Douluo's thunder hammer

Chapter 84 Melee Tang 3

Chapter 84: Hand-to-hand combat with Tang San

The martial spirit body is what Lei Zhentian has spent the most time on in the past year, besides absorbing and digesting the murderous aura accumulated in his body. After studying for several months, Lei Zhentian created this self-made soul skill. Its effect is ridiculously strong. The principle is the same. The protagonist Ouma's transformation technique "Pre-borrow" in "Fist Wish Asura" is the same. It speeds up the beating of the heart, increases the heart rate, speeds up the flow of blood to generate intense heat, and enhances exercise power. Lei Zhentian also imitated this powerful transformation technique to "borrow" the martial soul body created. However, while possessing a short-term breakthrough ability, he will also bear a burden four to five times that of ordinary people, reaching the heart's limit. To the extreme, after use, symptoms such as vomiting blood and nosebleeds may occur, and even heart and blood vessels may rupture, endangering death. Of course Lei Zhentian would not pay such a heavy price to create such a self-made soul skill. He still cherished his life. Although it could play a decisive role at critical moments, the burden on his heart was unimaginable.

In Douluo Continent, because of the existence of soul power, Lei Zhentian can use soul power to promote dual cultivation attributes, increase the flow of blood, and stimulate the ability of hell thunder. Soul power can be introduced into the blood and at the same time speed up the beating of the heart, thus causing no side effects.

"Bang!" A burst of red blood energy erupted from Lei Zhentian's body, and his whole body seemed to swell. He was three to four centimeters taller, his eyes turned white, his eyeballs were red, and his skin showed red, which was a sign of accelerated blood flow.

"Xiao Wu!" Tang San in the distance was choked by the pressure of this blood. The first thing he worried about in his life was Xiao Wu. Lei Zhentian's sudden transformation caught him off guard. The Bluesilver Grass he released was instantly defeated.

Xiao Wu felt a strong sense of oppression, and the erupted momentum pushed Xiao Wu out more than ten meters. Tang San's blue silver grass caught Xiao Wu steadily. It seemed that there was no harm, but in fact Xiao Wu's body had been shaken. His blood boiled, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Lei Zhentian, who released his martial soul, showed an evil smile. The reason why he injured Xiao Wu was to arouse Tang San's anger in his heart and seriously challenge him, because he knew that Xiao Wu would do no harm to him. , her soft skills were like scraping, so what he expected was Tang San's all-out strength.

"Brother Tian! What's wrong with you..." Tang San was obviously frightened. He checked Xiao Wu's body and saw blood flowing from the corner of her mouth. He looked at Lei Zhentian and said He was shocked when he saw Lei Zhentian's red skin and hollow and deadly eyes.

"Hahahaha! Come on, mistress, let me see your true strength! Women will only affect the speed of drawing your sword!" After saying this, Lei Zhentian laughed wildly and rushed towards Lei Zhentian with murderous intent, which undoubtedly did not imply that, let Tang San used all his strength.

Tang San looked at the pale Xiao Wu, and felt a trace of anger in his heart. Although the two had known each other for a long time, this sudden change made Tang San become serious. He and Xiao Wu had already decided to get married... Ah bah, brother and sister relationship.

"No one can hurt my sister!" Tang San thought to himself, pulling Xiao Wu aside and releasing the Xuantian Technique. He knew he couldn't beat Lei Zhentian, but he still had to go all out to break through his limits.

The wood attribute training system was released, and the Purple Devil Eye, Xuan Jade Hand, and Ghost Shadow were used simultaneously. In the next second, a dozen hidden weapons were launched instantly, attacking Lei Zhentian from all directions. The hidden weapons pierced the sky and made sounds in the air. , the ghost shadow pulled back, and the Purple Devil Eyes observed Lei Zhentian's movements, but Lei Zhentian made no movement at all, and rushed straight towards Tang San, even faster than Tang San.

The concealed weapon's restriction ability was also very strong, blocking Lei Zhentian's movement from all directions, but Lei Zhentian didn't even think about dodging. A force swelled out again, and the powerful impact completely blocked the hidden weapon. Tang San kept moving, But Lei Zhentian's speed is no longer comparable to Tang San's Ghost Shadow. Although he can predict the next step and use clever steps to avoid it, don't forget that Lei Zhentian also has Purple Demon Eyes, and his spirit The force was stronger than Tang San, and in Lei Zhentian's eyes, Tang San's speed became very slow. "Come and fight!" Lei Zhentian said, already raising his fist.

However, at this time, in the jungle in the distance, Tang Hao was silently observing everything.

Tang San stopped retreating. Lei Zhentian wanted to get close to him, but he had no choice at all, because he couldn't avoid Lei Zhentian's pursuit. The Xuanyu hand released its maximum power, and the wood attribute training system operated, greatly increasing Tang San's body's strength. Resilience and ability to withstand stress.

Lei Zhentian punched, Tang San quickly turned around to dodge, and then took advantage of the gap between Lei Zhentian's punches, and instantly stepped forward to punch, followed immediately by another punch. A normal Lei Zhentian might still feel a strong feeling at this time. It hurt, but this was the form of the martial spirit body, and Tang San's two punches couldn't hurt Lei Zhentian at all.

However, Lei Zhentian could feel that Tang San, with his training system, was more than three times better at hand-to-hand combat than before, which showed how powerful the training system was.

"Very good, Xiao San, you've become stronger." After saying that, Lei Zhentian quickly punched out, so fast that Tang San didn't even have time to react, but Lei Zhentian only used 30% of his strength, because this was the power of the martial spirit. In his current state, 50% to 60% of his strength would be enough to beat Tang San half to death with one punch.

Tang San was sent flying by a punch and hit the stone wall hard. The powerful anti-pressure attribute of the wood attribute training system helped Tang San eliminate the overwhelming impact, and he quickly stood up.

After feeling the power of the martial spirit body, Lei Zhentian eliminated this self-created soul skill, otherwise it would be boring.

With a flash of silver light, Tang San took out the sleeve arrows from his sleeves and fired several sleeve arrows.

Chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi†. None of the attack positions of the ten hidden weapons were the same, and they were all chosen at key points.

Lei Zhentian observed carefully with his Purple Devil Eyes and found the position where the hidden weapon was activated. His face tightened, and a harsh sound broke through the air. The thunder attribute training system was fully possessed, like a red thunder and lightning. Lei Zhentian began to dodge, but the number of hidden weapons So many that occasionally they still need to be broken with fists.

Immediately, Tang San launched the next wave of hidden weapons, the lethality of which was obviously much higher than the previous wave of hidden weapons. Lei Zhentian had been with Tang San for a year, and relied on his strong mental power to tell that it was a bone-penetrating nail.

Among small hidden weapons, the bone-penetrating nail is one of the largest in weight, and under the stimulation of Tang San's internal force and the extremely strong penetrating nature of the bone-penetrating nail, if Lei Zhentian hadn't known about it and sensed it with his mental power, anyone would have despised it. A little too much, and you'll get hurt.

Tang San also placed his hope on this bone-penetrating nail, because only this hidden weapon could hurt Lei Zhentian.

Lei Zhentian immediately took precautions. A force of energy was concentrated in his fist, he aimed it in the direction of the bone-penetrating nail, and punched out...

A harsh sound rang out, and the penetrating power of the bone-penetrating nails was considerable. Although they were all broken, a hole was left on Lei Zhentian's hand, indicating that the bone-penetrating nails had penetrated Lei Zhentian's fist. Double cultivation energy. Although this ability is not the full power of Lei Zhentian, it can also prove the power of the Penetrating Bone Nail. When facing an opponent below the Soul Lord, if he does not have a strong defense or a flexible body, the Penetrating Bone Nail can be fatal. role.

After breaking through the siege of hidden weapons, Lei Zhentian used his soul power to dodge again, came to Tang San, and punched him.

"Come on!" Lei Zhentian roared, his body relaxed, and he released "Chaos Fist". This is a self-created soul skill that Lei Zhentian developed when he was playing around in his previous life. It stimulates his elbow joints, puts him in a state of excitement, and speeds up. Swinging the arms and punching, increasing the speed and greatly increasing the range is a major skill of Lei Zhentian in hand-to-hand combat, but there is no skill at all.

For a second, fists as big as sandbags kept hitting Tang San like a torrential rain. Tang San also started to fight back. Lei Zhentian didn't use all his strength at all. He was enjoying the process of fighting. The two of them just punched each other. , no one is defending, this is a battle between macho men!

(This scene is a copy of the scene where Ouma and Wu Leian confront each other in "Fist Wish Asura". To be honest, my blood boiled when I watched it. This is what macho men should watch! I recommend it to everyone here. By the way, I will tell you , my final grades have come out and I have entered the winter vacation life. I can’t say it is bad. If it is bad, I will not update it. I wish you all a happy winter vacation.)

(End of this chapter)

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