Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 52 The Battle Is Coming

The person who died was a "Ghost Skeleton", so he really did a great thing.

When Zhang San saw this tattoo, the remaining guilt in his heart was gone.

Each of these cannibal-like evil soul masters counts, and killing them will definitely not be unfair.

It's just that "ghost skeletons" were involved in this incident, so are the two top executives of the Sacred Heart Orphanage, Klaus and Mary Sue, who also participated in and even planned this incident, "ghost skeletons"?

This makes people think carefully.

There are nearly a thousand orphans in the Sacred Heart Orphanage who have lost their guardians for various reasons. These orphans are usually marginalized characters in society. Few people care whether they live or die in the orphanage.

Klaus and Mary Sue both had fewer and more names on the list of people to be admitted and discharged, and it was all a matter of one sentence.

If someone suddenly disappears, other children in the orphanage will not cause much reaction, as long as it is announced that the missing child has been adopted.

And based on the previous conversation between the two people when his stand-in was decapitated, it was obvious that this was not the first time they had done such a thing, and there were people in the orphanage who hid and buried their bodies and cleaned up the scene.

In addition, the "Ghost Skeleton", a vicious evil soul master force, has always behaved in a way that has always been the case.

So the darkness behind the Sacred Heart Orphanage may be much more serious than I thought.

However, Zhang San had no time to think about these issues. He had to catch up quickly and save Xie Yue and Hu Liena.

"Tsk! He ran so fast!"

Zhang San only ran a few steps and found that the two men on horseback had disappeared. And since the two guys were taking different roads, Zhang San didn't know who to chase.

Looking at the driver of the carriage in front, he was also lying on the ground. Zhang San came closer and observed that his neck was broken and he was already dead.


At this time, Zhang San heard a woman's scream. He looked up and saw that the lights were on in the surrounding houses. Apparently, the noise he had just made had woken up the ordinary residents living here.

"Damn it! We have to leave quickly!"

Zhang San glanced at the ground and found blood stains on one of the roads chosen by the two escaping people. He didn't know who was injured.

"Then this one!"

Is it the enemy, the brothers and sisters, or the horses that are bleeding and injured?Zhang San didn't know clearly, but one of them must be in bad condition, and he would be more likely to catch up if he followed the road.

Without further ado, Zhang San opened his legs and ran quickly.

Of course, it was still too slow to run with just two legs. Before Zhang San ran very far, a rider wearing a guard uniform and riding a black horse caught up with him and shouted:

"Hey! Kid! Are you a witness?!"


Zhang San looked back at the black horse behind him, and a kind smile immediately appeared on his face covered with sweat and dust.

"It came just fine."

"Ah? Are you a soul master?!"

Just when the guard was thinking about why this kid smiled so horribly, Zhang San had already unfolded his martial spirit and spirit ring and rushed towards the guard on horseback.


The guard who was still surprised that Zhang San, a child, was actually a soul master, was already pushed down by Zhang San who jumped on his horse.


Zhang Sanyi waved the reins and slapped the horse's neck hard. The painful black horse immediately started running with four hooves and a neigh.

"Damn it! You bastard! How dare you steal my horse?"

The guard who fell to the ground for a while before getting up immediately yelled at Zhang San's back:

"Give me back my horse!"

However, amidst the loud shouts of the guards, Zhang San had already escaped into the night on his black horse and was nowhere to be seen again.

[You just received 100 resentment points, and now you have a total of 7400 points. 】

After hearing the system prompts, Zhang San clicked his tongue in his heart and said:

"Not only do you give away horses, but you also give away points. Such kind people are rare these days."

The black horse Zhang San rode was considered a good horse. Its strong four hooves galloped on the street like a black whirlwind.

Now every second counts, which is why Zhang San did not choose to ask the guards directly for help. By the time he finished reporting the situation to the guards, they had already disappeared. Waiting for those people to slowly analyze the investigation and hold a meeting to discuss the plan, If they organize a rescue operation, the brother and sister will probably have stayed in the lair of the evil soul masters for several days.

You must know that Xie Yue and Hu Liena are now in the hands of a group of evil soul masters who kill without blinking an eye. Zhang San does not dare to bet that they will really come back unscathed after falling into the hands of their enemies.

Although the current situation is also very bad, the enemy has been divided into two groups, and Zhang San has only one person to naturally have to worry about one thing and the other, but they must always meet in one place.

So as long as you catch one of them and interrogate him, it shouldn't be a problem to get the location information of the other one.

Moreover, the opponent's troops are divided into two groups, which is when the enemy's strength is most dispersed. If it is just one-on-one, even if the opponent is the Soul Sect, Zhang San is certain to win. Even if he cannot win, there is no problem in protecting himself.

But the premise of all this is that you have to catch up with the other party.

Zhang San chased all the way, and it seemed that he could hear the sound of horse hooves in front of him, but no matter how he waved the reins, the sound of horse hooves in front of him did not get louder, which meant that the distance between him and the opponent was blocked.

"Did you catch up so soon?"

Mary Sue also heard the sound of horse hooves behind her. She was very nervous now because her horse's legs were bleeding all the time and the horse was already panting, which meant that the horse's physical strength was reaching its limit.

However, the pursuers behind him were also chasing after him on horseback, which meant that the opponent was not an agility or flying spirit, and was not very fast.

Mary Sue thought that judging from the power of the opponent's attack just now, she had no chance of winning in a head-on battle with him.

Then the only way for her to survive is to escape and escape from the opponent's pursuit as quickly as possible.

Of course, if you just keep running, you will definitely not be able to escape.

So Mary Sue came up with a plan. She continued to wave the whip to keep the horse running, then she jumped off the horse with the boy in her arms, and landed directly in the bushes beside the road, and then used the "Turtle Breath Technique" Holding her breath and hiding, she also wanted to see who the attacker was.

After a while, the sound of horse hooves from behind became louder and louder, and soon a black shadow ran past Mary Sue's eyes.

At this time, the soul ring was shining behind the person on the horse, but there was only... one.

What?how can that be?

Mary Su never expected that her dignified 47th level soul master would be chased by a tenth level soul master.

Or is there another master?


Mary Sue was full of doubts, thinking about what situation she had encountered, when suddenly her calf hurt, which made the unprepared Mary Sue scream.

It turned out that Xie Yue, who was put on the ground by Mary Sue, had woken up. As soon as he woke up, he recalled what had just happened to him, and saw a suspiciously dressed man in black robe standing next to him. He thought that this must be a kidnapping of him. The kidnapper, Xie Yue, who was extremely stubborn, didn't think twice and bit the kidnapper on the calf.


Zhang San was in a hurry to catch up with the horse in front of him, and suddenly heard the cry of a woman behind him, and the cry sounded a little familiar, and he thought to himself, isn't this Mary Sue?

So he immediately reined in the reins, turned the horse's head and ran towards the direction of the cry.

"Damn it! Let go!"

Marysu shook her legs to shake Xie Yue away, but Xie Yue was also very stubborn. Even though he felt his head was buzzing and his teeth were about to be shaken off, he still wouldn't let go.

"You stinky brat! If you don't eat the toast, you'll be fined with alcohol!"

The extremely angry Mary Sue directly hit Xie Yue on the back of her neck. Xie Yue rolled her eyes and fainted, and she was able to escape.

"Don't try to run!"

At this time, Zhang San, who discovered Mary Sue's hiding place, had arrived on a black horse.

"Huh?! Run? I won't run!"

Marisu's soul seal flashed, and two semicircular blades appeared in her hands. At the same time, the four yellow, yellow, purple, and purple soul rings also appeared behind her.

Between the first-ring soul master and the fourth-ring soul sect, a battle is about to begin with a clear disparity in strength but no one knowing who will win.

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