When the young man heard Luo Hao's words, he subconsciously replied:

"Count you acquainted!"

"Um?????? No!!"

"you wanna die!!"

The young man reacted.

Suddenly furious.

His expression instantly became extremely ferocious.


Because only a handful of people engage in life-and-death battles every day.

And basically there will be advance notice.

But this time it was more hasty.

But even so.

There were about a hundred people sitting in the auditoriums on both sides.

After all, those gaming areas.

It's just some soul masters playing house.

Nothing fancy.

The life and death zone is interesting.

A superior soul master.

Like a wild beast.

Fight each other in the ring.

Blood splattered.

Until one party is completely dead.

This is the real battle.

Naturally it will attract many viewers.

"Good guy, I thought this time would be a peak showdown, but I didn't expect it to be a one-sided massacre." Someone got Luo Hao's information, and they were all extremely disappointed.

After all, Luo Hao is only level 20.

The other party is the famous soul master among the great soul masters - the soul master, the bloodthirsty Geji!

"It's such a pity, such a handsome young man, I'm afraid his body will be gone later." Someone lamented.

"This kid is also unlucky. He faced the most ruthless guy."

of course.

Sympathy for Luo Hao.

Only a few.

most people.

They all like to watch Geji's brutal battle.

There were cheers from the audience.

"Gerki! Eat him!"

"If you dare to insult my Geji, kill him!"

"Eat him!!"


Xiao Wu and others saw the cheers of everyone in the audience.

I was worried.

"Why do you want to eat Luo Hao?" Xiao Wu asked confused.

"I've heard about this guy. It's said that he likes to torture his opponents in the ring, and??????" At this time, Ma Hongjun spoke.

"And what?"

Several people asked repeatedly.

Ma Hongjun suddenly remembered something at this moment.

The fat body was trembling slightly.

"Furthermore, it is said that he also likes to eat the flesh and blood of his opponents. The bodies of the opponents he kills are never intact."


Several people heard Ma Hongjun's explanation.

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong almost vomited.

Too bloody and cruel.

These little children can no longer stand just imagining it.

Zhu Zhuqing was fine.

After all, she had seen Luo Hao's cruelty.

One shot and one headshot.

Although cruel.

But she still liked Luo Hao's invincible attitude.


"Will my brother be okay?" Xiao Wu asked worriedly.

"I do not know either."

"The guys who survived in the life-and-death arena, both in terms of strength and combat experience, are far superior to those of the same level." Ma Hongjun shook his head.

"Don't worry, that guy Luo Hao still has a weapon that can penetrate Zhao Wuji's defense~"

"Absolutely no problem~"

Ning Rongrong comforted him.

Hearing Ning Rongrong say this.

Everyone remembered this.

Luo Hao seems to have some trump cards that he can't use.

Xiao Wu felt much more relieved.


at this time.

"Martial spirit! Possession!!"

I saw Na Geji's body expand instantly.

Clothes exploded.


A beast with a single horn, red pupils, and a mouth full of fangs appeared on the field, resembling a leopard.

The soul ring under his feet slowly rose.

Two yellow and one purple!

"It turned out to be a one-horned hyena known for its bloodthirsty and ferocity!!"

Flanders recognized this martial spirit and immediately frowned.

"This man is really a lunatic. He has such a good combination of soul rings and good talent, but he didn't expect that he is a guy who likes killing."

Dai Mubai and others were all shocked.

At a young age, only 25 years old, he has reached level 39!

The talent is definitely not bad.

But he likes to kill.

This puzzled everyone.


A loud roar.

rang out in the ring.

The battle begins.

Everyone saw the red giant beast rushing towards Luo Hao.

"Hey, hey, boy, I want you to see your own flesh and blood being eaten by me bit by bit!"

The giant beast's claws suddenly grew longer.

It instantly turned into a rootless steel claw half a meter long.

Exuding a little bit of coldness.

Grab Luo Hao's head!

Luo Hao didn't panic at all.

Because there were a lot of skill point rewards last time.

He has upgraded his "Nine-Star Hegemonic Body Technique" to level 10!

In theory.

Each time his "Nine-Star Hegemonic Body Technique" improves by one level.

The increase in physical fitness is equivalent to an increase in soul power by 5 levels.

And it can also be superimposed with your own soul power.

With his current physical fitness.

Dealing with a level 39 ant.

Naturally, he killed with one hand.

Luo Hao raised his hand gently.


A soft sound came.

Luo Hao used pure physical power.

He easily caught one of Geji's claws.

Geji's sharp claws looked as sharp as iron.

Caught on Luo Hao's arm.

Even Luo Hao's skin couldn't be pierced.

"how is this possible!!!"

Ge Ji's heart was shaking.

in his feelings.

His claws seemed to be caught on a piece of extremely durable steel, unable to move even an inch.


The whole place was silent.

As if time stood still.

Everyone has thought of it.

Luo Hao only used his arms.

Just blocked one of the opponent's soul skills!

Haven't waited for everyone to react.

Luo Hao raised his other hand.

He grabbed Geji's front paw fiercely.

Use a little force.


Four sharp claws.

In an instant, Luo Hao tore it off from Ge Ji's front paw.

Blood splattered.


Well known.

Ripping off the nails is a form of torture.

And now??????

severe pain.

Geji burst into tears instantly.

That shrill roar.

Those who heard it wept, and those who heard it were sad.

All the viewers shuddered in their hearts.

He rubbed his fingertips unconsciously.

That kind of pain is irritating just thinking about it.

Xiaowu and the three girls saw that Luo Hao was fine.

I was relieved in my heart.

But when he saw Luo Hao, he brutally tore off the opponent's claws.

The three girls all felt a chill in their backs.

Too cruel??????

Just when Geji was covering his paws and crying in pain.

Luo Hao moved again.

I saw his figure flickering.

In a few steps, he arrived in front of Lu Ji.

One punch.

Hit him on the chin.


A crisp sound.

rang in the quiet venue.

At the same time, it also sounded in everyone's mind.


A scream.

Some have white and thick teeth.

It is divided into several sections and floats in the air.

Blood splashes.


The entire audience was stunned.

They guessed that this battle was a massacre.


They guessed the wrong person who was being abused.

At this moment, the audience has already exceeded [-].

Everyone looked at an eleven or twelve year old child.

Killing a level 39 war soul master with one hand.

This scene.

It truly subverted everyone's worldview.


PS: First go through a few chapters and organize the outline.

Some people say that the protagonist's outlook is not correct, but I think that's okay.

It's just a fantasy world, just killing a few people.

Whoever is unhappy will be killed.

Strength is everything and interests come first.

Are you only allowed to kill bad guys?

Although this article has a harem, it doesn’t just look at the women.

Anyone who looks unhappy will be buried regardless of whether he is a good person or not.

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