Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 7 Let go of that girl

"The sun is shining brightly today and the sky is clear, but there are dense clouds and it's extremely gloomy."

Such contradictory words appeared in Yue Roumei's diary.

Yue Roumei had indeed seen the sky as bright and sunny in the morning, with clear skies, but now everything she saw was foggy.

The reason for this is also very simple.

During the Wuhun Awakening Ceremony at noon, the Wuhun Hall deacon looked at the faint light on the soft crystal ball and was first surprised and then said calmly:

Yue Roumei, Wuhun Maomata, has soul power level 2, is unqualified and should be sent back.

Thinking of this matter again, Roumei's slender fingertips unconsciously pressed slightly on the paper in her hand. The crumpled page was already covered with wet tears.

" could this happen?"

Yue Roumei put down the pen and paper in her hand, held her trembling shoulders with trembling hands, raised her head and said with a choked voice:

"Dad, Mom, what should I do in the future?"

Yue Roumei was born into a scholarly family. Her father was an inspector of the Tiandou Empire, and her mother was also a gentle and virtuous lady.Although her family is not a wealthy family, the family can be considered happy.

It's a pity that her upright father seized the illegal payment of a businessman, refused the bribe from the other party, and insisted on detaining the money for investigation.

But Roumei listened to her mother's words. After this incident, her father provoked the powerful people behind the businessman. It was said that the man was related to the royal family. In order to retaliate, the other party framed his father, who had always been carefree, for accepting bribes and imprisoned him. Prison.

After that, my mother has been defending my father's justice. When the matter finally made progress, someone suddenly concocted a ridiculous story, saying that the gentle and conservative mother sold her body to curry favor with her superiors in order to get my father out of prison, which made my mother suffer from the neighbors. While being discussed and scorned, his father's boss, who was planning to testify, also gave up testifying to avoid suspicion.

My mother was born into a noble family and attached great importance to her reputation. How could she endure such injustice? However, she could not prove her innocence. In addition, it was very expensive to litigate in Tiandou, and their family background was not considered well-to-do. Mother She even sold her dowry and had to raise loans from everywhere. The pressure on her was increasing day by day, and all her efforts suddenly came to nothing. Finally, one day, her mother, who was in a daze, sent the still young Roumei to a nearby relative's home. He threw himself into a river on his way back.

Roumei, who was about to attend the funeral of her loved one at a young age, was devastated, but she also decided to inherit her mother's last wish and find a way to rescue her father from prison.

After this incident, she stayed with her relatives, but the relative who ran a tea shop had five children to support, and their situation was very difficult, so Roumei was eventually sent to an orphan. hospital.

Roumei, who followed the team to Wuhun Palace to participate in the awakening ceremony today, was very happy. She thought that if she had the talent for cultivation, successfully became a soul master, and then practiced hard to become a famous and powerful person, she would be able to The father was rescued.

However, the result of awakening was like a cold slap directly on her face.

Roumei understands that she can't blame anyone, she only hates herself for not living up to expectations.

But now that she is helpless and a weak woman, how can she rescue her father?

The more Yue Roumei thought about it, the sadder she became. She held the diary in her arms and cried until she cried. Her eyes became red, swollen and even painful from crying, but they did not stop.

thump, thump...

"Hmm...huh? Who?"

Yue Roumei felt a little strange when she heard the knock on the door. She called in a low voice first and found that the person who knocked on the door did not answer.

Thinking that maybe her voice was too soft, she stopped her tears, wiped away the tear stains on her face as much as possible with her sleeves, and then got up and headed to the door.

"Who is it? What's the matter?"

Yue Roumei asked timidly again, but the person at the door still didn't answer. He just continued to knock on the door, and the knocking became louder and louder. He was obviously very impatient.

"Stop knocking, I'll open the door."

Yue Roumei was not in a good mood originally, but hearing the continuous knocking on the door made her mood even worse.

At this time, she didn't know much about the identity of the outsider, she just thought it was someone from the Wuhun Palace who was looking for her.

"You are?"

However, Roumei opened the door and found four boys she didn't recognize standing at the door.

"Hey! Girl, do you remember us?"

It turned out that the leader of the four boys, who looked like a brave man, greeted her with familiarity.


Roumei looked carefully and found that she didn't know these people at all. Aren't they the four people selected in the martial arts awakening ceremony?

"Are you that Asri?"

Roumei had some impressions of the boy in charge. After all, he was the first to awaken his martial spirit, and he was also the first to be selected. He was also handsome, so it was hard not to be impressed.

"Yes, I said you should remember us."

Asri laughed, then he looked left and right, and then said:

"It's an eyesore with so many of us here. Can you let us in?"

"Uh, okay..."

Although Roumei didn't want these unfamiliar people to enter her room, they seemed to give her no choice. If she refused, she might offend these future soul masters.

And since she can't be a soul master, can she achieve her goal by making some soul master friends?

Thinking of this, Roumei, who was leaning against the door, took a step back and allowed the four boys to enter her room.

"Have you not tidied your room yet?"

After Asri and others entered Roumei's room, they began to look around and even started to touch the cabinets and sundries around them.

"Well, not yet."

Roumei felt a little uneasy. She didn't know what these people were looking for. At least it didn't look like they were just visiting her.

"Uh, you..."

These boys are all tall, and Roumei, who is weak and weak, is very afraid that they have evil intentions, but now that she has let them in, the initiative is no longer in her hands.

However, Roumei still mustered up the courage and said:

"What do you want from me? If nothing happens, can you go out?"

"Not yet?"

Asri looked at the girl who was trembling with fear, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then the boy with a still immature face suddenly stared softly with cold eyes and said:

"Where did you put that thing?"

"What, what?"

No matter how stupid Roumei was, she knew that these people had bad intentions. She tried to move her slightly trembling legs to escape towards the door.

As a result, Asri pressed her shoulders, and he also ordered his companion: "Close the door."

"Okay! Boss!"

A slightly fat boy responded cheerfully, and then closed the door with a click.

"What the hell are you trying to do?!"

Roumei was shocked and frightened, but she still tried to muster up the momentum to warn:

"You guys are calling me like this!"

Asri and his companions laughed and said, "Haha! Try shouting!"

"Come here... um!"

As soon as Roumei shouted, she received a slap on the face, and then her mouth was covered.

"Okay, if you have the guts."

Asri relied on his physical strength to push Roumei, who had red eyes, onto the bed, making her unable to move. Then he turned to his companions and said:

"If you don't say we'll look for it ourselves, come on! Turn this place upside down."


The three boys smiled mischievously and began to rummage through the boxes and cabinets, looking for something. They found a few copper soul coins in nooks and crannies, but they just put them into their pockets and did not stop looking. It was obvious that their goal was something more valuable.

However, after a while, even after checking every cabinet and clothing pocket, they still found nothing.

Seeing that the boys found nothing, Asri added: "Look at the pillows and quilts, there is always something inside them."

So the boys started rummaging around on the soft bed.

"this is?"

One of the boys got a palm-sized stuffed animal from the corner of the bed.


Roumei, who had been quietly afraid of being hurt again, suddenly became excited when she saw the puppet and desperately tried to break free from Asri's hands.

Asri immediately smiled and said: "Get this thing out of the way, it's probably inside."

"it is good!"

The fat boy had animal markings on his body when he exerted force, and his arms became much thicker. It was obvious that he was a beast spirit master. With the blessing of the martial spirit, he began to pull the puppet hard, and the silk threads on the puppet soon became Starting to break.


But then Asri suddenly let out a scream.

It turned out that Roumei, the owner of the doll, became more and more excited when she saw the damage to the doll. She exerted all her strength and a pair of cat ears grew directly on her head. The nails on her hands also became extremely sharp, and short and sharp horns appeared in her mouth. tooth.

When Asri was distracted, Roumei bit the palm that was covering her mouth through, and her hands also drew bloody marks on Asri's face.

Taking advantage of Asri's pain, Roumei shouted "No!" and threw herself at the fat boy holding the puppet, trying to stop him.

"Damn it! Catch her!"

However, even if Roumei's sudden outburst hurt Asri, Asri had an accomplice. Before she could completely break free from Asri's hand, she was pushed back to the bed by the other two boys.

"You guys!"

At this moment, the closed door was suddenly pushed open, and the angry voice of a young man was heard.

"Let go of that girl!"

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