There is still a long way to go as an elf trainer. After experiencing various difficulties in life, Lin Yifan knows that people may cry, but they must not stop.

Knowing that I am not from a wealthy family, I have no choice but to struggle.

Faced with this one-in-a-million opportunity, no matter whether he could get it or not, Lin Yifan had to participate, at least not to have any regrets in the future.

Only by running non-stop can you catch up with your dreams.

He rushed back to Xiucheng without stopping, looking for the "new" elves along the way.

All the new elves were gone.

"I don't understand what's going on."

During the journey, Lin Yifan looked at the familiar elves along the way. He never saw the existence of Juan Juan Er again, and he was confused about the situation for a while.

"Forget it, let's go back to Xiucheng first. Thinking about anything now is superfluous and useless."

Shaking his head, Lin Yifan put the little magnet monster that couldn't keep up with him into the elf ball and let it have a good rest.

In fact, the speed of the Magnemite race is not dominant in the first place, and its floating movement is maintained by its own electricity. Lin Yifan looked at some Magnemites who were in poor condition and immediately let them rest.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yifan released Shuttlecock Flower and Big-mouthed Bat as bodyguards to protect the return journey.

"Big Mouth Bat, thank you for your hard work. I'm leaving it to you for perimeter security."

"Shuttlecock Flower, just stay with me."

"Let's run together, let's go!"

Under Lin Yifan's encouragement, Big Mouth Bat and Shuttlecock Flower followed Lin Yifan and headed towards their destination together.

Lin Yifan's current physical fitness has become extremely strong due to the strengthening of the moment crystal energy. Lin Yifan can run fast for 3 to 4 hours on the rugged mountain road, which is already a level that ordinary adults cannot achieve. .

After a while, Lin Yifan finally entered the suburbs of Xiucheng City and collected all the elves.

Lin Yifan, who was very tired, found a large pavilion to rest for a while and adjust his condition.

Entering the pavilion, I saw three or four trainers feeding the spirits and constantly talking about issues that the trainers were concerned about.

The arrival of the young face caused the discussion among those present to stop for a while, but it started again immediately.

"There have been quite a few rumors these days that a katy dog ​​appeared in Xiucheng... I heard it's true."

"I don't know what kind of person he is, I'm envious!"

"Humph, we people don't have that opportunity or the resources anyway."

"It's just..."

"However, I heard that the trainer of the Kati dog is still a child... just like... um... that." One of them pointed to Lin Yifan at the side while speaking.

"Oh, that's why comparing people with others means you have to die, and comparing goods with others has to be thrown away. Some people have a good background and there's nothing they can do about it."

"By the way, I heard that there will be a group mission in the next few days... Do you have any ideas? Will you go?"

Lin Yifan's perception is very strong. Although he has no idea of ​​eavesdropping, in this small space, he is still passive when listening to other people's exchanges.

Hearing that the person being talked about was himself, he quietly started feeding the shuttlecock flowers.

The shuttlecock flower is also an elf that is not very common in Xiucheng. After Lin Yifan released the shuttlecock flower, the feeding process also attracted the attention of the people present for a while.

Although shuttlecock flowers are not common, they are not very rare. Everyone was stunned for a while and then resumed the lively communication.

Lin Yifan was also a little disappointed when he didn't hear the news he was looking forward to.

After resting for less than half an hour, when Lin Yifan stood up and prepared to go home, the elf ball around his waist kept shaking.

Lin Yifan, who was confused when he saw the elf ball containing the kadi dog, was about to comfort the kadi dog when it suddenly ran out of the elf ball.

"Wang Wang..."

Lin Yifan didn't want to show off the existence of the dog when he didn't have the strength. After all, it was necessary to be on guard against others. The value of its spirit was well known, but he couldn't cause trouble just because of vanity.

Therefore, when there are many people, Lin Yifan usually puts the Kati dog into the elf ball.

However, Lin Yifan did not lock the elf ball most of the time, and the elves could enter and exit freely from the elf ball.

The Cady Dog smelled the familiar smell of food in the Poké Ball. He originally thought it was his, but he didn't wait for his trainer to make a move and ran out anxiously.

Lin Yifan quickly comforted Katigou and went home immediately, saying that he would need to wait.

Although he was a little surprised that the dog suddenly ran out, Lin Yifan did not get angry or scold him.

First, after all, the child is still young, so there is no need to be too harsh. Second, Lin Yifan is already in the city limits, and Lin Yifan is not afraid of others playing tricks on him. After all, he has an elite trainer as a back-up.


Kadigou listened to Lin Yifan's words and nodded as if understanding. When he saw that he was in a new place, he walked around in a small area.

Looking at the stranger on the side, the dog thought for a while, tilted its head, barked, and said hello.

Lin Yifan called Kadi Dog and went home, and the elf followed him obediently.

After Lin Yifan walked away, the scene that had been silent for a long time began to move, and it was even more noisy than before...

"Damn it, I saw Katie the dog, it's true..."

"... "

"... "

The scene was extremely chaotic for a moment. Fortunately, Lin Yifan was gone, otherwise there was no telling what would happen next... Perhaps this was a concrete manifestation of the fame and popularity of the rare elves.

Lin Yifan finally rushed home in the afternoon. Before he could sit down, he fed the elves, and then he checked the Internet non-stop for traces of the "new elves".

" really's gone again"

Lin Yifan just saw the relevant information, and before he could reply, the post was gone...

After thinking for a while, he felt that the news should be blocked. After thinking about it for a while, Lin Yifan finally called Ye Hui.

"What's wrong, Yifan, why did you call me?"

Lin Yifan heard the mixed voices on the other side, and half-greeted and half-directly told what happened in front of him, the existence of the "new elves" in the wild.

"... "

After listening to Lin Yifan's words, Ye Hui was a little stunned. After reacting, he yelled on the phone and asked Lin Yifan carefully for the relevant details.

"The elf egg I got from Lincheng hatched. I took the elf to the wild to get used to it. I met an elf that looked like a rabbit. After a fight, the elf ran away. Later, after I checked, I found that this appearance had never appeared before. The elf, so ask Uncle Ye you"

After Lin Yifan's half-truth and half-false narration, Ye Hui was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but envy Lin Yifan's luck.

The city center had just received a notice from their superiors and was ready to welcome the new generation of elves. As a result, someone met someone who was familiar to them.

"Oh, the elf egg hatched, what elf is it?"

Ye Hui, who had been listening to Lin Yifan's story, originally wanted to express his care and concern for the younger generation, but he never expected that Lin Yifan's subsequent answer would make him even more confused.

"Uh, it's a dog"

"Hmm... Kati dog? Not bad."

"...What, Kati Dog? Yifan, are you talking about that Elf Kati Dog of the fire element?"

"... "

After receiving the information that surprised him, Ye Hui felt that today was really a shocking day.

"Then what... Yifan, where are you? I'll send someone to pick you up. Come to the city. You may be asked to provide some information. Of course, there will be rewards."

Ye Hui said quickly!

"Okay, Uncle Ye, I'm at home now."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yifan knew that the arrival of Curly Ears was definitely an unusual situation.

PS: Thank you Red Devil Beiying

Thank you Night Stalker

Thank you Piaofu Qingwu


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