The two soon returned to the academy.

"Teacher, have you heard of the Killing City?" Luo Hao took Liu Erlong's hand and asked suddenly.


"What's that place?"

Liu Erlong was confused.

She had traveled to the mainland for many years, but she didn't even know that this place existed. This immediately made her interested.

Luo Hao immediately knew that Liu Erlong must have never heard of it.

"Hey, it's definitely a good place~"

"Teacher, let's go there sometime. Just treat it as a vacation~"

Luo Hao smiled.


"I listen to you~"

Liu Erlong smiled slightly and then ordered:

"But it's okay to have fun, but you should practice hard and stabilize your realm. Don't let your talents go to waste!"

"Don't worry, I won't let you down~"

Luo Hao smiled shyly.

"Oh, and remember to come to my room at night." Liu Erlong added.

Luo Hao:? ? ?

Luo Hao sighed and acquiesced.

In normal times, Liu Erlong was very obedient to Luo Hao.

At that time at night, Luo Hao had to listen to Liu Erlong.

After all, it is a dragon type martial spirit, and it has endured for so many years, so 99 times a night is still very reasonable.


a few days later.

Heaven Dou City.

Luo Hao originally wanted to take Liu Erlong directly to the Killing Capital.

However, Liu Erlong has been busy with college affairs recently.

Luo Hao delayed for several days.

By the way, I also got to see the prosperity of Tiandou City.

It is definitely not comparable to the original Notting College.

Luo Hao finished his meal and was about to return to the academy.

Suddenly noticed something.

"Good guy, I've been keeping such a low profile, but someone still wants to rob me?" Luo Hao cursed in his heart.

He only spent dozens of gold soul coins.

Why are you being targeted!

Luo Hao thought of this and pretended not to notice.

Started walking towards the outside of the city.

Came to an empty place outside the city.

Luo Hao then turned his head.

Two men in black were following him calmly.

It's all come to this point.

Both sides know what it means.

Of course there is no need to hide.

"Hey, who are you?"

"As for robbing one of my children?"

Luo Hao asked with a smile.

"Ha ha?"


"Do you think we are interested in your gold soul coins?"

One person said disdainfully.


"Is not it?"

"Then why have you been following me for so long?"

Luo Hao raised his eyebrows, this was a bit strange.

He is a decent gentleman, an optimistic and cheerful young man, how could he still offend others?

Seeing Luo Hao's unafraid attitude, a man in black felt a little unhappy and sneered:

"Boy, we just??????"

"Locke, don't talk nonsense with him. It's our task to catch him first and hand him over to the adults!" Another man in black stopped his companion from talking too much.


Luo Hao was helpless when he saw that these two people didn't say anything.

"Bang bang—"

Two shots were fired.

Two headless bodies fell to the ground.

"Tsk~ Two garbage soul sects just came to catch me, they don't overestimate their own capabilities."

Luo Hao was speechless.

I thought they were at least soul kings.

So I added a little critical hit to my bullets.

But he didn't expect that the other party was so weak.

Luo Hao groped around the two of them.

It was found that except for a few gold soul coins, Mao had no money.


"Who are these two guys??"

"Could he be an admirer of Liu Erlong?"

"Do you think of me as your love rival?"

Luo Hao was confused.

See no one found here.

Luo Hao still made a circle and then returned to Tiandou City.

Luo Hao suddenly regretted that he had killed too quickly.

"It's so easy to shoot. I have to be more careful next time and not kill them all."

Luo Hao warned himself secretly in his heart.

Back to college.

I found that the entrance to the college was very lively.

"What day is today?"

"Why is it so lively?"

Luo Hao stepped forward, grabbed a student and asked.

"Hello Chief!"

When the student saw Luo Hao, he hurriedly saluted.

This said:

"That's right, the dean plans to expand the size of the college."

"Recruitment is no longer once a year, but once every three months."


"Does the college have enough resources to recruit students like this?" Luo Hao was a little confused.


"I don't know about this. It's all the dean's idea. Chief, you can ask it yourself~" The student scratched his head and said a little embarrassed.

Luo Hao looked around.

I found that there were not many students who signed up, and their talents were not very good. Ten-year soul rings were everywhere.

But what surprised him most.

The admissions rules of Lanba Academy have actually changed.

Not only commoners, nobles can also enroll!

"Good guy, the system's forgetfulness is really strong. It can not only forget feelings, but also obsessions??"

Luo Hao knew that Liu Erlong had begun to take the initiative to manage the affairs of the academy and expand the academy. These were the subsequent effects of taking the water of forgetfulness.

Thinking of this, Luo Hao patted the student on the shoulder and asked him to play.


He hurried to the dean's office.

There was no knock.

Opening the office door directly, Liu Erlong was indeed inside.


Liu Erlong was slightly angry when he found that someone entered her office directly without knocking on the door.

But when she looked up, she saw it was Luo Hao.

His expression immediately relaxed and he smiled:

"It's you~Xiaohao~"

"Is there a problem?"

"Teacher, are you a little too eager to expand the college's enrollment?"

Luo Hao walked in and asked straight to the point.

"Huh? Is this why you came to me?" Liu Erlong's happy face clearly flashed with disappointment.

Luo Hao's face was full of black lines.

"Teacher, don't make trouble??????"

"And you are now recruiting noble students?"

"Isn't this the original intention of the academy?"

Luo Hao was confused.

"Haha, what's the original intention of this?"

“College development is the most important thing.”

"Both civilians and nobles should be treated equally."

"There are talented people among civilians, and we can support them."

"There are also students with poor talents among the nobility, so we don't need to pay attention to them."

"Geniuses will naturally stand out, while weaklings can only be eliminated."

Liu Erlong said calmly with cold eyes.

After hearing what Liu Erlong said, Luo Hao was also extremely shocked.

"Good guy, my teacher is really becoming more and more ruthless."

"Looking at her like this, I feel like some of the old students in the college will be expelled soon."

Luo Hao thought secretly.

But Liu Erlong like this is the real Liu Erlong.

He has a clear mind, is calm in situations, and even decisive in killing.

And they are quite talented!

In his 30s, he is almost approaching the level of Contra.

Wait until the time comes and experience the baptism of the killing city.

Luo Hao is sure that Liu Erlong's level can reach level 80!

Finally, Dugu Bo was called to suppress the battle.

Almost invincible.

"Dugu Bo is an old guy. Luo Hao guesses that his level is at least level 94, or even level 95."

"When the time comes, I will take Xiao Wu and the others over."

"As for Tang San, let him join Tiandou Royal Academy."

"Without the blessing of the fairy grass, Shrek and his friends can only be regarded as the second team if they fall into the Tiandou Royal Academy."

Luo Hao murmured in his heart.


Second more!

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