Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 93 The Arrogant White Horse

"To the the big shed...the white very small...very beautiful..."

Looking at the handsome white horse in front of him, Zhang San remembered what the infatuated Barbarian Beast had said to him at that time.

He didn't see any other greenhouse-style buildings like stables in the east. He was basically sure that this was the "big shed" that the Barbarian Beast called, or that the Barbarian Beast was heading in the wrong direction.

However, although the barbarian beast looks naive, it is not stupid either.

Judging from the fact that it negotiated terms with him, Zhang San believed that the other party's intelligence must be quite high, and at least the direction should be clear.

Moreover, the other party has given him all the "love tokens" that he painstakingly crafted, so there is no reason to give him a wrong address, right?

Assuming that the wild-footed beast was in the correct position, then the only qualified person in the entire stable was the white horse.

Although this horse is tall in Zhang San's eyes, it can only be considered "small" in the eyes of Barefoot Beast.

But horses and barbarians, these two species are wrong, right?

By the way, Zhang San also lowered his head and glanced at the crotch of the white horse, and found that the other party had that thing. He couldn't help but hold his forehead and said to himself:

"Uh, okay, wrong gender too."

Although the thing in front of him seemed a bit ridiculous, Zhang San understood that he was just a messenger. He only needed to be responsible for delivering the things, and he was not responsible for other things.

Risking his own life to help Barefoot was not considered a breach of trust.


So Zhang San stepped forward and greeted the white horse.

After Zhang San obtained the mysterious gem from Bai Sha and entered his body, he seemed to have the ability to communicate with beasts.Zhang San has already been proven by relatively intelligent soul beasts like Barbarian Beast, and now it depends on whether he can communicate with ordinary livestock like horses.

"You stupid human being, why are you looking at the noble me?"

As a result, as soon as Zhang San finished greeting Baima, an arrogant voice sounded in Zhang San's ears.

"Well...I have something to ask you."

Zhang San raised his head and looked at the white horse with its head held high. Even if he didn't understand animal language, he knew that this horse had an arrogant and unruly personality and was not very lovable.


The white horse tilted his head in surprise and looked at the human in front of him with wide eyes.

"How can you, a stupid human, talk to the noble me?"

Zhang San replied with an unhappy look:

"You are the stupid one. You, a horse that is ridden every day, still have the nerve to say that you are noble?"

"Ha! That's my reward for you humans."

Hakuba exhaled hot breath from his two large nostrils to express his disdain.

"You humans provide us with fodder and comfortable shelter. I want to go for a ride with someone, give me water when I'm thirsty, brush my hair when I'm dirty, and trim my nails. Are you humans not my slaves or what?" "

"Uh... forget it, I'm not here to argue with you."

Zhang San originally wanted to say something like, "If your horse dies, wait until it is made into dried meat." But thinking about it, he might have a falling out with the horse, and the task might not be completed, so he would be disappointed.

"Hmph! Stupid servant, what do you want from me? I'm not in a good mood right now. Don't even think about riding me. I will definitely throw you off and give you another kick."

Seeing Zhang San retreating on his own initiative, Baima's arrogance became even more arrogant.

Zhang San also had a twitch in his cheek. He really wanted to give this horse two whips, but he thought that being angry with a horse was too cheap, so he had to suppress the anger in his heart and said:

"I am here to bring messages to others. It asked me to tell you that it likes you."

"Oh? My admirer? Oh, I don't like ordinary mare."

The white horse raised its front hooves loudly, making a clear clicking sound on the ground.

"All the mares here love my spotless coat, and no one can resist me. The person you sent the message to will probably be sad for a while."

"I...this is what it asked me to give you."

Don't be angry, don't be angry...

Zhang San muttered in his mind, then rolled up his sleeves and took out the "Heart Stone" carefully carved by Barefoot from the "13th Floor Sun Covering Sky".

"Huh? Just this broken and ugly stone? It's more like grinding the soles of my feet."

When Bai Ma saw Zhang San revealing the gem-encrusted bracelet, his eyes lit up at first, and when he saw the stone Zhang San took out, he immediately turned away in disgust.

"If you give me that magical gadget in your hand, I wouldn't mind spending a few days with that poor little guy."

Zhang San raised his eyebrows and said with a playful expression:

"Oh? Even if the other party is a beast?"

"Huh?! Barefoot?"

The white horse's eyes widened immediately upon hearing this, and he neighed in panic.

"D-Did you bring a message to that guy?"

"Yes, that's right."

Judging from this guy's reaction, I guess I was right.

Zhang San sighed in his heart, and then he continued:

"It has been secretly in love with you for a long time, and this is the gift it prepared for you."

"No, no! That big guy definitely wants to kill me and eat me."

White Horse raised his hooves uneasily, and his whole body jumped up and down in this small space.

"I will never accept this hypocritical thing. If I accept it, it will definitely come close to me again and eat me while I'm not paying attention."

Zhang San, who looked helpless, reminded: "Barbarian Foot is a vegetarian just like you."

"Impossible, you must be lying to me. That monster has such long teeth, how can it not eat meat?"

The white horse walked around restlessly, and said nervously as he walked:

"I just said that guy kept staring at me every time, and he really wanted to eat me. Take that unlucky thing away quickly, I don't want to see it."

Under the mask, Zhang San's eyebrows were almost knotted. Although he felt sorry for Barefoot's relationship which was destined to be a tragedy, at the moment he had to let the horse accept this token.

So Zhang San said in a threatening tone: "If you don't accept its gift, it will be very angry. If it is very angry, it will really eat you bite by bite."

"What, what?"

The white horse was walking around in confusion. After a while, the white horse finally said as if it had accepted its fate:

"Okay, I'll accept this thing. But, can you ask it not to bother me in the future? I don't like the way this guy looks at me. I feel very uncomfortable."

"You mean, I can't even look at you in the future?"

Zhang San feels really sad for Barefoot now. The horse he likes not only doesn't like it, but also hates it. Not only is it 100% hopeless, there won't even be any reward at all.

Bai Ma blew out two puffs of hot air from his nostrils, rarely letting go of his arrogance and said in an almost pleading tone:

"That's it. If you do me this favor, I will take you wherever you want me to take you, as long as you don't let it bother me."

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