One Piece: Petrel

Chapter 12 Chapter 12

"Run ten laps around the base and complete it within sixty minutes. Then come to me and do ten sets of shooting training!" In the early morning, Zefa pulled Petroo outside the base to plan the training content for her.

In fact, this amount of training is already very small for the army led by Zefa, but in order to let Peteo adapt to the environment here, Zefa decided to make a training plan for her.

"Ten laps..." Peteo roughly looked at the size of the base. It would take at least two thousand meters to run around the base, right? It’s not like she hasn’t run before, but before, she did it for entertainment and fitness purposes. Each long-distance run would never exceed two thousand meters. Now she suddenly had to run twenty thousand meters, and in one hour. Completion would literally kill Pateio.

"Ha, you gave up just after the beginning? It seems like you are nothing more than that." Zefa sneered and walked away without looking back, leaving only Peteo standing stupidly at the gate of the base.

"... Just stick to what you decide. It doesn't matter if you give up before you start..." Peteo gently patted his face to cheer himself up, and then started running around the base.

When Zefa returned to the military base again, an hour and a half had passed. He was originally going to go find the patrol navy to check the situation of the base, but he unexpectedly saw Peteo who was still running around the base.

Petro's speed was not fast, but he was panting heavily and looked like his energy was about to be exhausted. He ran so hard that he didn't even see Zefa standing aside.

"Petro." Zefa gently called Petra's name, and only then did Petra notice Zefa beside him.

"Hello, General Zefa... I'm sorry, I'm overtime..." Peteo said apologetically while breathing heavily.

"Have you completed ten laps?" Zefa looked at Peteo up and down.

"Well, this is the last lap." Peteo wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"...That's it for today's training. You can go and rest." Zefa sighed. He didn't think that Peteo could complete these ten laps. He didn't mean to make things difficult for Peteo, he just wanted to Just look at her determination to become stronger.

"No, General Zefa, please let me continue training." After hearing Zefa's words, Peteo immediately stood up straight and looked at Zefa firmly.

"Get used to it slowly. I didn't intend for you to integrate into the life here immediately. You won't become a big fat man with one bite. There will be opportunities in the future." Zefa waved his hand to chase Peteo away.

"General Zefa, you are looking down on me." Petro pouted, with a look of displeasure in his eyes. "Although I am a Tianlong, I want to prove that I am just like everyone else. I can also work hard for my own decisions. I have to do better than others. If I can't even do the most basic daily training Why talk about becoming stronger?"

"Oh? You are really interesting." Zefa raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He has been training the navy for more than a year. He has met all kinds of people, but only someone like Peteo can truly There are really not many people who put down their identity and make up their mind to do something. "Since you said that, let's continue training. I hope you can maintain this enthusiasm."

"Okay, have personality!"


Time flies. Under Zefa's training, Peteo was promoted from the most junior third-class soldier to a second lieutenant in just one year.

"This is your cloak. I hope you can live up to the word 'justice' on your back." Because navy officers above second lieutenant are called "admirals" and can wear a cloak with the word "justice" on it, this It can be regarded as a big breakthrough in Peteo's naval life, so Zefa put on the cloak for her personally. "keep it up."

"Yes!" Peteo said half excited and half moved, and unconsciously gave Zefa a military salute.

"You can be considered a general-level navy, and I have an important task for you now." Zefa suddenly looked at Peteo seriously, but his eyes were full of confidence. "I want you to be the new instructor and help me train the new sailors."

"Today is the day when I accept the third class of students. Although you are not yet experienced, I believe you can do it." Zefa brought Peteo to the port.

Under Zefa's "devil training", Peteo survived for a year. On the endless sea, a huge ship was heading in their direction.

Pateo looked at the sea in the distance, and she was suddenly confused. She never dreamed that one day she could be a guide to others, and she never thought that she was a great person who could make selfless contributions. On the contrary, Peteo hated herself from the bottom of her heart. She hated her cowardice. She didn't dare to face the death of her relatives. She hated her weakness. She couldn't even protect her younger brother.

"Peteo, be more confident. You are my most promising student." Zefa also saw the anxiety in Peteo's heart. He patted Peteo's shoulder gently and smiled heartily.

"...Hmm!" Petroeo pulled his cloak, which fluttered in the wind, and the word justice swayed gently in the breeze.

A feeling called "determination" welled up from the bottom of his heart, and Petroo held it tightly and never let go.


The long-prepared freshman reception began. People who came from all over the country to become Zefa's disciples gathered in the gymnasium. People who didn't know each other began to get in touch with each other, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

"Everyone, please be quiet." Peteo stood on the second floor of the gymnasium, looking at the noisy crowd downstairs. Peteo suddenly had a headache. Did Teacher Zefa have to face this kind of scene every time he led his students?

Hearing the sound coming from the second floor, everyone closed their mouths and looked at Petroo in unison.

"who is this……"

"I don't know. Why is she a woman? She looks younger than me..."

"Isn't Zefa in charge of this? Why is it a little girl..."

The marines in the gymnasium couldn't help but feel a little unhappy when they saw that the person coming was not Zefa but a little famous girl.

"...Everyone, be quiet! From today on, I am your new instructor and your senior. Before Teacher Zefa, I will train and teach you." Peteo didn't like their casual attitude. She I think it is the most basic courtesy to keep quiet when others are talking.

"What?! This woman is actually our instructor?"

"Oh my God, I took the exam for several years before I managed to get here with General Zefa. In the end, I didn't even see General Zefa's face."

"Where is General Zefa! We want to see General Zefa!"

"Yes! General Zefa!"

I don’t know who took the lead in calling General Zefa out. In short, the current scene is very chaotic.

"Everyone, be quiet! Be quiet..." Peteo was at a loss to stop the crazy behavior of these marines, but to no avail, no one paid attention to her.

"I said quiet!" Peteo pulled out the revolver from his waist and fired two shots out the window, and people slowly became quiet.

"Keep quiet when others are talking. Don't you understand the most basic etiquette? Do you need me to teach you all this? Why do you think you are a student of General Zefa?" Peteo scolded these people angrily. Boyish navy guys in the stadium.

"Stand in formation, everyone!" No matter how reluctant everyone was to listen to Peteo's orders, they had to obey her orders and stand in formation, even if they wanted to give "senior" some face.

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