
hard! !

Fist hard!

The Ice Emperor gritted his teeth and clenched his small fists tightly.

I wanted to hit Luo Hao's cheap face hard.

But I couldn't bear to do it.


"Just kidding~"

"Don't be angry~"

Luo Hao quickly held Ice Emperor in his arms and rubbed her weak little face, feeling very happy.

Although the Ice King is powerful, his brain circuit is always strange.

So Luo Hao always couldn't control himself and couldn't help teasing the Ice Emperor.

It's fun.

"I do not care!"

"You can't hurt the auspicious beast anyway!"

Ice Emperor pouted and looked at Luo Hao with big eyes, his angry look was very cute.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Luo Hao quickly agreed.

He knew that for a high-level soul beast like the Ice Emperor, apart from her own clansmen, other soul beasts with younger years or lower intelligence were no longer considered the same kind by the Ice Emperor.

Only powerful and intelligent soul beasts like the Titan Snow Demon King would be recognized by the Ice Emperor.

Apart from this, the only alternative is the auspicious beast.

Although this auspicious beast carries the luck of the Star Dou Forest.

But auspicious beasts are auspicious beasts.

All soul beasts have an innate affinity to it.

Even the Ice Emperor is like this.

Seeing Luo Hao agree, Ice Emperor showed a bright smile.

"Okay, okay, stop pinching me, I'll be ruined by you!"

Ice Emperor quickly pulled away Luo Hao's mischievous hand, his pretty face flushed.

"Okay, okay~"

Luo Hao was a little reluctant to leave.

He really couldn't help himself, and he couldn't blame him for that.

But he also knew that business was more important.

Anyway, there will be opportunities in the future.

Luo Hao is no longer nostalgic.

Taking the Ice Emperor, he quickly rushed towards his destination.

The Hyokui releases the aura of her ferocious beast.

Within several miles, no soul beast dared to approach.

"Beep beep-"

It didn't take long.

The locator in Luo Hao's hand sent out an alarm.

Luo Hao looked at the locator in his hand and found that the red dots and arrows in the locator had overlapped.

"what happened?"

The Ice Emperor stopped and asked doubtfully.

"It should be here."

Luo Hao looked strange.


"You said the auspicious beast eggs were bred here?"

The Ice Emperor was also confused.

Because in front of them.

It's a small bush.


Apart from a large lump of papa on the edge of the bush, there really isn't anything special about it.

This is already a mixed zone.

The youngest ones around are also ten thousand year soul beasts.

Any lump is big and normal.

"Are you sure the auspicious beast egg is here? Why can't I feel anything?"

The Ice Emperor was a little suspicious.

"Maybe it's a self-protection mechanism of the auspicious beast egg." Luo Hao explained.

He didn't quite understand either.

But since it is positioned here, it should be correct.

After all, if the auspicious beasts send out their breath, a large number of soul beasts will definitely gather here.

This way even a fool knows there is a treasure here.

It is easy for some powerful soul masters to detect abnormalities.

"Okay, let's dig—"

Luo Hao didn't care much either.

Take out two large shovels from the storage space.

Use one for yourself and put the other into Hyokui's hand.

After all, I don’t know how deep the auspicious beast egg is.

If you use force to break it open, the egg may break all over the floor.

So Luo Hao decided to solve it in the simplest way.


"Are you sure you're here?"

The Ice Emperor was holding a big shovel and was a little confused.

"Okay, hurry up, when did I lie to you~"

Luo Hao urged.

He has already started.

A shovel goes down.

Shoveled up a large piece of soil and threw it a hundred meters away, along with the shrubs on it.

With his physique and strength, even digging with bare hands is a hundred times faster than an excavator.


Watching Luo Hao dig a hole hard.

Ice Emperor looked at the large shovel in his hand, feeling a little confused.

She was one of the three kings of the Far North. When had she ever done such hard work?

It’s really a waste of value??????

And just for this brief moment when Ice Emperor hesitated.

Luo Hao has dug a large pit with a diameter of more than 2 meters on the spot.

"Don't just look at it!"

"Even if you don't dig, why don't you do me a favor?"

Luo Hao was helpless.

It is indeed unrealistic to want the Ice Emperor to work.


Ice Emperor responded.

Only then did he use his soul power to freeze the surrounding area of ​​the pit to prevent landslides.

It can also freeze the extremely tough and thick roots underground into ice cubes, which will be broken into ice slag with just a touch, making it easier for Luo Hao to dig.

Not half an hour has passed.

Luo Hao has dug down more than 20 meters.

A huge pothole appeared in place.

A lump of mud with ice slag was thrown dozens of meters from the pit and landed in the distance.

"Do it! Why haven't you dug it yet?"

Luo Hao looked up and through the entrance of the pit, he could only see a small piece of blue sky and the Ice Emperor standing by the pit eating melon seeds??????

Not very tiring though.

But after digging like this for so long, it was a bit boring.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came.

Luo Hao dug out a piece of hard rock.

However, his shovel is also made of refined iron, so its hardness is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary rocks.

Use a little force.

Luo Hao pried out a large piece of rock.

"Is this the end of digging?"

Luo Hao said to himself.

Dig harder.



A loud bang.

It was as if something was broken.

Luo Hao hasn't reacted yet.

The stone under his feet instantly turned into powder.

Luo Hao felt his feet were empty.

The whole person fell down.

"Luo Hao, are you okay?"

The Ice King exclaimed.

Jumped down quickly.

The pothole wall was sealed by Ice Emperor Ice, so it did not cause any landslides.


The feeling of weightlessness is over.

Luo Hao hit the ground with his butt.

A huge dent was made in the floor.


"where is this place?"

Luo Hao stood up and patted his butt, feeling his eyes brighten.

Wait until vision returns.

This was discovered.

This is an underground cave.

On the cave wall.

There are countless Luo Hao fluorescent stones, which emit dazzling light, illuminating the entire underground like daylight.

"This is the Sun Stone!"

"So bright?"

Luo Hao was stunned by the scene underground.

The Ice King jumped down from above.

I was also stunned by such a beautiful scene in front of me.

"Luo Hao, look, there's an egg there!"

Suddenly, Ice Emperor pointed in a direction and exclaimed.

Luo Hao looked in the direction of Ice Emperor's finger.

I saw a pool of water in one corner of the cave, where the light was most dazzling.

There is a small piece of wetland in the center of the pool, and on it is a golden giant egg the size of a human head.

The surface of the dome has dense patterns, which makes it look unusually gaudy.

"The power of destiny!"

"This is an auspicious beast!"

Snow Emperor popped out of nowhere.

The Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor stared at the golden dome with incomparable heat in their eyes.


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