Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 50 The fool who challenged the windmill

"I'm such a fool."

Zhang San couldn't help but curse while walking on the cold and hard stone road. Of course, the target of the curse was himself.

Because indeed, he is still too stupid.

In the first three lives, Zhang San did not die because of himself, but for others, or for the people and things he was obsessed with.

If he had not chosen to get involved in those things from the beginning, or had simply chosen to escape everything heartlessly, he should have been able to live a peaceful life.

However, even though he, Zhang Sanyi, died unexpectedly again and again, he would always take actions that could not be called "rational" towards people or things that he was worried about.

Even if he knows the danger of what he is doing and knows that he cannot gain any benefit from it, he may still make "stupid" choices again and again if he is able to protect himself wisely.

Maybe he was born to be such a fool...

At this time, the system that had been silent suddenly said:

[Master, the fool in your words can also be called an "idealist" or a "hero". 】

[In other words, you are actually a tragic hero who knows that you cannot do anything but is willing to sacrifice everything for your obsession and ideals and play the pipa in front of thousands of troops. 】

"System, stop laughing at me."

However, Zhang San just sneered at the system's sudden compliment. He quickened his pace, and the moonlight above his head stretched his small shadow very long.

"I'm just an... ordinary 'Zhang San'."

He, Zhang San, is not worthy of the word hero.

At best, Zhang San is just an ordinary person with some heroic dreams, a little person who can be seen everywhere. He can also be timid, follow others, and have his own small calculations. But when things touch some of his principles, he usually Even though he is cowardly, he will have the courage to wield his sword towards the gods.

However, without power, he is just like a clown in everything he does. Even if he has the courage to swing his sword at the gods, so what, he is just a fool challenging a windmill.

Now, having made this choice and going to the meeting alone, am I still as powerless as ever?

Is he still a reckless fool?

Zhang San doesn't know the answer.

But regardless of whether he becomes a joke again, he will do his best to make himself no longer ridiculous.

As for the brother and sister Xieyue and Hu Liena who he was now preparing to risk his life to save, Zhang San did have thoughts of revenge and use at first.

But after Zhang San got along with the brothers and sisters during this period, he discovered that the aloof and violent Xieyue was now just a very innocent and reckless little kid.

At this age, Hu Liena is not the aloof, cold and arrogant saint of Wuhun Palace who loves to boss him around, but a beautiful little girl who is sensible, polite and grateful. Anyone who comes into contact with such a little girl will inevitably feel good about him. .

What's more, Zhang San is not an extremely evil person, or in other words, he has never been a evil person.

Although Zhang San's hands were stained with a lot of blood, he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and he always insisted on keeping grudges clear in everything he did.

What Zhang San wanted to take revenge on was Hu Liena, who had humiliated him and bossed him around. Now, this immature girl and the boy who might already have respect for him were not the targets of his revenge.

As the saying goes, every wrongdoer has his own debtor, wouldn't the best revenge be to make Hu Liena and Xie Yue, who I am extremely unhappy with in the future, disappear forever?

The two brothers and sisters' personalities changed so much in the future, which should be inseparable from the two experiences of being bullied in the orphanage and being kidnapped after escaping from the orphanage.

The shadow of childhood often takes people a lifetime to heal.

Zhang San probably understood that it was probably because of the unfortunate encounters between the brother and sister in childhood that they would be so paranoid in the future.

Now Zhang San happens to be standing at the life node of the brother and sister, and he happens to have certain trump cards in his hand.

Isn't it time to try to do something?

Zhang San took action. In fact, he has always been an activist. After all, he is not good at reasoning with others, and he has lived in a cruel world of the jungle for a long time, so it is naturally more direct to take action.

However, in this operation, Zhang San was definitely not really going to die.

He studied under the Tang Sect, which emphasized skills in dealing with the enemy.

Skills are also part of strength. As long as you use the correct skills and methods, you can always defeat the strong with the weak.

Even if the enemy is far stronger than me, I may not be unable to win as long as I find the right way!

"Is that so?"

After a while, Zhang San arrived at his destination. He knew that those people wanted to kidnap the brother and sister. They would probably need transportation to send the brother and sister to their base camp. At the same time, these people wanted to ensure that their actions were foolproof. There must be many people making arrangements. The only means of transportation that can transport people in a relatively concealed manner is horse-drawn carriages.

Therefore, as soon as Zhang San left the Sacred Heart Orphanage, he went straight to the nearest stable. As expected, he saw two manned carriages that were ready to go. Since the two men in black robes had already boarded the carriages at this time, the convoy was already ready to leave.

So Zhang San took off his shoes and socks directly, then possessed the martial soul, and huddled in an alleyway where the carriage must pass. When the two carriages passed by him, he activated his soul skill - Night Hidden The first half of the blade's effect [Night Hidden] allowed him to enter a "hidden" state, and then he jumped up and climbed onto the carriage in the large carriage behind.

Although his action must have made a noise, the carriage was empty, and the carriage itself made a lot of noise when it was moving quickly, so Zhang San did not attract the attention of others.

Then Zhang San did not try to enter the carriage, but used Wuhun's inherent adhesion ability to slowly move from the outside of the bumpy carriage to the chassis of the carriage.

The base of this carriage is very high, and Zhang San himself is a six-year-old child. Although his body has grown due to his level improvement, he still looks like a child, and his body is very small, shrinking here. The chassis of the carriage, which is not easily noticed, is naturally even less noticeable.

Next, Zhang San also saw the whole process of the brothers and sisters being captured, but he was not in a hurry to take action. After seeing clearly the number and deployment of the enemy, Zhang San began to formulate a plan in his mind.

At present, the enemy has determined that there are at least two soul masters above level [-], and although the six men in black with unknown strength have not used martial souls to display soul rings, they must have received professional training.

Judging from the steady breathing and steady steps of these men in black, they should be above me in terms of cultivation base. It is very likely that the average level is around level [-].

Each of these people is not an enemy that he can easily defeat head-on. At the same time, they have an absolute advantage in numbers. The strength gap between the enemy and us is extremely huge. Even if Zhang San can copy a few of himself in a head-on confrontation, he has no chance of winning.

However, Zhang San said in his heart:

Now the enemy is clear and we are hidden, the advantage is mine!

Just like hidden weapons, although they are despised by decent people and do not compete with swords and other weapons, no one dares to underestimate the power of this hidden weapon that has taken the lead!

And since we have the initiative to attack, we must play big.

So Zhang San said in his heart: "System, do you have any more powerful explosives here?"

[Yes, these are "flammable and explosive" dangerous items, please select them and use them with caution. 】

The diligent system immediately popped up and showed Zhang San a list.

Zhang San saw an explosive in the blue area that he had never seen before but was affordable, and immediately asked:

"TNT explosives? What is this?"

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