Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 90: Stealing the Body and Changing the Face

Oops!somebody is coming!

When Zhang San saw a guard approaching him, he quickly climbed up the wall and remained hidden during this period.

The guard walked over quickly with a spear in hand, but there was no murderous intent on his body. Even the hand holding the spear was in a relaxed state, and it did not look like he had discovered the enemy.

When the guard ran to the corner where Zhang San was just now, he immediately put down the spear in his hand, and then began to take off the belt around his waist. Zhang San, who had been observing above him, realized what this guy wanted to do. It turned out that he was Come to relieve yourself.

The guard was now alone and defenseless. Zhang San immediately had a simple plan in mind.

brush! !

Zhang San jumped down from the wall like a big bat, and landed on top of the guard's head.


The guard had no time to defend or call the police. He was knocked unconscious by Zhang San with a hand knife while still looking happy.

Although it was a very simple matter for Zhang San to kill the guard just now, whether to kill the guard or not was originally a matter of choice.

The main reason for not killing the guard was to prevent him from being exposed later, and because he had a blood debt in his hands, he would completely fall out with the Rakshasa Cult.

The knocked down guard in front of him was a well-trained ordinary soldier. The soul power in his body was very weak, at most eight or nine levels. But with the blessing of metal armor and weapons, this kind of soldier was ten levels better than an unequipped soldier. The ordinary soul master is stronger.

Although everyone on Douluo Continent has a martial spirit, there are only a very small group of people who can become soul masters. Most of them are ordinary people who cannot practice martial arts.

And even if you become a soul master, before the Fourth Ring Soul Sect, there is still not a big gap between you and ordinary people. Some veteran warriors who are not soul masters but have undergone rigorous training can still compete with many low-level warriors. The level of soul masters comes and goes.

Therefore, an army composed of well-trained ordinary people can also form considerable combat effectiveness. The main arms of various countries are also composed of armies composed of such ordinary people.

And in the entire Douluo Continent, like Wuhun Palace, which mobilizes tens of thousands of soul masters, apart from Wuhun Palace, there is only Wuhun Palace.

"Well, let's try it on you now."

After making sure that no one else noticed that the guard was knocked down, Zhang San moved his eyes to the soul mark of the strange mask in the center of his left hand. He put away the ghost dragon spirit, and a black and white mask appeared on his left hand. Shadow.

Although the Thousand-Change Mask, his second martial spirit, does not yet have a soul ring, the original transformation ability of the Thousand-Change Mask will not disappear just because it becomes his martial spirit.

After Zhang San memorized the guard's face, he put the Thousand-Change Mask on his face, and then the mask was directly bonded to Zhang San's skin. After a while, Zhang San was shrouded in a burst of black mist. From a child of seven or eight years old, he turned into a tall uncle with a painful look on his face. Both his height and body shape have undergone great changes.

"Huh... is it much easier than last time?"

After this transformation, Zhang San didn't have many adverse reactions, and basically completed the whole body transformation smoothly.Although those long muscles are a little sore, overall it's not a problem.

Then Zhang San took off all the guard's clothes and equipment, leaving a pair of dignified pants for him. Then he took out a rope from the "Moon Night Spirit Ring" and tied his limbs, and then stuffed it into his mouth. cloth strips, and then put the unlucky guard who was tied up into a pile of thatch and buried it.

In this way, I won't have to worry about being exposed for at least two or three hours.

Although he said that after knocking him unconscious, the other party could only sleep for an hour at most, but Zhang San was very professional in the techniques of tying people up. Even if the other party woke up, he could not move, and his mouth was blocked and he could not speak. Awakening and not waking up are the same.

Then Zhang San put on the other party's clothes, put on his armor, picked up a spear, and swaggered towards the guards at the outpost imitating the walking posture of the guard just now.

These guards did not show any hostility when they saw Zhang San. Most of them did not even react. A few of them greeted Zhang San naturally.

One of the guards with a big beard said to Zhang San:

"Loss? Why did it take you so long to get into a small account?"

Zhang Sanhan smiled and said:

"Huh? I was going up and down, but suddenly I wanted to go up to the big size, and it took me a while."

The guard on the sentry tower smiled and said:

"I think you pooped your pants."

Indeed, because the opponent was pumping water when Zhang San struck, his pants would inevitably get wet when he was knocked down.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang San was dealing with the guards while observing the surrounding situation. There were six people in this outpost, including Los, whom Zhang San had just replaced, and they were all ordinary soldiers, not soul masters.

It is not impossible to win against these people with his own ability, but the place he is now is their home base, and the number of enemies around him and the environment are unknown.

If he made some noise and caused powerful enemies from all walks of life to swarm in, it would be difficult for him to escape unscathed.

So Zhang San can only continue to act to avoid conflicts with the people here.

But now even with the identity of a guard, Zhang San cannot move around at will.

After all, the guards are all lower-level soldiers who have a mission. They must obey the orders from above. If they move around without permission, they may even be recognized as spies, and they may easily be targeted and questioned by others.

If he was punished by some nefarious superior, he would be exposed if he resisted, so Zhang San did not leave immediately after returning to the post, but continued to stay with the guards, looking for a suitable Time to act.

The guards at these outposts are not all dedicated to their duties. Fishing for work has basically become a tradition in the human workplace.

There were only one or two guards who were actually keeping an eye on them. The other guards were either playing cards or chatting.Of course, this is naturally a good thing for Zhang San. These guards are not very vigilant. If there is any flaw in his disguise, it will not be difficult to fool them.

After all, under normal circumstances, who would have thought that one of their colleagues would go out to use the toilet and come back a different person?

Therefore, Zhang San acted very relaxed and casually like the other guards. He did not stand guard deliberately and nervously, and basically did not arouse the suspicion of these guards.

However, Zhang San, who was always thinking about finding the right time to move freely, did not waste time. Instead, he chose to chat with other guards to obtain more information.

It's just that although Zhang San, under the effect of the Thousand-Change Mask, is basically exactly the same as Los himself, judging from the reactions of the guards, there should be no difference in the sounds he makes. However, he does not have Los's memory, so he naturally adheres to the principle of "talking too much". "You will lose" teaching, try to avoid taking the initiative to speak.

But since you don't take the initiative to speak, how can you start chatting with others?

Of course this is not a problem.

"Loss, did you hear that?"

The bearded guard who had greeted Zhang San before was a very talkative person. From time to time, he would talk to the people around him. Zhang San, who was idle, was naturally called to the door.

"What did you hear?"

Zhang San looked like he was all ears.

The bearded guard said mysteriously:

"The Holy Lady is leaving seclusion today."

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