Naruto Seihan

Chapter 18 Source of Materials

Qinghan was nestled in the hot spring, with a bath towel wrapped around her body, her hair wet on her forehead, her eyes closed and enjoying the comfortable feeling brought to her by the bath. The steam filled the surroundings, and the faint fragrance of roses floated in the air, making people unable to help but be intoxicated.

A smile of enjoyment appeared on Qinghan's face, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, like some kind of lazy and sexy animal.

"Well, it feels so comfortable." His cold hands gently patted the warm water,

She leaned her head against the edge of the hot spring pool, closing her eyes and enjoying the beauty of the bath.

"Hmm~" Qinghan let out a soft hum. She felt that all the fatigue in her body disappeared at this moment, and her body became extremely relaxed and happy. She stretched out her hand from the water and gently touched her smooth and white face. Her cheeks were slightly cool, and her skin was as delicate and smooth as a baby's.

"It's great, I really hope it can be like this forever." Such thoughts came to Qinghan's mind involuntarily.

Soaking in the hot spring and enjoying the baptism of the hot spring pool, this idea became stronger and stronger in Qinghan's heart. Finally, Qinghan finally admitted that this was what he was thinking.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered something and some people. The scenes of her growing up with her parents, classmates, and teammates kept popping up in her mind. From her birth to now, she has experienced many things, and she has never felt as happy as she does now. She thought, maybe she has really grown up and can protect such a village full of hope!

Qinghan's thinking slowly became clearer and sober. She opened her eyes and looked at the stone table next to the hot spring. There was a photo on it. The photo is a group photo of me in class 4 when I graduated from school.

Qinghan's eyes stayed on the photo. In the photo, she was expressionless and extremely indifferent. But now, after experiencing the war and living and dying with her teammates, she felt that Teacher Yoichi took care of her. Although her parents were gone, she But he still has so much. Thinking of meeting these new generations of Konoha in the past two days, a bright smile appeared on his face unconsciously. The smile was very sunny, like a red sun, lighting up the night.

Qinghan took out a glass of juice from the system, made a small piece of ice floe with his right hand, and placed the juice lightly in it. Look at your masterpiece with satisfaction and admire your creativity.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the hot spring area next to it, "There is a pervert! Stop right there!"

Qinghan was startled, and he took out a kimono from the system and put it on, covering his body, and walked out of the hot spring. I saw a woman weighing as much as the Himalayas, holding a rolling pin in one hand and grabbing her clothes with the other as she chased him out cursing. Looking in the direction of the woman's pursuit, a white-haired man in the distance disappeared in a flash. Qinghan returned to the hot spring with a red face and found a milk bath. He thought carefully about it. Although he was not good at sensing, he couldn't even notice it when he was so close. This person was extremely capable! Is that man Jiraiya? I remember that in the short video of the previous life, it seemed to be mentioned that the three ninjas represented pornography, gambling, and poison.

Qinghan leaned in the milk bath, opened the system for the first time in a long time, emptied the blue dial, and after feeling the all-round enhancement of chakra several times, a few movies were included in the system, and he threw away a bunch of useless things. Enter the warehouse and continue to draw the red wheel.

Life-sustaining technique - immune to one fatal injury (finally out, invincible)

Water escape - water dragon bite explosion (not bad)

Ice Escape - Absolute Zero (easy to use)

Immortal Technique (Passive): Greatly accelerates the speed of entering Immortal Mode (invincible)

Immortal Technique (Passive): Greatly reduces consumption in Immortal Mode (Invincible)

The red turntable was as powerful as ever. I opened the movie collected in the system, took some fruits and drinks, leaned leisurely in the hot spring, and watched quietly.


"Ugh, I'm scared to death. I was discovered before I had time to collect materials!" Jiraiya wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, but the quality of Konoha is average recently. It's so scary that this kind of power can carry a cauldron. . The figure in the distance seems to be good, but the fog is too thick and I can't see clearly. Her hand must be bloodstained. The third generation has found a good young talent, but she looks too young to be a suitable candidate!

"Jiraiya-sama, the third generation invites you!" Anbu came to Jiraiya and said respectfully

"Why did the old man come to me so late?" Jiraiya complained and the ANBU quickly left and came to the Hokage Rock. The third generation stood alone in the wind, looking back at Jiraiya: "When did you come back? The village needs someone to take charge now!"

"Morning, old man, you know me well. My personality is not suitable for me, and I plan to continue traveling in some time." Jiraiya waved his hands and refused nonchalantly.

"Hey, you!" Sandai looked at Jiraiya's cynical look and just shook his head.

"Don't be like this, old man, I think you raised a good little girl!" Jiraiya sat on the statue and joked with the third generation with a smile.

"Have you seen it?" Sandai was a little surprised. This guy had seen Qinghan just after he came back?

"Well, you have a great figure!"

"..." The third generation looked at Jiraiya speechlessly. Qinghan was only 14 years old. "Is there any news about Tsunade?" Sandai asked about his other apprentice.

"In the town to the north of the Land of Fire. It's still the same! I haven't seen her for a while." Jiraiya shook his head, and Tsunade herself hadn't seen her for a while. Do you want to go find her? What about the village? I don’t know if her hemophobia has improved. Also tell her about the situation in the village!

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