Time passed slowly.

Soon, the sky turned fish belly white.

Then the bright sun slowly emerged from the sky.

Reflected on the sea, the waves are sparkling.

on the ship.

As the 60w Black Shark was left.

The entire sea soon returned to calm.

The ship also slowly stopped.

Hu Liena also released all the sailors and cleaned the ship's deck.

By the way, some damaged hulls were inspected and repaired.

Hu Liena herself stood high on the bow of the ship, looking closely at the sea.

His little fists were clenched, and his little face was full of worry.

Luo Hao has been in the sea all night.

His combat effectiveness at sea is absolutely invincible.

Hu Liena also has this confidence.

But she had never seen Luo Hao fighting under the sea.

After all, if all land soul masters enter the sea, their combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened.

Or even completely lose combat effectiveness.

But that wasn't what worried her the most.

It's the attribute of Luo Hao's crazy person.

You can get lost on land.

Not to mention this vast sea.

She didn't know which direction Luo Hao went.

I don't know how far Luo Hao ran.

She can't do anything.

The ship can only be ordered to stay put.

Waiting for Luo Hao's return.


under the deep sea.

Dark, gloomy, silent.

But when you calm down, you can hear the faint sound of "Woo-Woo", which goes straight into your soul.

Luo Hao slowly opened his eyes.

He found.

After 10 years, it becomes increasingly difficult to absorb soul rings.

With his physique, it actually took him so long to absorb a soul ring that was only 60 years old.

Moreover, ordinary soul masters are actually unable to absorb soul rings that are more than 10 years old.

A soul beast that is more than 10 years old has extremely powerful soul power.

Even after death, the soul will still be hidden in the soul ring.

If you absorb it rashly, you will definitely be severely damaged.

of course.

This is nothing to Luo Hao, after all, he has the 'Golden Eyes' martial spirit and passive ability.

It means restraining all mental attacks, including soul attacks.

Not only that, it can also break the opponent's remaining soul into pieces and feed it back to itself.

This was something Luo Hao didn't expect.


Luo Hao exhaled a breath of bubbles.

Then release your own perception.

1000 meters!

10000 meters!

I don't know how long it took.

His perception reached its end.

"Thirty kilometers!"

"The mental power has increased more than ten times, this wave of blood profit!"

Luo Hao grinned.

Very happy.

With the blessing of the domain, his perception is several times that of others.

Coupled with the power of swallowing the soul of the Black Shark King.

His mental power skyrocketed.

Perception of nature has also skyrocketed.

"I found it~"

Luo Hao checked it for a while.

Hu Liena's ship was quickly found.

But it's very vague.

After all, thirty kilometers is only the maximum sensing range.

But it's not a precise range of perception.

Only a range of about 10 kilometers is within his complete control.

It's more blurry 10 kilometers away.

But it’s okay to look for some specific targets.

He casually collected the three soul bones dropped by the Black Shark King.

Luo Hao swam toward the sea.

These three soul bones are a torso bone, a left arm, and a right arm.

However, Luo Hao did not intend to give these three soul bones to anyone.

After all, no one has ever absorbed a soul bone that lasted more than 10 years.

And these three soul bones are still 60 years old.

No one can afford it.

And it might even harm them.

Just keep it for now.

When they become stronger, they might be able to absorb these 60 years of soul bones.

Luo Hao gradually floated up, but



Suddenly, on the calm sea.

A black shadow suddenly jumped out for tens of meters.

All the sailors on the deck were startled.

Be on guard immediately.

But when the black shadow fell on the deck.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Senior Brother!!"

"You are finally back!"

Luo Hao hasn't reacted yet.

Then a soft and delicate body was thrown against the cabin wall.

"I'm soaked all over, don't do this??????"

Luo Hao grinned.

He quickly pushed Hu Liena away from him.

"do not want!"

"I'm worried to death!"

"Don't do this again, okay????"

Hu Liena ignored it and still hugged Luo Hao tightly.

The tone was full of grievance.

"Okay, okay, I promise you~"

Luo Hao had no choice but to agree while comforting Hu Liena.

He originally wanted to explain.

But seeing Hu Liena like this.

He simply said nothing.

It is more convenient to coax him directly.

"Okay, okay, a lot of people are watching."

"I'm going to take a shower."

It's been a long time.

Luo Hao felt that Hu Liena finally calmed down, and then spoke softly.


"Then let's wash together~"

Hu Liena nodded, blushing, and promised in a low voice.

"Damn it, this is your real purpose!!"

Luo Hao fell into a daze.



The bathroom door opens.

Water vapor diffuses.

Luo Hao just wore a pair of underpants and felt refreshed.

Hu Liena was wrapped in a bath towel, her face flushed with an abnormal blush.

"You rest for a while, I'll go see if Ju Douluo is back."

Luo Hao reached out, gently pinched Hu Liena's little PP, and said with a smile.


Hu Liena snorted, entered the bedroom with a shy face, and got into bed.

Small ships are much faster than medium-sized ships.

Moreover, small ships can also be artificially accelerated.

Luo Hao calculated the time, and the chrysanthemum monster should have brought Bibi Dong and Little Three-Eyed Jinnio over.

Luo Hao changed into clean clothes.

Then came the deck.

Come to the highest point of the ship and look into the distance.

But unfortunately.

There was still nothing in the distance.

There is only a calm sea surface with light waves.

There is no more temptation from the noisy small ships.

The ship beneath my feet also stopped sailing.

Basically, it will not attract the other three remaining sea soul beasts.

Luo Hao was also happy and free.

Bring in the lounge chairs and set up food and drinks.

Just lie quietly and take a nap.

Drowsily, I felt someone squeezing next to me.

Luo Hao opened his eyes, looking confused.

"What are you doing? You're so fat, you can't fit in!"

Luo Hao watched as Hu Liena came to him without knowing when and squeezed into his recliner.

"Where am I fat?"

"The cabin is too stuffy. I want to sleep here. Please come over."

Hu Liena puffed out her cheeks and huffed angrily.

The cabin was stuffy and stuffy.

She was about to come up for some air.

I saw Luo Hao lying here comfortably and basking in the sun.

And he didn’t even call her to join him!

This is very angry! ! !

"How can you be like this? Why do you sleep on the side of a recliner?"

"There are also deck chairs in the cabin. Go get them yourself!"

Luo Hao was stunned and didn't know where Hu Liena's temper came from.

Everything is fine in the bathroom??????

"I do not care!"

Hu Liena snorted softly.

He pounced directly on Luo Hao.



An ordinary little lounge chair.

It's a pressure you shouldn't be under at your age.

split directly.


PS: Ahem, I have something big to do tomorrow, so I’ll update it first~

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