why you?

Looking at the woman in front of him, Zhang San was stunned. He felt that his falling figure had stopped and his legs had fallen to the ground. He was standing in front of this woman and was being questioned by her.

How will you be here?

"Don't ask why!"

At this time, Zhang San could not express the voice in his heart. What came out of his mouth was the voice of a rich and impatient man.

"From today on, you and I have nothing to do with each other!"

Even though the man's voice and words were so heartless, the woman who was already in tears still stretched out her right hand to grab his arm, wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes with her other hand, and said as calmly as possible:

"What's wrong? Saburo, what happened? Can you talk about it?"

"No time to explain."

He shook off the woman's hand, but his seemingly heartless eyes were dodging.

At this time, the sound of rapid horse hooves seemed to ring in his ears, and there was a cry of "traitors must leave", but it seemed that it was just an auditory hallucination caused by his excessive nervousness, but no matter what, his nerves were as tight as a bow string. Still subconsciously holding the handle of the knife at his waist, he touched the hidden sword on his sleeve, and then he said in a more urgent tone:

"If you don't want to die, tell your family to leave quickly! Leave quickly!"

Then he packed up his luggage, mounted his horse, and ran away, escaping from this peaceful and peaceful little village and escaping to a farther place.

A few days later, the man put on makeup and rested in an inn. The inn had a good atmosphere. There was also a storyteller telling the story of Kong Ming’s seven captures of Meng Huo. While he was listening to the story, drinking hot tea and eating peanuts, three people dressed in black A man in a smart suit and a bamboo hat appeared at the door of the inn.

Of course the man sitting in the seat facing the door noticed the murderous aura emanating from these three people.

However, he didn't stand up or even raise his head. He just drank tea quietly, seemingly without any disturbance, but in fact the hand holding the tea cup was trembling slightly.

He is afraid, he is indeed afraid. These days, whenever he closes his eyes, he has nightmares about being thrown into a sea of ​​​​knives and fire by the Tang Sect, so that he cannot sleep at night.

Now, his nightmare has finally come.

The three men walked towards the man. Their steps were very light and almost silent. The jade plaques with the word "Tang" engraved on their waists were swaying gently.

Seemingly noticing the atmosphere here, other guests in the inn, even the waiter who was telling the names of the dishes, and the storyteller stopped talking. They looked here, especially when they saw the jade sign, their eyes His eyes were filled with fear.

"You are here? Is the sect okay?"

After the three Tang Sect assassins took their seats at his table, the man who knew there was no escape finally spoke. He greeted the three assassins as if reminiscing with old friends.


But the three Tang Sect killers were not interested in chatting with the man. They just exchanged glances with each other, and then... took action!

It's a fight without suspense.

There was no flash of sword, no change of attack and defense... none of it.

Facing the three inner sect punishment disciples in the Qi Transformation realm, the man who was still in the late stage of gathering Qi had little power to fight back.

The battle was very short. The man who had not yet released the Hidden Blade was directly pushed down by the three people whose eyes suddenly turned purple and fell onto the newly broken wooden table. Also broken into pieces were the teacups and dishes on the table. These fragments The man's ordinary face was scratched, and blood seeped out drop by drop.

Of course he didn't want it to end like this, he gritted his teeth and tried to struggle.

But the person holding him down would not give him a chance. The three men skillfully sealed his acupuncture points and used force-breaking techniques on him.


Hearing the pitiful wails of the man who had been chatting and laughing with them before, everyone, both men and women, covered their faces and eyes, and no one dared to step forward.

The three Tang Sect killers tied up the man who could no longer move. Then the leader of the killers dragged the end of the rope and dragged him to the horse outside the inn. After placing him on the horse, the three The killer mounted his horse again and took him, the traitor of the Tang Sect, back to face the sect's trial.

Passing the small village, the man tied to the horse already knew everything when he saw the red river in the village, but he still couldn't believe his judgment, so he asked:

"What have you done to this village?"

The killer sitting on the horse carrying the man sneered:

"Oh, you have been in Tangmen for so many years and you still don't know the rules of Tangmen?"

"The entire village, 130 people, including your sweetheart's family, has been wiped out."

The man who heard the news was as if struck by thunder. He was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses and said with a choked voice:

"They... they are all innocent! They really have nothing to do with this matter! They really don't know anything! Why..."

The Tang Sect killer on the horse on the left said:

"'I would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let one go.' This is the order of the head of Tang Dynasty."

The Tang Sect killer on the horse on the right sneered and said:

"Are you sad that they died? But if you and Tang San hadn't done this, we wouldn't have to do this. If we were to blame, it would be your audacity that only added so many innocent souls."

"You, you clearly know that they are innocent!"

The man's eyes were cracked, and he roared:

"You bastards!! You just want to kill people!!"

"Hahaha! So what?!"

Amid the heart-rending laughter of the three killers, the man's eyesight went dark, and Zhang San, who was restrained in the man's body, was finally free.

And he also had nothing to say about all this, he just let out a long sigh.

Is Tangmen a good place?

Of course not. The Tang Sect in Shushan was so famous and famous, it was all built on bones.

Hidden weapons that always catch people by surprise are useful, but they are also despised by the world because of their insidiousness.Of course, the Tang sect, which started its business by relying on hidden weapons, does not have a good reputation. If we say that famous sects such as Shaolin and Wudang rely on their strength and conduct to make people admire them, they have become a truly famous sect.

So the Tang clan, which relied on hidden weapons that were regarded as "side sects", would naturally not follow the same path as the famous upright clan. They ruled the land of Bashu with a brutal and bloody iron-fisted policy.

The disciples and elders of the Tang Sect used various hidden weapons to kill people without being seen, causing tragedies one after another to consolidate the reputation of the Tang Sect.

People in the world say that people in the Tang Sect must hiss and whisper, for fear that they will be killed.

And this is not alarmist. Tang Sect killers are all over the world, especially in Shushan. In order to eradicate dissidents, Tang Sect issued thousands of killing orders a day and bloodbathed all the sects in Shushan. Until there was no other sect in Shushan except the Tang Sect. Calm down.

However, it did not really stop. After the Tang Sect had tormented other sects in Shushan, it began to torment the common people.

Disciples of the Tang Sect generally have the habit of "testing weapons with people." The literal meaning is to use living people to test weapons. As for where the living people come from, it is definitely not jumping out of the cracks in the rocks.

Zhang San has been in the Tang Sect for decades, but he has never had any advanced skills or hidden weapons. The reason is very simple. His contribution to the sect is not enough.

And what tasks can contribute the fastest?

Of course they were killed by the Tang Clan.

However, the Tang Sect had basically eliminated the hostile forces of Bashu that could threaten the Tang Sect more than ten years ago, and in recent years the remaining remnant parties have been almost "cleaned up".

Therefore, in Shushan, the Tang Sect actually has no real enemies anymore.

So who will the Tang Sect continue to kill now?


While Zhang San was sorting out his thoughts, a green voice suddenly appeared in Zhang San's ear. He turned around and found a black-haired boy in blue uniforms looking at him with a smile.

Seeing this familiar face, Zhang San trembled all over. He stared at the young man's clear and innocent eyes in astonishment and said:

"Tang San?"

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