Obviously the size of the mask was inappropriate, but as soon as Zhang San put it on his face, he found that the mask fit his face perfectly.

"It's really weird."

Zhang San felt almost no discomfort after putting on this mask, and even felt that this mask should be worn on his face without having to take it off again.

"Will this thing affect the wearer's mind?"

As soon as this idea came up, Zhang San suddenly remembered the background story he had seen before. A chill climbed up his spine, and he immediately swept this inexplicable idea out of his mind.

Zhang San was sure that this thing was indeed an evil one and worthy of being a golden legendary item. He felt that it was a bit difficult for him to control it.

The items newly generated by the system were all ownerless at first, so Zhang San tried to penetrate his consciousness to put a spiritual imprint on the mask after putting on the mask, but he found that his consciousness was blocked by the mask. After removing it, he couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the mask, and the mental imprint only left a very shallow mark.

This means that Zhang San's current mental power level has not reached the level of completely mastering this mask.

However, Zhang San's current mental power level is at the level of a Soul Saint. Even the mental power of a seventy-level Soul Saint cannot be controlled. Does it mean that this thing needs to be controlled by a level eighty Soul Douluo?

Of course, these issues are not important at the moment, as long as Zhang San can initially master the ability of the mask.

Next, Zhang San looked at his current appearance in the mirror, and found that the black and white mask on his face had changed into his face shape.

The whole mask is lifelike and can move with Zhang San's facial muscles. When he opens his mouth, the mask will also open his mouth. When he smiles, the mask will also smile.

The expression of the entire mask fits his face very well. Even if you pay attention to the micro-expressions, there is no awkward feeling. The wearing effect is much better than the previous human skin mask.

It's like he has a weird facial makeup painted on his face, and the pattern on the facial makeup is directly tattooed on his face.

"Wearing this to pretend to be a ghost in the middle of the night must be great."

Zhang San gave a very pertinent evaluation, and at the same time he also realized a problem.

"But why haven't I changed... No, I have to think about what I want to change to be effective."

This grimace will definitely not scare away the real executioner, but fortunately Zhang San remembered the usage mentioned in the introduction.

He must think about the person he wants to become.

So who would it be better to become?

Zhang San first thought of Mary Sue's cold and mean old face, but he quickly rejected this idea himself, and then the image of the face with the evil moon mark between its eyebrows appeared in his mind, showing both purity and coquettishness at the same time. The face of a young woman with completely opposite charm.

He had already learned from the letters in the "Yeyue Spiritual Ring" that this woman's real name was Xie Mei.

The current Xie Mei should have been tied up by the guards and forced into a prison. Even if she had a way to escape, she would not be able to escape with such serious injuries, and the group of "ghost skeletons" should not get the news of Xie Mei's arrest so quickly.

Now that she goes in directly with Xie Mei's face, she can certainly gain the trust of the evil soul masters. After all, she is one of the evil soul masters.

And if I wear Mary Sue's face, it will be troublesome if they ask me to take off the human skin mask that no longer exists to verify my identity.

After weighing the pros and cons like this, it would be better for me to directly become an evil spirit with less risk.

So Zhang San made up his mind and kept recalling Xie Mei's appearance in his mind. Although Zhang San saw this woman's true appearance for the first time, his memory was still very clear not long after he met her. At the same time, Xie Mei was He looks very distinctive and not easy to forget.

Therefore, the complete appearance of Xie Mei quickly appeared in Zhang San's mind, and as his imagination continued to inject, this Xie Mei became more and more vivid.

At the same time, he did not forget to move his eyes and take a look in the mirror, and found that his black and white face suddenly became turbid, and the black and white "dyes" on his face began to "color" into a white flesh color, and that It happened to be the evil skin color he remembered.

And the entire mask is also changing. The mask no longer adapts to his face shape but is transforming into a woman's face shape. This process is a bit scary at first glance, but fortunately the transformation speed is very fast, and when Xie Mei's face is worthy of a beauty, After the word "disaster" appears, it no longer has a scary meaning.

Zhang San discovered that even though the evil face appeared, the mask was still changing, and the mask was spraying out some strange mist-like substances. These strange things penetrated into his skin and penetrated into his blood vessels and even bones.


This is not a comfortable process. On the contrary, Zhang San feels that his whole body is like a piece of mud, being kneaded into another shape by a big invisible hand. This process is extremely painful, even if he has to go up a mountain of knives and under a sea of ​​fire. Zhang San immediately shouted out.

However, his cry may attract enemies, and Zhang San doesn't know how to stop the power of the mask.

Therefore, Zhang San had to clench his teeth, bite the bleeding holes in his lips, dig his fingers into the soil, and fight the pain with all his strength to prevent himself from screaming.

The bones are growing, the skin and flesh are being stretched, and the whole body is undergoing a cruel and efficient transformation.

Reborn is not as simple as it sounds.

Even if Zhang San has tried his best to endure the pain, the pain caused by this transformation process will not be reduced by half because he chooses to endure it, and even because of his full concentration, the pain will be reflected more clearly in the brain.

In this case, it might be easier for Zhang San to choose to faint directly, but is this the time for him to lose consciousness?

Hu Liena was still waiting for him to rescue her. At the same time, there were still wilderness areas infested by wild beasts, and evil soul masters might arrive at any time.

Zhang San had to endure the whole process awake. During this period, the excessive pain caused Zhang San's brain to hallucinate. Zhang San felt that he was back in the oil pan of the first Tang Sect. The elders of the Tang Sect sat down. From a high position, they watched indifferently as he tumbled and struggled in the hot oil pot, while the inner and outer disciples of the Tang Sect were on the viewing platform near the oil pot, sealing the execution ground inside and outside.

Zhang San himself was shouting "Help me! I'm dying of pain!" However, most of the elders and disciples around him were watching with cold eyes, while others were watching his pain with playful smiles and pointing at him. , as if looking at a dying beast in a cage.

No one would lend a helping hand to him, and no one was even willing to help him end his pain. He could only keep thrashing and struggling in the oil pan until the power of the life-sustaining pill in his abdomen was completely exhausted.

Someone was blowing air under the oil pan to add firewood, and when he was about to swim from the middle to the edge of the oil pan, someone would pierce his palm with a steel fork and push it back... He had no choice, he had to die.

Everyone thinks he is guilty and everyone wants him dead.

However, another person who should have shouldered the same sin or even be the "culprit" "escaped", and that person was not only free and easy in another world, gaining both fame and wealth, but also had no regrets for all the consequences he had caused. He may even be proud of it.

Before the last bit of his strength dissipated, Zhang San tried his best to shout out the name that made him resentful:

"Tang San!"

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