Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 63 The "Beauty" Plan

"You ask me? How do I know?"

Even if the other party expressed doubts, Zhang San did not panic, but continued to make up without blushing.

"That guy is very evil. He explodes wherever he points. I don't know how to deal with him."

"Is that so?"

Although "Klaus" heard Zhang San's explanation, he was a little dissatisfied with the ambiguous information, but he also thought that this woman had drawn away the firepower for him. If he encountered the mysterious strong man, the situation might be worse. .

So "Klaus" didn't attack Zhang San, but asked again:

"Then your mask..."

Zhang San interrupted his question and said coldly:

"Are we just going to stand here and talk?"

Here Zhang San admitted that he had been negligent.Although he directly transformed into "Xie Mei" to avoid the other party having to take off his mask to identify his true identity, the other party would also wonder why "Xie Mei" had to reveal his true identity.

This question is very critical. Zhang San must be logically consistent and not make the other party suspicious.

But Zhang San was not ready yet, but he couldn't panic, he had to continue acting, so Zhang San chose to change the topic directly.

"Ha! That's right, let's go inside first."

"Klaus" sneered and led "Xie Mei" towards the inn.Here "Klaus" heard that "Xie Mei" seemed reluctant to mention this matter, but he did not become suspicious. After all, Xie Mei was arrogant and hated failure. Perhaps she was forced to do so because of an inevitable accident. I took off my mask, so I didn’t want to mention it.

Seeing that he seemed to have been fooled, Zhang San also relaxed a little.He must try his best to avoid questions that he is not sure about and speak as little as possible. After all, it is not a lie to speak too much and make mistakes.

In addition, Zhang San also knew that Xie Mei himself had an affair with this "Klaus", and the relationship between the two parties was very close. If he, the fake "Xie Mei", was slightly negligent in front of "Klaus", his feet might be exposed.

Although Zhang San should keep a certain distance from "Klaus" by rights, Zhang San was afraid that there might be some mechanism in this evil soul master's stronghold, so he naturally followed "Klaus" closely. At the same time, he couldn't show that he was right. This environment and this "old friend" were too unfamiliar, so Zhang San walked almost side by side with "Klaus".

However, "Klaus" looked sideways at the "Xie Mei" around him at this time, which made Zhang San a little nervous, so he had to find a way to distract "Klaus" again.

Zhang San noticed that "Klaus"'s nose was bleeding and asked:

"What happened to your nose?"

"Ah... I was bitten by a bug."

Obviously "Klaus" felt guilty, and he immediately lied. Zhang San noticed the other person's micro-expression and the teeth marks on his nose, and judged that "Klaus" was lying.

Although "Klaus" also wears a human skin mask, the design of this mask is quite sophisticated. Injuries to the wearer's face will not damage the mask, but will actually injure the epidermis and bleed.

At this time, it had only been a few minutes since Hu Liena bit him, so naturally the traces were still clear.

"This was bitten by the girl, right? What did you do to her?"

"Xie Mei" raised his eyebrows, his face became even colder, and his fists hidden under his robe were quietly clenched.

"Klaus" felt that "Xie Mei" was angry, and it was not an ordinary anger, so he immediately defended:

"Well, I didn't do anything. I gave her something to eat, and she suddenly bit me."

"Is that right?"

Of course Zhang San knew that the other party was quibbling. What kind of posture could make a restrained girl bite her nose?

Knowing that Hu Liena was in her heart, she was afraid of being bullied, and Zhang San couldn't bear the anger in his heart.

However, Zhang San knew very well that he could now use Xie Mei's name to get angry at "Klaus", but he could not go too far and could only suppress the anger in his heart and said:

"What did you do to her next?"

Facing this frosty-faced woman, "Klaus" showed a flattering smile on his face, and he replied:

"It's just a little lesson. Don't worry, it's nothing serious."

"Xie Mei" turned to stare at "Klaus" and asked:

"Are you having thoughts about her that you shouldn't?"

"No, no! I'm all about you!"

Having said that, "Klaus" opened the secret door behind the inn and led "Xie Mei" across the threshold. Due to the narrow passage, "Xie Mei", who had been keeping a certain distance from "Klaus", was forced to walk toward "Klaus" leaned closer, and the short and fat man took the opportunity to put a big hand on "Xie Mei"'s buttocks and rub it.

Zhang San, who was caught off guard by the opponent, froze up and felt a chill in his heart.

Worri!This old gangster!

Does this old bastard think he has been flirting with him?

As the force on his buttocks intensified, Zhang San's cheeks twitched non-stop.

I think this is the first time that I, Zhang San, have my butt touched by a man today.Although I have never been touched by a woman before, it doesn't matter.

No matter what, he, Zhang San, was once a seven-foot-tall man, and he died vigorously and without much fear. How could he be reduced to having his butt touched by a short and ugly old man?

Moreover, this is an old man who molested his young daughter Hu Liena. He is still thinking about how to kill this guy?

As a result, someone touched my butt.

It is simply unbearable!

Zhang San was furious. He raised his right fist and was about to smash it towards "Klaus"'s wretched old face.


At this time, "Klaus" also noticed the murderous aura on Zhang San's body, turned his head, and happened to see Zhang San's fist that was about to make close contact with his face.


Zhang San's fist stopped, and at this moment Zhang San and "Klaus" maintained a tacit silence.

Zhang San knew that he had to do something, otherwise no one would be able to step down.

So Zhang San raised the middle finger of his fist, then gently tapped the tip of the middle finger on "Klaus"'s wrinkled forehead, and then said in a cooing voice:


Then he took the initiative to fall on "Klaus" and held the other person's hand behind him so that this big hand could hold his waist.

"Beauty" took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, and the old pervert "Klaus" who was just wondering what was going on immediately threw his doubts to the back of his mind and burst into laughter. At the same time, he continued to move his hands up and down to taste more fully. This warm and fragrant nephrite made the expression on his face become more and more obscene.

Zhang San, on the other hand, had a smile on his face and a happy heart.

Now he has experienced firsthand how difficult it is to be a "beauty" in "The Beauty Trap".

If he had just taken action, even though "Klaus" was indeed unprepared, the terrain here was narrow and it was difficult for him to use his martial spirit. At the same time, "Klaus's" strength was unknown, and he might not be able to kill him if he attacked first. If you lose the opponent, you may also completely lose your room for maneuver.

After thinking clearly about the pros and cons, Zhang San had no choice but to suppress the anger and disgust in his heart and let the other party continue to take advantage of him.

Although he successfully stabilized "Klaus" with his "beauty", the time to fall out has not yet come.

Thinking about it, in order to save Hu Liena, I had to make a huge sacrifice.

Let’s not talk about the hardships we endured before, and let’s not even mention that now my whole body has been touched.

If he might lose his virginity, he would really have to commit suicide.

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