Douluo's Red Eyes Sovereign the World

Chapter 12 Going to Soto City

Four years later.

Outside Soto City, part of the Barak Kingdom, it was just after noon and the sun was blazing. One kilometer outside the south gate of Soto City, three young men were galloping on their horses on the dusty official road. It seemed that they were all in their teens, and both were about 1.7 meters tall. Among the two men, one was handsome in appearance, and the other was tall and strong, with a voluptuous and charming feminine temperament. The three of them didn't carry any luggage, and they headed towards Soto City, two men and one woman. These three people were none other than Ren Dong, Hu Liena, and Xiao Jinzi who followed shamelessly.

"Hurry up, we will arrive at Soto City soon." Ren Dong, who was riding a horse with horned scales, ordered.

"Brother, I really regret going out with you. I've been riding horses for a few days and my back is so tired. I don't care. You have to bring me tea and water tonight and squeeze my shoulders and beat my back."

It sounds like the little fox is going to become a monster again. Ren Dong is as big as one and two, and this girl is just pretending to be pitiful.

In the past four years, he thought that physical training would be relaxed, but he did not expect that Bibi Dong not only did not relax, but even became more strict. In order to enhance his resistance to blows, in addition to regular exercises and various medicinal baths, his bones will even be traumatized to stimulate the improvement of physical fitness. Bibi Dong said, "Physical training will continue until he reaches the soul level." "Holy", the reason is naturally to prepare for adding a soul ring to the second martial soul in the future. This made him envious of Tang San, who had several hundred thousand year spirit beasts who took the initiative to improve his physical fitness. It's true that people have to die when compared with others, and goods have to be thrown away when comparing goods.

Hu Liena was also a disciple of the Pope, so naturally she was not spared. Although Bibi Dong didn't train her to death like he did with Ren Dong, he still had a lot of low-level training such as medicinal baths, so her physical fitness would never be as weak as she appeared.

However, during these years of training, Hu Liena watched his senior brother go through inhuman training without changing his expression, and her perseverance moved her. In addition, her senior brother could make soul beasts sacrifice to her, and he also blocked a fatal blow from the soul beast during the hunt for the soul beast, and Ren Dong also traveled to the ground for a week for this. . This made her treat Ren Dong a little differently. From then on, she liked to be arrogant and arrogant in front of Ren Dong. Ren Dong didn't want to take her with him when he came out this time, but Nizi came with him.

As for Jin Shijie, he did not escape the fate of being trained in various ways, and he was also double oppressed. Both the Pope Hall and the Enshrined Hall took good care of him.

He originally hoped that Ren Dong would take him to travel across the mainland and meet a few more young ladies "by the way." Unexpectedly, my life was even more miserable than when I was in the worship hall. Moreover, he has been abused by Ren Dong a lot in the past few years, and Ren Dong's "Tsukiyomi" has really become his nightmare. Eventually he was nicknamed "Little Gold".

This bastard also attracted Hu Liena's attention, and as a result, he almost died in society. Five hundred words are omitted here... From then on, in addition to being afraid of the Sharingan, he also became a fear of foxes. I simply didn’t dare to provoke Hu Liena again.

This trip was one of the few opportunities for him to go out since he was taken out of the enshrinement hall by Ren Dong. When this guy found out, he pestered Ren Dong for nothing and insisted on following him. In the end, Ren Dong also chose to surrender. After all, no one can be ashamed to have multiple pendants on his thighs, still on the streets of Wuhun City.

Ren Dong made some preparations when he decided to come here this time, and he was very familiar with the destination. Everything about the Balak Kingdom automatically appeared in his mind.

The Balak Kingdom is located in the southern part of the Tiandou Empire, bordering Fasno Province. Although it is a kingdom in name, in fact its area is only three-quarters of the size of Fasno Province. It is affiliated to the Tiandou Empire and is One of the four kingdoms in Tiandou.

The southern part of the Balak Kingdom directly borders the Star Luo Empire and is the southern gate of the Tiandou Empire. Its strategic position is very important. Therefore, among the four kingdoms of the Tiandou Empire, although the Balak Kingdom is the smallest in area, its military power is the most powerful. It can also be said that this is the reason why it can become an independent country.

The Heaven Dou Empire originally consisted of ten provinces. Later, with the division of the four major kingdoms, six powers were formed. The empire itself directly controlled five provinces, each of the four major kingdoms controlled one, and there was a duchy next to the kingdom. Occupies one of the smallest provinces in the eastern part of the empire.

After years of development, the state of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods in Chinese history was inevitably formed. On the surface, the four major kingdoms and which principality were all under the rule of the Tiandou Empire, but in fact, these five countries had already become A country within a country, except for symbolic court visits and tributes, it is completely autonomous, economically self-sufficient, and has independent military and political power. If the Tiandou royal family had not commanded a large number of troops, perhaps civil strife would have already occurred.

This is not the case with the Star Luo Empire, which is also an empire. The Star Luo royal family has military and political power over the entire empire. Therefore, in the war between Tiandou and Xingluo, the Tiandou Empire had more powerful soul master legions, but most of them were on the defensive. If it weren't for the fact that Wuhun Palace stood between the two empires and operated secretly, the Tiandou Empire would have been unable to sustain itself long ago. No one can say that one day the situation on the entire continent will suddenly change.

There are two most important cities in the Kingdom of Barak. One is the city of Barak, the capital of the Kingdom of Barak. The city of Barak is the political, economic and cultural center of the Kingdom of Barak, and its status is naturally a top priority. The other city is Soto City, which is located in the center of the Lima Plain, the most fertile land in the Kingdom of Barak, and is known as the Granary of Barak.

These two cities, one is the hub and the other is the oil depot, are the top priority of the entire Barak Kingdom. It is precisely because of this that both cities are heavily garrisoned, and the Wuhun Palace has also upgraded the sub-hall configuration here to the third-level main Wuhun Palace.

Ren Dong recalled the situation in the Balak Kingdom while thinking about how to win the goal of this trip.

"Ah! We're finally here." Hu Liena exclaimed exaggeratedly on horseback. She slouched over to reveal her exaggerated figure, which attracted the side glances of passers-by at the city gate.

In four years, everyone's bodies have almost matured. Hu Liena has already reached the flowering season because she is slightly longer than him, and he has also reached 1.7 meters. Although it is slightly lower than Bibi Dong and Hu Liena, she does not have to stop at the top of the mountain. I looked up.

Seeing that the destination had been arrived, Ren Dong directly arranged: find a hotel to eat first, and then stay one night in Soto City.

The three of them randomly found a restaurant, dealt with it hastily, and then went out to find a place to stay. It wasn't that the restaurant where he was eating didn't have a place to stay, but that he wanted to visit that place.

After some searching, a three-story hotel appeared in his eyes. It didn't look too big. The exterior decoration was completely rose red. The architectural style of the entire hotel was like a huge rose. It is easy to give people a bright feeling.

Ren Dong knew this was it.

The little fox pointed: "Rose Hotel. Brother, let's stay here! Hu Liena held his arm and shook it, acting cute."

Women do have something in common.

When you walk into the Rose Hotel, the first thing you will feel is the tangy rose fragrance. The refreshing fragrance has a somewhat ambiguous feeling, which makes you feel comfortable physically and mentally.

The hotel's interior decoration only comes in three colors, white, silver and rose red. It is warm and unique, and the elegant environment is easy to impress.

Ren Dong walked to the counter and said, "Please give us three rooms."

The waiter behind the counter quickly stood up, looked at Ren Dong, and then at Hu Liena. As for the five big and three thick pieces of gold, he ignored them. He looked at Hu Liena hanging on his arm, with a glint of envy in his eyes.

"Sir, are you really sure you want to rent three rooms?"

Ren Dong nodded: "Is it because I didn't explain clearly or you didn't hear clearly?"

Upon hearing his tone, the waiter had no other thoughts and immediately said, "I'm sorry, I'll get a room for you right away."

After Ren Dong put down a few gold soul coins, he ignored the waiter. Soon, three keys were delivered to him. After walking up to the third floor, he casually threw a key to Hu Liena and said: Go to bed early, Nana. Then he took Jin Shijie to his room, leaving an empty room.

It's not that he doesn't want to interact with the little fox, but that he really doesn't dare. He knew that Bibi Dong must have sent someone to follow him, otherwise he would not choose to be in the same room with a big and thick guy. If something happened to Na Nizi, although Bibi Dong wouldn't blame him, he would be completely out of luck.

As far as he could see now, Bibi Dong still had an unforgettable love for that trash. But rather than saying that she loves too deeply, it is better to say that it is the obsession and knot in her heart. So he didn't dare to make any mistakes before he completely solved her inner demon.

Early the next morning, Ren Dong got up early to practice the Purple Demon Eyes.

After practicing, he stood on the roof and secretly guessed: Today should be the day, right?

After a while, he arrived at the south gate of Soto City. He found a restaurant not far from the city gate where he could see the south gate. He settled on a balcony and sat down, eating melon seeds and observing the passers-by. He is waiting for someone, and if nothing else happens, she will definitely be here today.

As for why he was sure that she would enter the city from here, it was very simple. Because the direction she came from was bound to pass through the south gate. If she entered the city through other gates, it would only increase the distance, but the gain would not be worth the loss.

He sat there from morning until noon. Finally, when he was about to wonder if he had remembered the wrong time or was waiting in the wrong place, he finally saw the figure of the man appearing at the city gate. This person had been waiting for him for so long. .

She walked straight through the city gate. Her long black hair was spread around her shoulders, her face was slightly lowered, she was about the same height as him, her skin was fair, and she was a typical beauty.

However, this girl gave him a different feeling. The extremely plump figure is really inconsistent with her age. If you don't look at the face, she may be regarded as an adult girl, especially the big heart, which will attract the attention of all men. A standard childlike figure.

Contrary to the fiery figure, the expression on the girl's face is very cold, it is a kind of coldness from the heart, pure coldness, there is not even a trace of life in the pair of black eyes.There was some conflict with her originally extremely beautiful face.

The limbs are well-proportioned and slender, and the hands hang naturally on both sides of the body. The deathly coldness emitted from the body is hard to get used to. Upon closer inspection, it is not difficult to find that her tight leather pants are stained with mud, her hair is messy, and her clothes are damaged. For a beautiful woman, this is obviously not normal. Based on her life experience, it is not difficult for Ren Dong to guess the reason for her appearance.

Seeing the real owner appear, Ren Dong stopped eating melons. The soul ring under his feet flashed with purple light, and his entire figure disappeared, leaving only a few afterimage clones. This surprised the diners in the building.

This is Ren Dong's third soul skill - Instant Body Technique. In the past four years, although he spent a lot of time refining his body, his soul power has basically maintained a rate of improvement of nearly three levels a year.

Half a year ago, when he finally reached level 30, Bibi Dong, who had never taken him to hunt a soul beast before, took him to get it for the first time. But before Bibi Dong could take action, Ren Dong activated his second soul skill and forcibly controlled a five-thousand-year-old soul beast to sacrifice to him. Forcibly controlling a high-level soul beast like this also caused his eyes to bleed directly, and he was almost blind. It took him nearly three months of recuperation before he could barely recover.

And the soul skill he obtained this time was beyond his expectation. By activating the soul skill, he can summon three clones. He can move among the clones at will and launch attacks. When he reaches the title level, he can summon nine clones. At that time, he will be in an invincible position whether it is a distant attack or a close combat.

Ren Dong originally thought that abilities such as the instant body technique would only be available to him after he turned on the kaleidoscope, but he did not expect that he would obtain this ability when he reached the third level. The only drawback is that every time he uses it, it will cause damage to his eyes, and with his current strength, he simply cannot exert the terrifying power of the instant body technique. Teleporting over long distances consumes a lot of soul power, and the farther the teleportation distance, the greater the consumption of soul power, which is simply not something his current small body can bear.

This is also the reason why he chose to ride a horned scale horse to Soto City, but even so, it does not affect a certain guy who committed a crime to show off at this time. It is precisely because of this that the scene just happened.

The cold girl walking alone on the street looked at the strange face that suddenly appeared in front of her, and she suddenly became extremely vigilant, her pretty face tensed, and she took a fighting posture.

Ren Dong dispersed the two clones, and the real body appeared. Looking at this cold beauty, he said hello naturally and familiarly: Hello, Zhu Zhuqing, I've finally waited for you.

But he didn't expect that Zhu Zhuqing would directly regard him as one of those killers after hearing his words, and without saying a word, he would stretch out his cat claws and attack him. Ren Dong saw her posture and guessed the whole story. He took out the papal decree and waved it in front of the little wild cat.

Zhu Zhuqing also stopped attacking. She took the token, checked it several times, and then asked: Are you from Wuhun Palace?

Seeing that she was still on guard, Ren Dong went straight to the point.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am a disciple of the current Pope of Wuhun Palace. Although this token also belongs to the Pope's decree, it is unique. I think you should be able to tell it. It is enough to prove my Identity. Secondly, the reason why I came to you is just to find a qualified team member. At the same time, you don’t need to think too much about why I know your identity and whereabouts. You will not lose the energy of our Spirit Hall. I know. In the end, you are no match for me at all. If I want to kill you, you have no possibility of escaping, so please put away your guard and take back the dagger on your sleeve."

After hearing what he said, Zhu Zhuqing's expression changed for a while, and finally stabilized slightly. Seeing that she had stabilized slightly, Ren Dong ignored Zhu Zhuqing's resistance and directly took her hand and ran out of the city. After a while, the two of them had arrived at the outskirts of Soto City.

Ren Dong let go of her hand in her eyes that wanted to kill.

"You should be calm now, right? Let's talk about it!" Ren Dong said to Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing, who gradually regained his composure, also said to him coldly: "I believe that you are a disciple of the Pope. Although your deeds are not many, the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire also has some information channels. As for what you said about joining you? Let’s forget about the team.”

Ren Dong was not surprised at all by her choice. After all, no one could trust a person who had just arrested him.

Ren Dong then added: "Let me guess why you are here. I think you are here to find your fiancé who left you to live happily alone? And you must have been assassinated a lot along the way, right? I can't. I don’t feel sorry for you, you are really a trustworthy person. If you don’t believe it, I will ask you to watch a good show tomorrow and let you meet your excellent fiancé. "

Ren Dong said while observing her expression. Sure enough, when he heard about his fiancé, Zhu Zhuqing looked disappointed, and when he heard about being assassinated, he showed a look of unwillingness.

Finally, under his coercion and inducement, the little wild cat agreed to go back to the Rose Hotel with him.

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