In his previous life, Yan Yunxiao was unwilling to interact with people who were too polite, because it was really tiring, psychologically.

In fact, as a prince, Xue Beng's character should not be this shy. After all, an etiquette teacher would teach them how to treat others from an early age.

It can only be said that fate plays tricks on people. If Xue Qinghe is really still alive, Xue Beng will not be like this.

Here Yan Yunxiao just came to the kitchen on the third floor of the canteen, told them to make more customized nutritious meals, and then came back.

Xue Beng didn't have to wait long, and the customized meal was served in about five or six minutes.

It's not that the chef is being fooled, but that Yan Yunxiao and the others eat too much nutritious meals every day. The extra meals are enough for three people, not to mention one person.

Because Yan Li would change the menu for Yan Yunxiao and the others every once in a while, the ingredients for their nutritious meals were divided separately.

And the ingredients delivered to the canteen every day, whether soul beast meat or beast meat, are whole, so the daily amount of nutritious meals, even if Yan Yunxiao and the others can eat it, they will definitely not be able to eat it. Finished.

Not to mention, because the ingredients were of high quality and provided a lot of energy, Yan Yunxiao and the others couldn't eat more even if they wanted to.

Of course, don’t worry about wasting it if you can’t finish it. There will be dedicated people handling it after school every day to ensure that everything is put to good use.

Maybe it was because Xue Beng's character was already lively, but after just one lunch, Xue Beng, Yan Yunxiao and the others completely let go.

It's not very accurate to say that. It should be that Xue Beng completely let go of Yan Yunxiao, followed by Yu Hui, and then Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er again.

In fact, Xue Beng wanted to make friends with Yan Yunxiao not just because Yan Yunxiao was strong. Strength is only one aspect, and Philip is also another aspect. More importantly, Yan Yunxiao's steady and kind personality gave Xue Beng a sense of familiarity.

That feeling was like the sense of security that I felt when I was just following Xue Qinghe.

Yes, even though he was one year older than Yan Yunxiao, and even though he had only been in contact with her for a week, Yan Yunxiao did make Xue Beng feel a little at ease.

It was precisely because of the combination of various factors that Xue Beng was able to quickly let go of himself in front of Yan Yunxiao.

. . . . . .

Because the physical fitness class in the afternoon didn't start until two o'clock, Yan Yunxiao took Xue Beng and Yu Hui to his dormitory.

In the new school year, Yan Yunxiao is still the only one in 2-05.

Although Yan Yunxiao only lived in the dormitory three or four times during the whole school year last year, the facilities in 2-05 were very complete.

In addition, the dormitory building for key classes will be cleaned regularly, so even if no one lives in it for a long time, the dormitory will not be dirty.

"By the way, Yunxiao, do you know which medicinal store in Tianshui City is more reliable?" After exchanging training experiences, Xue Beng asked as if something suddenly occurred to him.

"I'm really not very clear about this. My dad usually buys the medicinal materials I use. I'll ask you about them when I get home." Yan Yunxiao said.

Yan Yunxiao always keeps a lot of medicinal materials at home, and Yan Li also replenishes them from time to time, so Yan Yunxiao's medicinal materials are never out of stock.

Because of this, Yan Yunxiao never bought medicinal materials alone.

"Xuebeng, what kind of medicinal materials do you want to buy?" Yuhui asked.

"Is there any explanation here?" Regarding Yu Hui's question, Xue Beng looked confused, and Yan Yunxiao also turned his attention to Yu Hui.

"Well, my family doesn't run a tavern. Some of the brewing materials my mother researched include medicinal materials, so our family has transactions with many medicinal materials stores in Tianshui City." Yu Hui explained.

Using only ordinary materials, if you want to brew a wine that can help soul masters practice, even if it is not just a dream, all kinds of medicinal materials are definitely indispensable.

Therefore, Yuhui still had some understanding of several medicinal material dealers in Tianshui City.

"If we want to talk about the largest and most comprehensive trading firm, it must be the Qibao Trading Firm. They are backed by the Qibao Glazed Sect. They have no shortage of connections and gold soul coins. They also have a wide range of medicinal materials. As long as they are not particularly precious, they can basically get them in You can buy it from Qibao Trading Company," Yu Hui introduced.

In fact, it's not just medicinal materials, Qibao Trading Company also deals in various rare materials, treasures, soul tools, etc.

This is mainly because the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda has a hidden feature, which is the ability to detect treasures. This feature is extremely suitable for trading companies.

It is also because of this that Qibao Commercial Bank has never sold a single fake product since its establishment.

The good reputation and strong background have directly made Qibao Trading Company one of the best in Tianshui City.

Trading firm, trading firm, this store must be operating in more than just one location in Tianshui City.

The spread of Qibao Trading Company's shop is much wider than that of Yan Yunxiao's Aise Hotel. Even in small third-tier cities, there will be a small Qibao store.

Therefore, even in some cities, Qibao Trading Company cannot compare with some established forces, but in terms of size, Qibao Trading Company is definitely the number one in the mainland.

Think about the income that Esser Hotel brings to the Yan family every year, and then compare it with Qibao Trading Company. It is no exaggeration to say that even just relying on the annual income brought by the business is enough to support many generations of disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

You know, the title of Qibao Glazed Sect, the richest sect in the mainland, is not just talk.

"But it is precisely because of the high quality and good reputation that the prices of medicinal materials in Qibao Trading Company are higher than those on the market. Of course, the medicinal materials they sell are definitely worth the price." Yu Hui continued.

This money is definitely nothing to Xue Beng, Yan Yunxiao and even Yu Hui, but there are indeed some soul masters who don't want to bear it.

"Qibao Trading Company also has a unique system. It seems to be called a membership system. Once your consumption reaches a certain number of gold soul coins, you will get corresponding discounts."

"I remember that the lowest-level members only need to spend one hundred gold soul coins. In the future, they can enjoy a 9.20% discount when purchasing items in any Qibao Trading Company store." Yu Hui recalled.

Yuhui's parents often had contact with people from Qibao Trading Company, and the two sometimes commented in front of Yuhui, so although Yuhui had never been there, he still knew them quite well.

What Yu Hui didn't know was that what he just said brought back Yan Yunxiao's memories.

In the previous life, there was a penguin who also engaged in various memberships to guide users to consume, and later there were Xinyue memberships and so on. Back then, Yan Yunxiao failed to control his hands many times.

I didn't expect to hear such a similar membership system after coming to Douluo Continent.

However, it is understandable. It is not difficult to think of something like a membership system. Qibao Trading Company has the support of Qibao Glazed Sect, so it can naturally do this if there is no shortage of money.

After all, the base number is there, and there is no way to lose it.

In addition to Qibao Trading Company, Yu Hui then introduced five or six more, some of which specialize in ice and water-based medicinal materials, some specialize in low-end medicinal materials, and some specialize in selling medicines with strange effects...

Because of its geographical advantage, Tianshui City must have a lot of medicinal materials with ice properties.

It was precisely because of this that Yu Hui asked Xue Beng in advance what kind of medicinal materials he needed.

"What I need are not high-end medicinal materials. My uncle has already prepared the main medicinal materials for me. All I have to do is buy some auxiliary medicinal materials according to the new formula every time I go to a new college." Xue Beng said.

After all, last year was the first year Xue Beng went out, so all the medicinal materials and other snow stars were prepared.

In the second year, that is, this year, Xuexing only provided the main drug, and Xue Beng had to find a place to buy the auxiliary drugs.

However, Xuexing said that the auxiliary medicines in the prescriptions he gave were all adjusted by the pharmacist according to the situation in various places. As long as you are not really unlucky, you can basically buy them.

"Are you in a hurry to use Xue Beng?" Yan Yunxiao asked.

"There's no rush. The medicine I prepared last year is not used yet. I just need to prepare all the medicine in a month." Xue Beng said.

"In this case, I'll go home and ask my parents about it, and then we can go there together tomorrow." Yan Yunxiao suggested.

Naturally, Yan Yunxiao himself did not need to buy medicinal materials, but Phillip was almost past his infancy. This is not a wild environment, and Yan Yunxiao is not short of gold soul coins, so he will naturally consider Phillip's nutrition after he enters the growth period.

After all, it was Yan Yunxiao who wanted to raise him, so he didn't bother anyone else about Philip. At most, he only asked Yan Li and Lan Yurou for their advice.

During this period of time, Yan Yunxiao had already figured out Phillip's rations.

It is a kind of spirit beast that is abundant in the frozen forest, the velvet beast. It is a small spirit beast that looks like a snow rabbit and has a reproductive capacity similar to that of a rabbit.

The edelweiss is at the bottom of the food chain in the frozen forest. Basically, any carnivorous soul beast will include it in the diet.

There are also many dishes made with edelweiss beasts in the Esser Hotel, which are very popular with ordinary people and low-level soul masters.

Yan Yunxiao planned to make a soul beast jerky using edelweiss meat as the main material, plus some ice-attribute herbs, energy-containing ore powder, and other things.

In Yan Yunxiao's expectation, this kind of dried meat would be enough to get Philip through the early stages of his growth.

After passing the infancy period, Philip's growth rate will return to the normal rate. Unless there is something else, there will not be such a situation of crossing a hundred years at once.

Stable growth means that Yan Yunxiao has enough time to study and experiment with Philip's menu.

Now that Yan Yunxiao has almost selected the materials, he and Xue Beng can go to the trading house to have a look tomorrow.

"That's a good relationship." Xue Beng agreed cheerfully.

"Then it's settled. There happens to be no classes tomorrow afternoon, so we have enough time to select and search." Yan Yunxiao said.

In fact, Yan Yunxiao also planned to ask if he had any contact with Qibao Trading Company, but thinking about it, there must be some, after all, the two parties have a basis for cooperation in many places.

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