Keep your mouth in the group, keep your heart alone.

The most important thing in self-cultivation is to have a pure heart, and the most important thing in dealing with the world is to be cautious in speaking.

Along the way, facing the mature and prudent advice of two senior elite trainers, Lin Yifan pretended to acknowledge it as if nothing had happened, but did not express his opinion.

Yu Weijiang and Ye Hui were also impressed when they saw Lin Yifan spinning around like a top with a whip.

In the afternoon, after the train finally stopped at its destination, Xiucheng Station, everyone exchanged polite greetings and said goodbye to each other.

After Lin Yifan also said hello to the two leaders, he walked quickly towards home.

While walking, the elf egg in Lin Yifan's hand attracted the attention of many pedestrians.

Many people knew that the item in Lin Yifan's hand was an elf egg. While everyone envied the owner of the egg, they also felt a little confused. The young man's face was quite familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere.

Although Lin Yifan achieved good results in the novice competition in Li Province, his fame did not seem to spread for a long time. The feeling of strangeness is the normal state of ordinary people, while the feeling of familiarity is the confusion of memories that pass by in a flash.

Lin Yifan doesn't care about what other people think now. He just wants to go home and store Kati Dog's elf eggs properly.

This is a big baby.

The existence of elf eggs is a unique way of birth of elves.

In the setting of Pokémon.

Players can obtain the appearance (package form, different colors), characteristics, moves and abilities of the Pokémon they want by continuously hatching Pokémon.

In the game, the birth and hatching of elf eggs is not difficult, at most it is a bit troublesome. People who don’t understand can thoroughly understand the operating mechanism of the game settings after studying it for a period of time.

Under normal circumstances, two Pokémon of the opposite sex need to have the same egg group or one of them is a Cardcaptor before they can lay eggs. This has also created the reputation of the Cardcaptor God-level egg group.

As the fertility machine pursued by most players, Variety Monster has shed countless tears.

And there used to be urban legends that the Variety Monster was created by dreams.

For example, the six dimensions of the fantasy are all 100, while the six dimensions of the Variety are all 48.

There is a sentence in Mew's introduction that it has the genetic genes of all Pokémon, so it is said that it can use all moves.

The illustrated guide for the Variety Monster explains that it can reorganize its cells to make itself look exactly like the opponent in front of it.

Moreover, Mew and Cardcaptor are the only Pokémon in the game that can only learn the "transformation" skill.

But from another perspective, it is obvious that in the Pokémon world, most legendary Pokémon, fantasy Pokémon, and exotic beasts can reproduce.

For example, in the animated plot, the legendary Pokémon exists in a family.

There is also the existence of ultra-exotic beasts. After all, the other world in the Pokémon world is just ordinary Pokémon.

In the real world, the reproduction of elves is also a key research subject on elves.

Humans can catch an endless stream of wild varieties of monsters in the wild and in the void.

However, Variety Monsters cannot reproduce in a human-cultivated environment, but they can in a wild environment, but the breeding method is unknown to humans.

When breeding Pokémon, the female Pokémon determines what kind of Pokémon will be born;

In particular, when laying eggs with a Dictator, the Pokémon that is born is another Pokémon that is not a Dictator.

When players pursue various elf compositions, they will use various props, such as immutable stones, red threads, and basic point enhancement props, which can play a role in game cultivation.

But in the real world, the cultivation and inheritance of elves is a cutting-edge scientific topic in elf research.

Human researchers are constantly trying hard to crack the secrets and master more knowledge for people to use.

In the previous world, talented netizens on the Internet also made various guesses and assumptions about the origin of the Variety Monster.

such as:

According to the news mentioned in the introduction of the Variety Monster, the Variety Monster can change its own cells to look like the cells of the target being copied.Most netizens believe that the reason why Variety Monster can replicate cells is mainly through cell proliferation and division, and it is also possible to complete fission reproduction.

In the real world, Variety Monsters are still the focus of research by researchers.

After an illegal experiment exposed by the news media more than ten years ago led to the indiscriminate hunting of Variety Monsters, the situation of Variety Monsters is now better.

Generally speaking, in the real world, the existence of elven eggs from rare elves still relies on harvesting from the wild.

People don't know enough about how elves reproduce, and not enough research has been done.

This was also the reason why Lin Yifan was so excited when he saw the Kati Dog Elf Egg. If the Kati Dog was hatched, how could such a powerful and rare elf take its turn to be used as a reward for novice trainers!

The scarcity of identification and classification of elf eggs allows some rare elf to be scattered in the market in the form of eggs.

As an elite trainer, Ye Hui has experienced many things, including the real-life story of seeing someone hatch a rare elf from an elf egg, and the value of the elf increased a thousand times or hundreds of times. However, such real-life stories are so rare that it makes people want to cry. , so Ye Hui had always advised Lin Yifan not to go astray. This was the reason.

Kati Dog, as a pure fire elf, its evolved form, Wind Speed ​​Dog, is the first king of the fire element.

Among the current Pokémon, excluding the existence of various fantasy beasts and legendary elves, Wind Speed ​​Dog is in the top echelon with a racial value of 555.

Nowadays, when mage evolution has not yet become popular, the race value of the Wind Speed ​​Dog is enough to surpass that of all the three royal families. The other one is respectfully called the Fengshen Dog, which shows its rarity and power.

Wind Speed ​​Dog's racial value of 555 can definitely be regarded as a god-like existence. Although his body size is average, his skills are very exciting. The instantaneous explosive power of his speed and fire skills is amazing.

Compared to Charizard, except that it can't fly, it is definitely not worse than it, and even surpasses it in some aspects.

So when Lin Yifan saw the existence of Kati Dog, he finally made up his mind to choose.

After returning home, Lin Yifan first powered on the egg incubator and did the work of feeding and cleaning the elves.

After finishing these little things and playing with the elves for a while, everyone went to play games.

Lin Yifan called his parents and told him that he was back from Lincheng and was already home.

Lin Yifan's parents personally watched the day Lin Yifan won the championship and all the previous games.

And they also talked to each other that night, so after two days of excitement, today's call has calmed down a lot. They just said that they would come home in two days to make delicious food for Lin Yifan to reward the elves.

After a brief chat, Lin Zhi hung up the phone on the grounds that he was busy with work and asked Lin Yifan to take care of himself and contact him if anything happened.

Lin Yifan hung up the phone dumbfounded. He couldn't understand what his parents were doing and felt that they were hiding something from him.

During his time at home, Lin Yifan searched for posts on the Internet about elf egg hatching.

Although the Lincheng Elf Service Center provided an egg incubator and an egg hatching guide, there are some netizens out there who all have interesting egg hatching experiences!

Sure enough, during the incubation process, trainers have contributed many opinions and suggestions related to egg hatching. Some methods are even recorded in the official guide. As for what the trainers revealed, it is the official adoption of the trainers' opinions. unknown.

During the process of hatching elf eggs, you can add some officially recommended materials, which can enhance the elf's physique and talent to a certain extent.

Is the effect obvious?

There are two factions on the Internet. Some say it is an IQ tax, while others say it is useful and effective. There are so many theories that Lin Yifan doesn't know which side to believe.

Lin Yifan felt it was unnecessary!The presence of natural forces is a great reinforcer.


When Lin Yifan tentatively stimulated the power of nature to supplement and strengthen the Kadi dog's elf egg, a pleasant feeling emerged from the elf egg and was accepted by Lin Yifan.

"It works, as expected."

The softness of the power of nature can be well absorbed by the elf egg located at the beginning of life.

Seeing the effect, knowing that the bug performance of the Force of Nature must be beneficial, Lin Yifan continuously input the energy of the Force of Nature into the egg.

After a while, when a saturated cry came from the elf egg, Lin Yifan stopped the energy transmission.

"No, I'm too tired. It's been almost an hour." Lin Yifan looked at the time and saw that the elf egg had been receiving energy enhancement for an hour.

Lin Yifan looked at the elf egg on the table and couldn't help but feel that the little guy was definitely not a simple master.

The next morning, Ye Hui called Lin Yifan and asked him to come to the Elf Service Center in Xiucheng to receive extra rewards from Xiucheng.

Lin Yifan asked Supersonic Bat and Shuttlecock Flower to look after the house, and took Magneto to the elf service center in the city.

Lin Yifan hadn't arrived yet and saw Ye Hui and two unknown people at the door from a distance. He didn't know who they were waiting for.

"You're not waiting for me, are you?" Lin Yifan felt that he was a little whimsical.

"I'm not that big of a face, right?" Lin Yifan scratched his head.

Without thinking about anything, Lin Yifan walked directly to the door.

"Here we come, let's get to know each other. This year's Li Province Novice Competition champion is Lin Yifan."

"Yifan, this is the director of the admissions office of Li Province University. I came to Xiucheng to talk to you and exchange ideas."

Ye Hui serves as a link between Lin Yifan and Li University staff.

Lin Yifan was stunned for a moment when he heard Ye Hui's words, but he immediately realized what he was saying and went up to say hello.

"Haha, hello, classmate Yifan, I am here to invite you to join our school on behalf of Le Province University."


"Why... why are you standing here? Go in and sit down and chat slowly. It's only for a while. You can't make a decision so quickly." Just when Lin Yifan was a little dull, Ye Hui spoke up.

After Lin Yifan and the others agreed, the group walked towards the Elf Service Center.

"Li Province University?" Lin Yifan thought as he walked.

Lin Yifan was a little caught off guard by the olive branch extended by Le Provincial University. At least for the past few minutes, he was a little confused.

PS: Thank you everyone for your votes.

People who enjoy the wind【8】

Book Friends 20170523082217997

Red Devil Shell Shadow【8】

Night Demon zy【7】

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