Fairy Ceremony: Fantasy Achievements in the Times

Chapter 59 Winning the Championship

The coordinates are Lincheng.

As Jiang Tao, the fifth-generation trainer in the family, I want to inherit the family's will.

Facing this world, I feel very lucky. I am grateful to the elite trainers for creating the Jiang family's path as a trainer for hundreds of years. As a descendant, I am walking on the path of a trainer that is not difficult.

As a direct line trainer of the Xia League, what I see is that the hierarchy within the Xia League trainers is seriously solidified, and knowledge and resources have become the talisman of the forerunners and are deeply hidden.

Improvement and pursuit of perfection are my goals.

In Xia Kingdom, the most powerful group: Xia League, can be described in one word, unfathomable. The various forces in it are complicated and complicated, and various interests are entangled in it. Even the slightest involvement in it can make people confused.

In reality, after ordinary people become a battle trainer, it is difficult to make a living in the world of trainers. Most elves are very expensive to raise and train. Most trainers can only rely on doing various tasks and training. Various competitive life.

On the contrary, application trainers are very popular in human society. They do not seek to improve the fighting ability of elves. They are good at using the power of elves to complete various construction, maintenance and other ordinary tasks, so that they can ensure their comfortable living conditions, and Still respected.

Although life is good, their lack of strength also puts trainers like them at the bottom of the contempt chain in the entire profession.

With a few exceptions, application trainers are basically far behind trainers who specialize in elf battles in terms of battles.

Jiang Tao's father, Jiang Yi, is a trainer within the system. He also relied on the legacy left by his father to reach the level of a high-level trainer. The reason why Jiang Yi, who is mediocre in talent, can break through himself and reach this level is mainly because of Jiang Yi. Yi's grandfather was one of the first trainers in the Xia Kingdom, so he naturally had a lot of extra resources and special information.

However, after the millennium, Sun Ye suddenly emerged as a representative of ordinary trainers. He started as a young trainer representative of Le Province University and gradually embarked on the road to his rise. With his unexpected strength, With amazing progress, Sun Ye tore a path in the world of trainers in Li Province.

Since the arrival of the elves, the Jiang family has followed the growth of the Xia League and slowly developed, gradually gaining a foothold in Lam City in Le Province and becoming a force that cannot be ignored in Lam City.

Since entering the new era, establishing the Jiang Family Gym has become the biggest goal of the Jiang Family. As the representative of the fifth generation trainer of the Jiang Family, I naturally have high hopes.

It is a pity that the stage of this era in Le Province does not belong to the Jiang family.

Five years ago, Sun Ye became the Heavenly King certified by Xia Meng, becoming the second Heavenly King recorded in the history of Li Province.

His reputation is at its peak, and his influence gradually penetrates into the training circles of Le Province.

As a contemporary, Jiang Yi was discouraged by Sun Ye's performance and compared with his own current situation and fell into despair.

Jiang Tao thought about how his previously high-spirited father had completely forgotten the family's goal of building a gym. Jiang Tao felt sad, disappointed and distressed.

Facing the rewards of this year’s Le Province Novice Trainer Competition, the extra elves given out are very surprising.

You must know that the habitat of fire elves in Li Province is pitiful. Even Jiang Tao, a direct descendant of Xia Meng, is very attracted by these elves.

In order to get his father back on his feet, Jiang Tao loudly told Jiang Yi that he would win the championship in this year's novice competition and asked him to change his old appearance into a new one.

In Jiang Tao's opinion, the opponents in the provincial promotion round were just noobs, and they advanced to the finals casually.

this day.

While Jiang Tao was preparing the elves for the finals.

Jiang's family analysts reminded Jiang Tao that there is a player in Xiucheng this year who should not be underestimated and asked him to pay more attention.

"A Tao, that guy named Lin Yifan is ridiculously strong. The promotion competition on the last day ended in the morning. And according to the information I heard, this guy became a junior trainer less than half a year after becoming a trainer. He's better than you. The progress was much faster at the beginning, do you want to move..."

Jiang Tao heard his cousin's introduction and listened attentively at first, until he heard the suggestion later and interrupted him.

"No, don't use that kind of trick in front of me. I will defeat him openly. Are you a genius?" Jiang Tao refused as if he was losing his temper.

Hearing his cousin's suggestion, Jiang Tao recalled that during this period, his father said in front of him how he was doing in his life, saying nonsense about being less talented than so and so...a bunch of decadent nonsense in his opinion, and he became angry just thinking about it.

After hearing about the existence of Lin Yifan, he was determined to have a head-to-head battle. What a bullshit genius. He only believed in his own strength.

This is what Jiang Tao thinks.

Under Jiang Tao's arrangement and suggestion, the Jiang family did not touch Lin Yifan, but instead blocked some people's exploration for Lin Yifan.

At this moment, where the trainers from Xiucheng were gathered, Lin Yifan met with the only remaining representatives from Zhu Hongfei and Xiucheng.

One of the people from Show City was Ye Hui, the head of the Elf Service Center, and the other was Yu Weijiang, the director of the Elf Alliance in Show City. Both of them were elite trainers.

Logically speaking, although the elf officials in Xiucheng City will pay attention to the provincial battles of novice trainers, the probability of two elite trainers coming to the Lincheng platform to escort them at the same time is really low.

This visit was entirely because the rewards for this year's novice competition were a bit exaggerated. Xiucheng was also afraid that people from the provincial capital would play tricks and suffer losses, so two big guys came to protect the place.

Seeing that only two juniors entered the finals of the Li Province Novice Competition, the two elite trainers had completely different ideas.

In Yu Weijiang's opinion, the quality of novice trainers in Xiucheng is really getting worse year by year. He wonders whether he should spend time caring about the new trainers in the future and whether the promised rewards will increase later.

In Ye Hui's view, Lin Yifan is like one of his own, and his quota is used in the competitions he participates in. Zhang Yuxing and Gong Jiwei seem to have unique vision, and this newcomer is indeed worthy of training and attention.

The two elite trainers were in a trance for a moment, then came back to their senses immediately, and they started talking cordially with Lin Yifan.

"Lin Yifan, Zhu Hongfei, you are the representatives of this year's show city. Entering the finals also symbolizes your great strength."

"After our discussion, as long as you advance to the top 32 in the finals, we will give you a reward of 5 yuan, the top 16 will give you 10 yuan, the top 8 will give you 20 yuan, and the top four will give you 4 yuan..."

After taking a sip of tea, Yu Weijiang moistened his throat and continued: "If you enter the top three, you will be given a reward of 200 million. You elves will receive a food package for a year, and each elf will be equipped with a high-end ball. Well... yes... that's it." "

Ye Hui looked at Yu Weijiang with a confused look on his face. What is Lao Yu doing? The reward that was originally discussed has completely changed and become much richer. The original reward plan was that the winner would be given 100 million and it would be over. What now? This is it.

But after seeing Lin Yifan, he rolled his eyes and said, who cares, Lao Yu is the person in charge of the elf affairs in Xiucheng, and it is his business to issue rewards. Lin Yifan is still one of his own, and it seems that he will not lose no matter what he thinks?

Ye Hui simply said nothing and just smiled and drank tea.

Lin Yifan and Zhu Hongfei on the side couldn't help but swallowed when they heard the leader's promise.

Lin Yifan was already in a daze at this time. The 200 million funds were enough to cultivate the three elves in his hands to their final evolved form.

"No, no, the top three must go in. The money falling from the sky cannot kill anyone, but I have to give it a try and make a profit." Lin Yifan thought in his mind.

Lin Yifan felt that he had another reason to play hard.

Lin Yifan and Zhu Hongfei repeatedly stated that they would work harder to compete and bring glory to the trainers in Show City...

After everyone finished eating happily, the two elite trainers were going to go to the city to meet other trainers. After telling Lin Yifan and Lin Yifan to have a good rest and cheer up for tomorrow's game, they got up and went to the city.

The next morning, Lin Yifan and Zhu Hongfei got up early. After a simple wash and breakfast, they were picked up by Wu Jing and taken to the competition venue.

Before the start of the finals, various leaders came to the stage to speak. Each one spoke for a few minutes and lasted for nearly an hour. Finally, at the end of the speech of a leader with a certain position (Lin Yifan did not hear clearly and had never heard of it), he announced When the game starts, the draw for the game begins.

In the finals, 36 people compete. To win the championship, you need to win 5 games in a row.

The scale of the competition was quite formal and everything was well arranged, at least that's what Lin Yifan thought.

After the lottery was drawn, Lin Yifan went to the second game in the morning. The huge competition venue only arranged four games at a time. On the first day, there were 17 games in the morning and 17 games in the afternoon. A random number grab determined the top 32. Top 16 players.

Less than half an hour after the game started, Lin Yifan was notified to play. Lin Yifan saw his opponent, a delicate girl.

As the referee ordered the game to start, both sides released elves together. Lin Yifan sent out Shuttlecock and the opponent sent out Pikachu.

PS: Thank you book friend 20170523082217997

Red Devil Shell Shadow【8】

Thank you for your recommendation and support of Night Demon zy [7]. Thank you for your daily encouragement. Thank you.

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