Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 86 Trapped in the Beast's Nest

[Two thousand resentment points have been deducted, you now have three hundred resentment points left, and the transmission is about to begin. 】

After hearing the system's broadcast, Zhang San couldn't help but complain:

"System, you really squeezed me to the last drop, didn't you? Did you do it on purpose?"

[Transmission starts! 】

Of course, the system did not reply to Zhang San's stupid question. When it made the second announcement, Zhang San felt a white bright light flash in front of his eyes, making him close his eyes involuntarily.

[Transmission successful!No space turbulence reaction!You have arrived in Douluo Continent. 】

"Huh! Am I... finally back?"

When Zhang San heard the system's announcement, his head was still dizzy. When he opened his eyes, he found himself hanging in mid-air.

"Huh? Ah!!"

At this time, Zhang San was five meters above the ground. Before his body began to fall, Zhang San quickly activated the Ghost Dragon Spirit to strengthen his body. Only then did he fall to the ground without being injured, but he still fell very painfully.


Zhang San spat out the dirt in his mouth and complained again:

"No, why are the positions you teleport to so magical every time? Are you trying to trick me on purpose?"

The system only replies mechanically:

[The teleportation location is random. The system guarantees that you will not be transported to the point of immediate death, but it does not mean that you will not be in any danger. 】

"You mean, if there is no such protection mechanism, you can send me into the magma?"

[The system will try its best to avoid this situation. 】

"In short, you understand it correctly, right?"

Zhang San has gradually been able to understand the system's language. He really can't rely on this guy too much, or he might be punished.

As expected, you still have to rely on yourself to do anything.

"Eh? What is this place?"

Zhang San crawled out of the sand and found that the surroundings were extremely dark. He seemed to be in a large cave. Using the Purple Demon Eyes, he could see in the dark. He found that there were many man-made buildings around, and it was probably not a simple natural cave.

[Your current location is - Rakshasa God Altar, vestibule. 】


Hearing this unfamiliar yet familiar term, Zhang San was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't think of anything for a while.

At this time, a voice came from not far away:

"I just thought I heard something moving here."

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of footsteps rushing towards Zhang San.

Zhang San used the Purple Demon Eyes to take a look and found that the people coming over were four men in black robes wearing Rakshasa ghost masks. Each of them was holding a weapon, and they all exuded an evil aura.

Don't let them find out!

Zhang San didn't think that he would be warmly received if he fell into the hands of these people. Warmth in the physical sense was very possible.

So Zhang San immediately ran to the door a few steps away on his right, closed the iron door, and huddled in a dark corner.

"Huh? There seems to be a strange smell here. Is it an intruder?"

The four Rakshasa believers suddenly became nervous, and they unfolded their soul rings behind them one after another. The weakest one was at the level of a second-ring great soul master, and the strongest was a fourth-ring soul sect.

One of the three-ring soul sects whose martial spirit was Fire Bird controlled the flames in his hands to fly towards the extinguished torches on the surrounding walls, illuminating the entire environment.

"Strange? What's going on with this pit?"

The four Rakshasa believers looked around and found no intruders, but the human-shaped pit in the sand still caught their attention.

However, because Zhang San is still a young lady, he is very light, and the traces left on the sand are very shallow, so his footprints are very inconspicuous. In addition, even if the torch is lit, the environment is still dim, so the four of them I looked around for a long time and didn't notice Zhang San's footprints, nor the ajar iron door that the footprints led to.

"Is it in the Barefoot beast's den?"

However, in the end, these four Rakshasa believers all turned their attention to Zhang San. After all, there was no other place to hide here.

The four Rakshasa believers glanced at each other and entered a state of preparation for war. Then the two four-ring soul sects took the lead and pushed open the iron door and entered the room.

The light of the fire lit up in the dim room. Four Rakshasa believers each held a torch and looked in every corner of the room where someone might be hiding, but in the end they found nothing.

The leading Rakshasa believer scratched his head and said:

"It's strange, why is there no one? It's obviously a trap..."

A female Rakshasa believer said: "I guess the pit outside was blown by the wind, right?"

Another Rakshasa believer also nodded and said:

"Yes, it is impossible for outsiders to come in here."

Their stronghold is extremely hidden and has many institutions, and important places along the way are guarded by believers.

After some more searching, it was confirmed that there were no traces of anyone. Finally, the Rakshasa believers gave up their worries. The leader of the Rakshasa believers nodded and said:

"That's right, go and let the Barefoot beast in!"

Why don't these people leave?

At this time, Zhang San was using the Ghost Dragon Spirit to hang on the ceiling of the house, relying entirely on the concealment effect of the soul skill "Blade of Hidden Night" to hide, and concealment consumes a lot of soul power. Even if his current level has reached level [-], I can't hold on for long.

After a while, these Rakshasa believers all left the room, and Zhang San was able to remove himself from hiding and take a breather.

However, before he was happy for long, he felt that there seemed to be more movement outside.

Zhang San could only continue to hang on the ceiling, hurrying to recover his soul power, and after the people below came in, he turned on hiding again.

The next people who entered the house were some ordinary people without soul power. These people were shirtless and had towels on their shoulders, looking like migrant workers. They were also pulling an iron chain very hard.

Zhang San took a closer look and found that the chain was actually a Barbarian beast. It seemed that what he heard before about bringing the Barbarian beast in was true.

The Barbarian Foot Beast is a type of soul beast. It has a huge body, a head with long horns, a waist as thick as a stone pillar, and armor plates and barbs on its back. The most distinctive feature is its four legs, with its toes connected together. It cannot be separated, which makes its already quite thick four legs appear to be wider, but in terms of body proportions, the Barbarian Beast is not very tall, and the entire shape is like a mutated large wild boar.

The five-meter-long adult beast was being led into the room with great effort by six migrant workers. Zhang San saw that the appearance of the beast was at least a thousand years old.

Although the Barbarian Foot Beast is not considered a high-level soul beast, it has brute strength as its name suggests.

If this beast had the will to break free, these six migrant workers would be thrown into the sky by it.So this Barbarian Foot is actually following these migrant workers back to its nest, but Barbarian Foot walks slower and likes to shake its head and tail. The function of these migrant workers is to prevent Barbarian Foot from accidentally damaging the iron gate.

After the migrant workers moved the Barbarian Beast into the room, they left the room under the command of the Rakshasa believers.

Finally gone...

Zhang San breathed a long sigh of relief and was about to come down from the ceiling.

Suddenly the two doors "bang".

The door is closed.

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