Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 41 Forced to ask for help

The two of them searched anxiously for the two missing quilts for a long time, and finally found them in the garbage recycling bin.

They knew clearly that someone was deliberately trying to mess with them, but they had no choice.

Hu Liena reported it to the housekeeper of the first dormitory. After the old nun comforted her, she went to scold the other children and tried to track down the real culprit. However, no one came forward, and in the end she had no choice but to let it go.

Since the quilt has been stained, Xie Yue's clothes need to be changed, so cleaning is necessary.

Xieyue and Hu Liena hoped that the old nun could help, but the nun only taught them how to wash clothes and quilts. After giving a brief demonstration, she stopped helping. She also said that this was the rule here and they had to abide by it.

Xie Yue naturally complained about this, and Hu Liena also frowned.

After all, the clothes they wore once at home may never be worn again. Now they have to wash the clothes and bedding by hand. Moreover, the laundry pool is much taller than the two brothers and sisters. I have always been a young master and young lady who has never touched the beauty of life. How can I get used to such rough work?

But even if Hu Liena said that she could provide the money, the old nun still shook her head and refused.

After all, this is an orphanage, and the job of these nuns is to teach the children in the orphanage to master independent survival skills, not to take care of their daily life like servants.

Since there was no one to help them, Hu Liena and Xie Yue had no choice but to stand on the stools, grit their teeth, and stretch their hands into the cold water to wash their clothes and bedding. By the time they finished washing their own quilts, their hands were all red from the cold.

Of course, there is nothing that can be done about it. Although it gives the brother and sister a headache, there is really no one here who will do things for them.

When they were taking the cold and wet quilts to dry with great difficulty, the old nun was still watching with a smile and had no intention of helping.

Although this made the brother and sister very angry, no one here seemed to care about their identities, and naturally no one had the obligation to stand up and help them, so the brother and sister could only swallow this sigh of relief.

At noon, the brother and sister went to eat again, and met Scarface and his group again. However, they did not see Zhang San and his group, so they had to quickly go to the payment window to buy some food, and then took it back to the dormitory to eat.

There were classes to be held in the afternoon, and Vice-Principal Mary Sue personally took her brother and sister to class. On the way, the brothers and sisters complained to Mary Sue about their experiences, hoping that they could get preferential treatment or simply let them go back.

But Mary Sue just laughed and asked them to get used to it more, and didn't say much about other issues. Then she took them to get textbooks and stationery, and then took them to their own classes.

In the classroom, the cultural classes taught by nuns or priests on the podium are mostly about history and religion. Some teach singing and cooking, and some teach reading and writing Douluo. The Sacred Heart Orphanage has set up these courses. The purpose is to allow these orphans to acquire the skills to gain a foothold in society and to ensure their faith in angels and gods.

Of course Xie Yue was not interested, and he even started scribbling in the textbook at the beginning of the course.Although the top student Hu Liena listened carefully, she felt a little tired after a long time.

In the middle of the class, when the teachers were writing on the blackboard, Xie Yue felt something fell on her head. Xie Yue took it and saw that it was a ball of paper. She opened it and saw that it was the image of herself and her sister Hu Liena. The painting was very ugly, with "Two Idiots" written on the top row.

Xie Yue was angry and immediately looked back to see who it was. When he looked around and looked at the expressions of the people behind him, trying to find out the "murderer", the teacher's stern voice sounded. She called Xie Yue up and asked Xie Yue to get the textbook. Go and stand outside.

Although Xie Yue looked unconvinced, after seeing the other party take out a thick iron ruler, Xie Yue had no choice but to give in and obediently took the textbook and stood outside.

Xie Yue stood like this for the whole class. In addition to the numbness in her legs and feet, she was completely sleepless. During the break, Hu Liena walked up to Xie Yue and showed her the paper ball in her hand. The content inside was similar to the one Xie Yue received.

When Xieyue was about to have a seizure and wanted to find Mary Sue to deal with it, Hu Liena stopped him and told Xieyue that they should keep a low profile and be patient now, don't forget Zhang San's advice, and comforted him that everything would get better.

Therefore Xie Yue endured it.

However, things did not get better as the brother and sister expected because of their low profile. Instead, various incidents happened every day, such as lost textbooks, the bed suddenly became wet, clothes were stolen and ended up in the trash. I found in the bucket that these bad things kept happening.

Xieyue and Hu Liena had decided to keep a distance from Zhang San and others, so they did not go to Zhang San and others for help.

What's more, it's hard for Zhang San and the others to help the brother and sister with this kind of matter, so it's better to go through official channels.

So the unbearable brother and sister went to find Mary Sue, and Mary Sue's way of dealing with it was to directly call all the children around them and scold them. As a result, when these people came back, they ostensibly apologized to Xie Yue and Hu Liena. , but the resentment in his eyes became even deeper.

After that, the bad things that happened to the two of them changed from one or two a day to three or four a day.

One time, Xie Yue finally caught a child trying to steal their textbooks. During these days, Xie Yue, who had been resentful of these guys who kept doing all kinds of tricks to her, bit the kid directly with her teeth, making the kid burst into tears. , Hu Liena quickly persuaded her brother to let go, but when the nun came, the child complained first, and instead asked Xie Yue to carry the bucket and stand for punishment.

So the two siblings who couldn't bear it went to Dean Klaus to talk about their experiences. As a result, Klaus's handling method was exactly the same as Mary Sue's. The little boy who was slapped by Klaus with a bruised nose and face looked at them. Their eyes became more and more malicious, and the people around them became more and more malicious.

"I can't stay here any longer, Nana."

Xie Yue, who was sitting on his bed, had red eyes and clenched his fists. He said angrily and helplessly:

"How about we find a way to escape from this crappy place?"

Hu Liena looked down at the combination lock under the bed that had been tried by countless people to pry or fiddle with. Finally she let out a sigh and replied:


Even Hu Liena, who was more determined, had to admit that it was not an option for the brother and sister to stay like this any longer. They had to come up with ideas to change the status quo.

For example, as Xie Yue suggested, escape from the orphanage and return to the family. It doesn't matter even if you go back and get scolded, it doesn't matter if you are kicked out again.

After all, the situation couldn't be worse.

"But, we may still have one more step to try."

When she thought of that person, Hu Liena couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. For some reason, she just didn't seem to want to have much to do with this person.

But if they don't ask for help, relying solely on the abilities of the two brothers and sisters is still too much.

If you want to accomplish something, the safest way is to rely on the help of other people.

"Nana, you mean..."

Xie Yue understood what Hu Liena meant. In fact, he had already had this idea, but he was just afraid that Hu Liena would object.


Hu Liena bit her lower lip, looked at the scenery outside the window with a complicated expression and said:

"Let's go find...Zhang San."

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