The Thousand-Change Mask suspended in Bai Sha's hand was shrouded in a strange light. The light became thicker and thicker, and gradually turned into a thick spherical cocoon of light.

Then several luminous threads were revealed on the light cocoon. These threads swung back and forth in the air like living worms, and finally chose to rush towards Zhang San's left hand.


Zhang San was a little panicked at this moment. His left hand instinctively wanted to avoid it, but his hand was forcibly pulled by an invisible force and sent towards these mysterious threads.

These threads pierced directly into the back of Zhang San's hand unceremoniously. Zhang San felt a little pain at this moment, but then his whole hand was wrapped by a soft and warm force, like Soak in warm water of suitable temperature.

At this time, Baisha closed his eyes and muttered words, and the light cocoon hanging in his hand became smaller and smaller as time went by.

When the light cocoon disappeared, a complex and complete soul mark appeared on the back of Zhang San's left hand.

"Okay, now you try to summon this martial spirit."

Shirasa himself, who had accomplished this unnatural act, did not blush and his heart did not beat. He even picked up the tea cup and took an elegant sip of the unknown tea.


However, Zhang San was already sweating profusely. Although he did not feel much pressure during the acceptance process, the influx of power still caused a certain reaction in his body.

After Zhang San took a deep breath, he began to concentrate and condensed his soul power on his left hand. The brand new soul seal on his left hand exuded a magnificent golden light. After a while, the shadow of a black and white mask appeared in Zhang San's hand. superior.

Weapon Spirit·Thousand-Change Mask.

Now Zhang San is also a veritable owner of twin martial arts souls.

Since Tang San was a twin martial spirit, Zhang San also investigated the twin martial spirits and learned some information about the twin martial spirits.

The current level of his Thousand-Change Mask martial spirit is only level ten. The reason is very simple. He has not yet added a soul ring to the Thousand-Change Mask. After adding a soul ring, the Thousand-Change Mask will be the same as his first martial spirit ghost. Dragons are on the same level.

Now Zhang San's left hand and right hand each have a soul seal of a martial spirit. Although the two martial spirits cannot be used at the same time, in this way, Zhang San will be both a weapon soul master and a beast soul master. He will have two sets of complete souls. Different soul skill systems provide more diverse ways to deal with enemies, and your own strength will also be qualitatively improved.

"It's amazing."

Looking at the mask in his hand that has become a part of his body, Zhang San admired it from the bottom of his heart, but seeing Bai Sha's relaxed expression he couldn't help but ask:

"Isn't it okay for you to do this?"

Martial spirits are innate, and a martial spirit can be imposed the day after tomorrow. This is the first time Zhang San has heard of it.And it is clear that Shisha is not from her own world, but she can actually change her fate directly based on the little knowledge in her memory, which really makes Zhang San impressed.

"The martial soul produced by everyone on your Douluo Continent is itself part of the rules of your world. If you are in your world, then modifying the established rules will of course require a lot of cost and more complicated methods. "

Baisha was neither happy nor sad, and explained in a very calm manner as usual.

"But now you are not in your original world. To me, you are a person from another world. The rules of another world are of course not that effective to me. The rules and constraints on you are not as strong as before. , it will be much easier to change.”

"Anyway, thank you very much."

Although Bai Sha seemed to be saying that it was just a little effort, Zhang San understood that the other party had indeed helped him a lot, so he naturally expressed his gratitude without hesitation.

And after obtaining this new martial spirit, his resentment towards Bai Sha for trapping him in that illusion disappeared.

Bai Sha nodded calmly and said:

"Well, these are all considered as advance payments."


Zhang San’s smile stiffened.

"You don't really think you can get free benefits from me, do you?"

Bai Sha suddenly raised her eyebrows. This may be the first time she had such an obvious change of mood in front of Zhang San.

"The things I give you are all to help you complete the task better. After accepting all this, you must finish the task well."

Zhang San's cheek twitched, and he hesitated and said:

"Then what, sister, you are so awesome, why don't you find a Poseidon to kill yourself."

"Didn't I say it? I can't leave this world."

Bai Sha, who understood Zhang San's temperament, sighed lightly and added:

"As long as you get me the Godhead of Poseidon, I will help you realize three more wishes."

"Ha, that's a good feeling, let's leave now, shall we?"

Zhang San laughed and wanted to leave his seat immediately, but then he felt that his whole body was pressed by a force, and he was unable to stand up from the chair.

Baisha picked up the steaming tea and said:

"Of course, don't think that if you leave here, you can just ignore the mission."


The fake smile on Zhang San's face suddenly froze. He forgot that this bitch could read minds.

Bai Sha snorted coldly and said:

"Ha! Ordinary curses or restrictions may not be a problem for you who have the seed of the world, but do you remember the cup of tea I just gave you?"

Zhang San said with a shocked face:

"Huh?! Didn't you say that the food you gave me was fine? I trust you so much, and you actually lied too?"

In fact, Zhang San was not very surprised. He knew that the other party might take action on what he had just eaten.

However, in the previous situation, he actually had no other choice but to eat, because he understood that even if he didn't act according to Shirasa's wishes, the other party had many ways to make him submit.

In this case, then don't pierce the window paper and embarrass both parties, especially your own side. If he is too stubborn, he will definitely suffer unnecessary pain.

Now Zhang San said this, just to gain some advantage in momentum, at least occupy the moral high ground, so that he can bargain with the other party later.

But Baisha said, "Are eating and drinking the same thing?"

"I @#¥......"

Is this guy actually playing word games?


At this time, Zhang San suddenly thought of an old saying:

There is no free lunch in the world.

"Your time is 30 years, and you have not been able to obtain the godhead of Poseidon within 30 years."

Bai Sha's tone gradually turned cold, and it was obvious that she was not joking at all.

"You're going to die, and you're going to die badly."

Zhang San raised his hand and protested softly:

"There's something wrong with 30 years..."

Baisha picked up the tea cup and returned to his usual calm demeanor and said:

"That's 20 years."


Zhang San's mouth twitched. Due to the balance of power between the two sides, he knew that he had no room for bargaining now.

"Then 30 years! 30 years is good, I promise to complete the task!"

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