Ye Lingling was helpless. She didn't know what caused Feng Xiaotian's seizure. He had been distracted since he woke up in the morning, and now he was following him with weird behavior.

Snake Xinteng has chosen a good place, with a gurgling stream not far away, and you can hear the sound of the spring water after walking a few steps.

The clear winter water brushed against her slender white hands. She held up a drop of water. The ends of her hair were wet against her cheeks, and the water droplets slid down her neck.

She squatted by the stream amid the shadows of the trees. Her casual posture was like an elf in the forest. Her smile touched people's hearts.

Feng Xiaotian hid half of his body behind the ancient tree, holding his breath for fear of disturbing the fairy in front of him.

Suddenly, Ye Lingling seemed to remember something, turned around, found Feng Xiaotian's figure accurately, and made an action like beckoning a puppy. There was no offense, but it looked like a goblin who wanted to suck people's energy.

Feng Xiaotian felt as if he couldn't control his whole body. He knew that there was a pit in front of him, but he still moved forward stiffly. Ye Lingling was like the craftsman of a marionette. With a slight tug, he let her do whatever he wanted.

"What are you doing?" Feng Xiaotian was dissatisfied with his unprincipled actions. At this moment, he was desperate to save face, and his tone was fierce.

Ye Lingling squinted her eyes. Feng Xiaotian's tall figure had to hold her head high to see the expression on his face clearly.

A bad thought arose in her heart, and while Feng Xiaotian was pretending to be impatient, she suddenly pulled the hem of his clothes and pulled it down!

"Wow!" The sound of falling into the water came.

Feng Xiaotian lost his balance and fell into the water. Even when he reacted and the wings fluttered behind him to reduce the speed of falling into the water, half of his body was still wet.

"Ye Lingling!!!" He almost laughed out of anger, standing wet in the water with his hands on his waist, looking at Ye Lingling with an unkind expression.

He didn't expect that Ye Lingling would actually play a prank now, so blatantly that she dragged him into the water in front of him.

"Pfft, hahaha..." Ye Lingling was not frightened by his eyes at all. Instead, she laughed out loud. The more she looked at Feng Xiaotian's embarrassed look, the more excited she became.

Feng Xiaotian watched helplessly as Ye Lingling burst into tears from the corners of his eyes, even holding his stomach and curling up.

"Classmate Lingling, no, please save some face for me." His tone was a little aggrieved, and all the previous momentum was gone. I can't bear to scold him, but I can't bear to hit him. It's not like I don't have dignity during training. I've pampered everyone, big or small, so what else can I do?

"Pfft." Ye Lingling laughed so hard that he was out of breath and couldn't even say a complete sentence. "I didn't expect you, you would fall in."

She stretched out her hand towards Feng Xiaotian. She originally wanted to scare him and make him squat down, but who would have thought that he would just fall into the water.

Feng Xiaotian held it hesitantly. The jade-like touch made him unable to put it down, and he forgot to go ashore for a while.

"Okay, can't you come up yet?" Ye Lingling's tone was unkind, but if you look closely, you can see a hint of blush hidden under his face.

"Oh!" Feng Xiaotian calmed down and hurriedly stepped onto the shore. When he lifted his feet, the heavy clothes were still dripping water on the grass like rain.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Ye Lingling's face again. Before Feng Xiaotian was still angry, he hurriedly said, "Let's get some water and go back, so that everyone can eat early."

The fast-flowing stream flows down from the upstream, and the containers stored in the soul guide are filled with clean water.

On the way back, Feng Xiaotian didn't show any good looks. He ferociously took the utensils from Ye Lingling's hand and hurriedly walked ahead.

Apparently, he couldn't wait to change out of those wet clothes.

Looking at his back that was still dripping water, Ye Lingling had to suppress her laughter and pinched her thighs tightly, fearing that Feng Xiaotian could hear the ridicule behind her.

Finally, he no longer looked as lifeless as he did in the morning.

"Ouch, how did this happen!" Yu Feng deliberately shouted at the top of his voice, attracting more people to see Feng Xiao's embarrassed scene, and curious eyes focused on the two people who came back one after another.

Feng Xiaotian turned a deaf ear and rushed straight into the tent that was set up.

After changing into fresh clothes, Feng Xiaotian opened the tent curtain, but the sticky feeling of wet clothes clinging to his body still remained in his heart.

The weather in early winter is still cold, especially at night, when there is no sunshine and the temperature plummets.

After soaking in the biting and cold river water, Feng Xiaotian shivered violently.

"Are you okay?" Ye Lingling stayed outside the tent and noticed that Feng Xiaotian was shivering, and then she felt guilty in her heart.

She had just been busy laughing and joking, and had forgotten about the current climate. Even though the soul master's physique was strong, it would still be affected.

"Ahem, cough, cough," Feng Xiaotian deliberately bent down and coughed several times.

He raised his eyes again, straightened up, and as expected saw the worry in Ye Lingling's eyes.

The tension didn't seem to be fake, and he couldn't bear to tease her anymore. He stroked her soft hair with his big hands and purred, "It's okay, don't worry."

Shi Mo passing by on purpose: Cough cough cough! ! !

As if he was the one who was really sick.

Feng Xiaotian immediately put down his hands, keeping his hands close to the seam of his trousers, which was even more standard than the posture he used during military training.

Only then did Shi Mo leave with satisfaction.

Ye Lingling turned her head suspiciously. Why did she feel that Shi Mo had been wandering around here for several times? Feng Xiaotian was also acting strangely. Shi Shi was very nervous when he arrived.

A bonfire was raised in the pit, and the wood exploded with sparks flying. The crackling sound was muted under everyone's conversation.

Feng Xiaotian looked pitiful and aggrieved. Under the watch of three people, he chose a place farthest away from Ye Lingling and sat down.

Although it was far away, he could see the dancing firelight on Ye Lingling's face at a glance, her expression was soft, and there was no trace of the indifference she had before.

What a relief!

What's going on with this sudden feeling of old father's vicissitudes of life? ? ?

He shook his head to get rid of all the inexplicable thoughts in his mind, curled up his knees, supported his head with his arms, and looked at Ye Lingling wholeheartedly.

It seemed as if all their good luck had run out on the first day. For several days in a row, Qin Ming and the others did not encounter a soul beast suitable for Yu Tianheng.

Either the category of the soul beast does not match, or the age of the soul beast is too low. Moreover, a small number of soul beasts have begun to hibernate, leaving them with fewer and fewer options. Qin Ming also sees this and is anxious in his heart.

Fortunately, Shi Mo worked hard and took advantage of these few days to make a breakthrough in time.

The martial souls required by the Black Tortoise are much easier to find than the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex. They are either highly offensive or extremely defensive. There are a lot of such soul beasts to be found in the Soul Beast Forest.

But Qin Ming still set his sights on the depths of Lushan Forest. The soul beast Yu Tianheng needed should preferably be a soul beast with thunder attributes and a combination of attack and defense.

Such a soul beast, even if it is only a few thousand years old, has greatly improved its survivability in the inner circle. In addition, graphite also needs a soul ring to directly enter the inner circle, so its selectivity can be improved.

In this way, after staying at the junction of the inner and outer perimeters for a few days, everyone regrouped and headed towards the inner perimeter of Lushan Forest!

In fact, there is no obvious boundary between the inner and outer areas. They are all divided based on the levels of soul beasts in the environment. Just after advancing a thousand meters, the teachers were keenly aware of the fluctuations in the soul power in the environment.

There was faint movement in the bushes ahead. Yu Tianheng glanced at Yufeng. Yufeng understood, and raised his wings to create a tornado and hit the front.

A gust of wind roared past, and the bushes on the ground lifted up and floated in the air.

What remained motionless on the ground was the Misty Snapping Turtle that curled up when it heard the noise!

The palm-sized snapping turtle, whose shell is covered with rough spines, is curled up with its limbs, leaving only a shell. The strange thing is that the color of this tortoise shell is transparent blue, like the sapphire in the cave.

"Teacher, this?" Yufeng asked in astonishment. He had never seen such a strange-looking soul beast before.

But Qin Ming couldn't hide his joy, and there was joy in his voice, "Zhimo, let's do it!"

The age of the Wuling Snapping Turtle can be easily judged. It can be seen from the number of spiral patterns on the turtle's shell that this snapping turtle happens to be a 4,520-year-old soul beast suitable for graphite.

With Teacher Qin's words, everyone in Huangdou geared up and prepared for a big fight.

But after using some soul skills, it only left a few shallow scratches on the shell of the fog spirit snapping turtle, leaving almost no damage to the inside.

Everyone was dumbfounded now. The defense was so high. No wonder Qingtian stayed in the bushes in broad daylight without worrying about other soul beasts discovering it. It seemed that other soul beasts were helpless against this stubborn stone.

"Yanyan, try your poison." Yu Tianheng said after observing.

Just now, they just relied on their offensive soul skills and blindly attacked its turtle shell, but they couldn't shake it at all.

The second soul ring and the fourth soul ring lit up in sequence. After obtaining the fourth soul ring, Dugu Yan's snake body became thicker, the snake's tail swayed lightly, and the rich purple mist attacked, followed closely by the misty purple mist.

The highly toxic mist did not cling to the tortoise shell. Instead, under Dugu Yan's control, it penetrated into the gaps between the limbs left by the tortoise shell.

After a while, the Mist Spirit Snapping Turtle made some movement, stretched out its limbs, and tried its best to escape from the purple mist.

Although it is a soul beast, it still belongs to the turtle class, and it has not evolved any skills that are out of nature. With the movement of its short legs, without being controlled by Dugu Yan, the fog spirit snapping turtle still failed to escape successfully.

In the end, he died under the dagger of graphite.

Shi Mo sat directly on the ground and began to absorb it in front of the body of the Mist Snapping Turtle.

Yu Tianheng looked at the soul ring shining with purple light, with a hint of admiration in his eyes. He was obviously the first to break through, but he still hasn't been able to get his own soul ring.

Seeing my friends obtain the fourth soul ring one after another, it would be false to say that I am not in a hurry.

Everyone spread out to guard Shi Mo.

Unknowingly, a heavy fog spread silently.

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