Although Klaus obviously didn't want to discuss with them at this time, Hu Liena still said politely:

"Mr. Dean, we are here to see you..."

As a result, Klaus interrupted her directly and said slowly in a skilled official accent:

"It's not up to me to decide whether you want to leave the hospital or not. It's your family's decision to let you stay here. There's no need for this..."

"No, we are here to give you this thing."

Hu Liena has heard this statement several times during this time. Xie Yue on the side also looked impatient, and she directly interrupted Klaus's speech, and then twisted the golden ball according to Zhang San's previous instructions. Then he handed the golden ball, which was turning quietly by itself, to Klaus.

"Huh? This is? A soul guide?"

Although Klaus didn't understand what kind of medicine the siblings were selling in their gourds, since the other party handed him a soul tool that might be worth thousands of gold, Klaus didn't hesitate and directly reached out to take it.

"You can go to your office now."

Seeing that Klaus had already held the little golden ball in his hand, Hu Liena said with a smile:

"There's something in here for you to see."


Klaus glanced at the egg-sized golden ball in his hand. After hesitating for a while, he returned to his office as Hu Liena asked and closed the door.

"I want to see what those two little guys are up to."

Klaus placed the delicate golden ball on his desk with a look of disdain, then he sat down on the chair and stared at the slowly rotating little golden ball.

After a while, the runes on the golden ball began to tremble, and several cracks appeared on the golden ball, and the size increased accordingly. These cracks were very regular, and it seemed that they originally existed on the golden ball, but when they were tightly attached, They become one.

While Klaus was marveling at the exquisite structure of this soul guide, blurry images and human voices began to appear on the trembling golden ball.


Looking at what this golden ball showed him, Klaus's face, which was still rosy just now, began to turn livid...

Xie Yue, who was waiting impatiently outside the door, said to Hu Liena beside her:

"Nana, will he really change his mind as the third brother said?"

"Just wait patiently, we have nothing else to do anyway."

Hu Liena looked expressionless, but in fact her clenched palms were full of sweat.

Can the contents of that golden ball really make the insufferable dean change his mind?

To be honest, Hu Liena was not sure.

Up to now, although Hu Liena has more trust in Zhang San who is willing to help, she only regards Zhang San as a more reliable person. She also expresses doubts about whether Zhang San can really help them achieve their goals.

After all, Zhang San is just an orphan born among common people, and he is not much older than himself.

Although she didn't get along much with him and didn't know what he was capable of, it was hard for Hu Liena to be optimistic about him.

But after seeing Zhang San take out a soul tool, Hu Liena began to have confidence in Zhang San.

You must know that the craftsmanship of soul guides has almost been lost in Douluo Continent, which makes each soul guide not only rare, but also extremely expensive.

Zhang San was actually able to take out a soul guidance device, which shows that Zhang San is not simple.

Hu Liena didn't know who Zhang San was, but maybe Zhang San was the person arranged by an elder in the family to take care of them in the orphanage.

If that's the case, everything should go smoothly.

But Hu Liena understood that this might just be her wishful thinking.

If Zhang Sanzhen was the person sent by the family to protect them, he should take care of them no matter what, right?

But Zhang San showed no sign of this at all, as if he was really just a warm-hearted outsider passing by.

So, as a passerby, can Zhang San really be so powerful that he can solve the troubles that trouble the brothers and sisters in such a simple way?

Hu Liena didn't know, but in this situation, she and Xie Yue had no choice but to believe Zhang San.


After a while, the office door opened. The door was opened in a rather violent manner, and the door was knocked hard on the door frame.

"You two, come in!"

Klaus, who looked extremely unhappy, greeted the two people who had been waiting outside the door to come in.

"Okay, Mr. Dean."

Although the brother and sister didn't know what happened, looking at each other, they seemed to be a lot stimulated.

"Well...your request is to leave our orphanage, right?"

After the three of them sat down, Klaus got straight to the point.


The brother and sister both nodded. Xie Yue was conscious of the negotiation, so it was Hu Liena who did the talking.

"We hope to leave the orphanage now and go back home. When we go back, we will ask the family not to embarrass you."

Hu Liena understood what Director Klaus was worried about. The Fox family was also the sponsor of the Sacred Heart Orphanage and had not helped the family to do good things. Director Klaus could not escape this responsibility.


Klaus smiled bitterly and said:

"I can understand how you two want to go back, but I have also received instructions. You must stay in the orphanage and cannot let you leave."

"Really not?"

Doesn't it have any effect?

When Hu Liena heard that Klaus still said this, she couldn't help but feel disappointed. It seemed that the golden ball given by Zhang San did not seem to have any effect.


However, Klaus suddenly changed the subject. He raised his head and looked at the ceiling and said to himself:

"The wall near the soldier statue in the west corner of the orphanage collapsed two days ago. I sent people here to repair the wall. The wall has not been repaired yet. If someone gets out from there in the past few days, it will be in trouble. , I have to arrange for someone to handle it quickly."


After hearing the news, Hu Liena and Xie Yue looked at each other, unable to understand what Klaus meant.

Xie Yue raised her hand and said:

"But I remember, isn't the wall over there still in good condition?"

Klaus continued to look at the ceiling, shaking his head and said:

"It's just a simple repair. The wall is still very fragile. Even a child can dig a hole."

At this time Hu Liena said: "But we don't have the tools."

"Hmm... I think it's normal for the wall builder to leave something behind."

Klaus stretched out his hand to touch his gray beard and continued to stare at the ceiling, as if he was really just talking to himself.

"The nuns on watch will have a short holiday tomorrow night, and they will be happy not to have a night shift."


The brother and sister looked at each other and smiled, they understood what they should do.

"Thank you, Mr. Dean."

"Hey, why are you thanking me all of a sudden?"

Klaus looked at the siblings and winked at them.

"I didn't say anything, did I?"

"Okay, you didn't say anything."

The brother and sister smiled knowingly. After getting the answer they wanted, the brother and sister jumped out of their seats and said goodbye to Klaus.

"Mr. Dean, it's getting late, so we'll go back first."

"Well, let's go!"

Klaus waved his hand, and after watching the brothers and sisters go away, the kind-hearted old dean's eyes suddenly turned cold.

He glanced at the crumpled golden ball in the trash can beside the table. The corners of his dry mouth were raised high, and the wrinkles on his face were also squeezed into a ball.

Then with this weird smile, he looked again at the direction where the brother and sister had left, and said to himself:

"It's really... it takes no effort at all, you little bastards."

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