lin Yifan walked back with the Poke Ball containing the little Magnemite, and two security personnel immediately came up to him and congratulated Lin Yifan.

As ordinary people, the two security guards felt an indescribable honor to witness the birth of a trainer.

When the security guards witnessed the Pokémon slowly emerging from the void, the two security guards believed that most people would never encounter this scene in their lives. They were excited and couldn't help but feel a little envious.

After Lin Yifan expressed his gratitude to the two of them for their help, the two security guards humbly said that they just did a small thing and it was nothing!

"Master Trainer, can I see the elf you caught? I have never..." One of the security guards asked Lin Yifan in a low voice. Perhaps he felt that his request was a bit outrageous, and he did not dare to say the rest. speak out.

"No problem, it's a small matter." Lin Yifan was in a good mood now, and this little matter was nothing to him.

Besides, after I just thanked someone, I couldn’t even meet someone else’s small request. This is unjustifiable!

Lin Yifan opened the elf ball and released the little Magneto. After the little Magneto came out of the elf ball, he stared at Lin Yifan closely, as if saying that if something happened, he would fart quickly.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yifan grabbed the little magnet and said.

"Little Magneto, you are leaving here now. Say goodbye properly and remember not to use your skills indiscriminately."

Seeing Lin Yifan taking advantage of him again, the little magnet was really scared, and he quickly nodded in agreement and made a sound.


After Lin Yifan let go, he saw the little magnet monster flying around unsteadily, using electromagnetic waves to communicate with the elves.

For Ke Zhang, this may be the moment closest to the elf in his life.

Although he knew that there were many electric elves in the open space outside the protective net, as an ordinary person, Ke Zhang could not see anything except the occasional flash of electric sparks.

Today, Lin Yifan fulfilled Ke Zhang's long-held wish to see with his own eyes what the elves living in his workplace are like.

Of course, the trainers at the power station will also release their own elves for training, patrolling and fighting, but one fact is that due to mission requirements, most of the elves at the power station trainers are ground-type Pokémon.

Ke Zhang has also seen these trainers' elves from a distance, but he has never seen and interacted with them at such a close range like today.

Lin Yifan let the little magnet go out for a while and then took it back. It took a while, but he didn't think it was anything. It was fine anyway.

Letting the little magnet say goodbye was Lin Yifan's own humanitarian idea. While respecting the elves, he could also gain favorability points, Lin Yifan thought.

Li Yifan went to the VIP rest area of ​​the power station to wait for trainer Zhang Yuxing. Although Lin Yifan got the elf before the trainer was in place, he still wanted to say thank you.

While Lin Fan was waiting, he was also making training plans and future route planning.

Lin Yifan, who was concentrating on thinking about the elf training route, suddenly felt something!

He stopped typing, suddenly stood up from his chair, and told Ke Zhang to say thank you to trainer Zhang Yuxing on his behalf, and to leave if he was in an emergency.

Lin Yifan quickly finished his instructions, thought about it and didn't miss anything, and hurried home.

That's right, Lin Yifan now feels the splitting headache feeling he had when he first traveled to this world.

After insisting on running home, the huge sleepiness arose again. Lin Yifan, who had not taken off his clothes, fell heavily on the sofa and fell into a deep sleep without any movement in his body.

At dusk in the afternoon, Lin Yifan woke up in a daze, feeling that his head didn't hurt anymore but was a little swollen.

After Lin Yifan woke up, something strange came from the center of his eyebrows again, and he felt like something was about to rush out from his brain.

I relied on my will to resist for a while and then gave up because I really couldn't handle that unknown thing.

Just when Lin Yifan was thinking about whether he was going to die again with a headshot and ascending to another world, an 18-color light came from the center of his eyebrows and slowly merged into a crystal.

"Oh no, I am Erlang Shen who has opened his eyes. I stopped raising elves and became an immortal instead." Lin Yifan complained inexplicably.

Is this a change from a fantasy world to a fantasy world, or a rise in the status of the world? Lin Yifan continued to complain in his mind.

In a short period of time, the crystal became as big as a fist, and then the vision stopped, and the resulting crystal fell to the floor.

Lin Yifan observed from a distance and saw something wrapped in a transparent crystal that blended 18 colors.

Lin Yifan tested it several times with things, and after confirming that there was no danger, he picked up the crystal and observed it carefully.

"This! This! This is crazy! How come my mobile phone from the previous world is inside? Why, after working overtime and reading a novel, I can still bring the novel mobile phone with me." Lin Yifan was confused.

When Lin Yifan was confused, the crystal slowly cracked. Seeing that there was no danger, Lin Yifan picked up the phone.

As soon as he touched the phone, the phone suddenly glowed, and the light immediately entered Lin Yifan's body.Lin Yifan shivered after getting off the bed, what happened?

"Welcome to Pokemon...I am...please choose...come on...champion"



"Beep... beep... beep... Restarting... Failure... Unknown changes..."

A series of data stream signals and sounds flashed continuously in Lin Yifan's brain.

The huge intensity of information flow impacted Lin Yifan, and Lin Yifan's mentality completely collapsed.

What Lin Yifan experienced today was really exciting!The joy after capturing the elf, and after a series of visions, Lin Yifan has been completely confused. He is tired, so destroy it quickly!

Lin Yifan was suffering from physical pain, heavy pressure on his soul, and noise in his mind. He was going crazy.

Just when he couldn't bear it anymore, he just touched the elf ball with his hand, and suddenly a switch seemed to be triggered, and all the pain and torture stopped.

Lin Yifan breathed a sigh of relief, and his emotion was finally over. Lin Yifan swore that he would never touch something of this unknown purpose again in the future.

Just as Li Yifan, who was sweating profusely, was lying on the sofa to rest and regain his energy, the message "Captured successfully, anchored the world, integrating, ding dong, update completed, thank you for trying" came to his mind.

Lin Yifan was so frightened that he quickly sat up and touched his head. Well, it doesn't hurt anymore!What else is wrong?The information in his mind was slowly conveyed to Lin Yifan, and Lin Yifan finally knew what these visions were about.

In his previous life, Lin Mo's cell phone contained information about Pokémon, including two Pokédex books and some games about Pokémon.

During the time travel, Lin Mo merged with Lin Yifan, and the mobile phone turned into a special information flow.

This information flow combines the original power of the three worlds during the time travel, and simultaneously absorbs the energy of the collision of the two worlds in this parallel world, and has been silent in the fused bodies of Lin Mo and Lin Yifan.

Because Lin Mo himself also has the original imprint of the previous world, the information flow and Lin Mo are so consistent and have not dissipated or left.

The information flow turned into the appearance of the mobile phone in the previous life because it has wisdom, but this wisdom is more like the will generated by Lin Mo's breath when using the mobile phone in the previous life, a special existence formed by the strengthening of various energies traveling through time and space. .

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