One Piece: Petrel

Chapter 15 Chapter 15

Although Zefa said that Peteo did not need to tell him if he wanted to leave, Peteo felt that this was not appropriate and still wanted to write a letter to Zefa.


Teacher Zefa, I have been in the Navy for more than ten years. You have guided me and cared for me over these years. Although you don't say it out loud, I can see it.

This time I leave, I may not be able to come back in a short time, maybe ten years, maybe twenty years... But I will remember what you taught me, and I will stick to my bottom line, my justice.

I know that my brother's identity makes me a little embarrassed, and I also know your situation if my brother and I recognize each other, but if the Navy must arrest him, please don't show mercy. Of course, I will not stand on the side of the Navy. This side.

Although my brother is a pirate, he is also my pride. I never feel that my brother being a pirate is something to be ashamed of. On the contrary, I am proud of his independence and leadership ability. I am also proud to be a Navy and proud to be your student.

——Don Quixote Pateeo


In the afternoon of the next day, as the sun just set, most of the navy returned to the restaurant to eat and prepare to rest. Only a small number of navy remained on patrol outside the base.

In Zefa's office, Peteo took off his navy cloak, and the casual clothes under the cloak were exposed to the air. Peteo folded the cloak and placed it on Zefa's desk, then put the letter under the cloak.

Pateo walked to the dock, where Kuzan was standing waiting for her.

"I'm sorry, but I have to trouble you to come all the way from Mr. Karp's place." Petroo scratched his head and walked to Kuzan's side.

Peteo's height is 2.1 meters, which is considered very tall among girls, but standing next to Kuzan, who is more than 3 meters tall, she actually looks a little eclipsed.

"It's okay. We have been friends for so many years. This is probably the last time we meet in our naval career." In order to hide his identity from others, Kuzan specially prepared a simple-looking small speedboat.

"Come up, don't be discovered." Kuzan untied the rope tied to the boat and urged Peteo.

"Hey, Kuzan, are we still best friends?" Petroo took the hemp rope from Kuzan's hand.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Kuzan obviously didn't understand the meaning of Peteo's words, and replied blankly.

"...It's nothing, I just think it's nice to have a friend like you." Petroo shook his head and let himself put down what was thinking in his head. He is not worthy of Kuzan. He is already a quasi-general, and he is now half a pirate. If he is really together with Kuzan, it will affect his future to some extent.

"Come and put this on, it's cold at night." Kuzan put a coat on Peteo's shoulders. "There is fresh water and food on the boat. It should be able to last three to five days."

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you." Peteo stepped onto the speedboat.

"Wait!" Kuzan suddenly took Peteo's hand.

"What's wrong?" Peteo turned around in confusion.

"Take this, so we can keep in touch in the future." Kuzan put a small phone bug on Petro's hand, and then slowly let go of Petro's hand. "Safe travels."

"Hmm..." Petro put away the phone bug and walked into the cab. "Bye now."



This is the fifth day of Petro's voyage at sea. All the food originally prepared for three days on the ship has been eaten, but Petro still hasn't seen the isolated island where Doflamingo is.

According to the Navy's news, Doflamingo's pirate group is currently staying on an isolated island, and Petro has also obtained a permanent pointer to the isolated island. Logically speaking, it can be seen in two or three days, but due to Due to the erratic weather at sea, Peteo drifted for several days without being able to see the island. If he did not go ashore today, Peteo would starve to death.

Fortunately, at noon today, Peteo saw an isolated island. Regardless of whether this island was the island where Doflamingo was located, Peteo had to go ashore to replenish resources.

Peteo fixed the speedboat on the shore, thinking that maybe Doflamingo would have left after so many days, but she was really desperate to see her relatives, so she took some of her belongings and landed on the island. .

This island is not very big, but it is not small either. It takes a lot of time to walk around the island. It is still very troublesome to find Doflamingo without knowing where he is.

Pateo walked around the island for a long time with enthusiasm, but the island was full of ruins and ruins, and every scene was a pile of rocks, lifeless.

Just when Peteo thought she was about to lose her way, a relatively tall building among the ruins appeared in front of Peteo, and she decided to take a look.

As soon as he entered the building, Peteo saw a little girl and a chubby little boy playing outside the house.

"Hello, is Doflamingo here?" Peteo walked to the little girl and said with a smile.

"What are you looking for, young master?" The little girl looked at Peteo with a wary face. Maybe it was because Peteo was wearing a coat and a hat, which made her look like a bad person. The little girl's body was unconscious. He took a few steps back.

"No! She must be a navy!" The little boy next to him shouted in surprise, turned around and ran away.

"No, you misunderstood..." Petroo reached out and grabbed the boy's shoulders, but the boy screamed even louder.

"Baby5! Run!" The little boy suddenly turned around and hugged Peteo's waist, while the little girl beside him ran quickly into the building.

"What happened?" Two young men came over.

One of them was wearing a suit and smoking a cigarette, looking like a gentleman. The other one wore a steel helmet, round glasses and a mask on his face, looking like a pervert.

"Mr. Gladius! Mr. Peake! This strangely dressed man inquired about the young master as soon as he arrived, and even captured Buffalo!" Baby5 hid behind the two men, and a head popped out and died. Keep an eye on Peteo.

"I said you guys misunderstood..." Peteo explained at a loss. She didn't want to fight with her brother's companions right away.

"...It makes me so angry! Someone actually wants to kill the young master, it's so annoying!" The weird man wearing a steel helmet looked more and more angry as he spoke. The helmet on his head continued to expand, and it seemed that he would soon It's going to explode.

"Not good!" Baffaro, who was holding Peteo, saw this scene and ran in the opposite direction without thinking.

Before Peteo could figure out what was happening, the helmet had expanded to a terrifying degree. Then there was a loud noise and the helmet cracked. The fragments of the helmet fell apart, and some pieces flew towards Peteo.

Petro looked around and saw that no one had any cover. She had no choice but to cover her hands with armed domineering force and block all the fragments.

As soon as Peteo blocked the first round of attacks, she suddenly felt something grabbing her foot. She looked back and saw that Pique's lower body was in the ruins, but his upper body was tightly grasping Peteo's foot.

"Don't force me." A trace of killing intent flashed in Peteo's eyes. She focused her domineering power on her feet and stepped on the ground hard. The rubble collapsed instantly, and Pique was seriously injured.

"I'm so angry. I'm so angry! I'm going to explode!" After the helmet exploded, Gladius' silver-white afro appeared in front of everyone, and now the pile of explosive hair was getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing that something was not going well, Peteo used his razor to teleport behind Gladius.

"Lan Kick." Peteo covered his feet with domineering force and kicked Gladius onto Baffaro. The two of them fell heavily to the ground.

"You...what on earth do you want to do!" baby5 looked at his friend who fell on the ground, his eyes were not only panic, but also angry. Baby5 raised her feet and aimed them at Petro's head. Then her feet turned into cannons and countless bullets flew towards Petro.

"Five-color thread!" All the bullets were split into two in front of Peteo and fell to the ground. Although invisible to the naked eye, Peteo's domineering knowledge told her that they were threads, and very thin threads.

Peteo looked towards the ruined house. At a window on the third floor, a man stretched out half his body and lazily leaned against the bed watching the show, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

That arrogant smile is unmistakable, Don Quixote Doflamingo.

"Young Master! This person is not simple, you have to be careful!" Baby5 pointed at Peteo and said to Doflamingo half-crying.

"Fufufufufufu, come to my place to cause trouble, Marine? It doesn't look like that, why are you alone?" Doflamingo picked up the wine bottle, drank half of the bottle of red wine, and then moved the red wine bottle in the direction of Petro Smashing it away, but Peteo took a slight step back, and the bottle was shattered at her feet. "Tell me, what's the purpose of coming here?"

"...Well, you are still the same, Dover." Petro took off his hat, pulled down his cloak, and his shoulder-length golden curly hair fell down.

Doflamingo was stunned. This scene looked so similar to her. Whether it was his expression or appearance, he was so similar to Don Quixote Pateeo.

"…elder sister?"

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