Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 4 Voluntary defeat

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Zhang San. Zhang San suddenly remembered that this feeling of being in the spotlight had not happened to him for a long time.

However, Zhang San did not have the time or interest to enjoy it. It was because he understood the pleasure of being in the spotlight that he remembered the pain when he was frustrated.

Seeing that Zhang San hadn't moved, Luo Xiang thought he didn't know what to do, so he said patiently: "Put away your martial spirit, put your hand on the crystal ball, concentrate on releasing your soul power, and that's it." ."


In fact, how could Zhang San not know what he should do next?

Luo Xiang urged, Zhang San's right hand was gently grasped, and the martial spirit displayed on his hand was removed, and the black soul mark immediately disappeared under the skin.

This child put away his martial spirit so lightly and competed with other children who had spent a long time in front of him. He didn't look like a beginner at all.

Luo Xiang looked at Zhang San's movements and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and smile, and thought in his heart:

At the same time, he has a unique martial soul and excellent soul power control ability. It seems that this person should be a one-in-a-million genius. I have found a treasure.

While Luo Xiang and everyone watched with bated breath, Zhang San placed his hands on the warm crystal ball.

"Hurry up and inject soul power."

Luo Xiang stared for a long time and found that the crystal ball that Zhang San touched with his hands did not move at all, and immediately urged him to move faster.

However, Zhang San was already sweating profusely, and his face turned red as if he was squatting in a pit. He seemed to be pouring his soul power into the crystal ball very hard. After doing it for a long time, Luo Xiang was holding it in his hands. Feeling sour, the crystal ball finally lit up, but it was only a very weak light.

"Your innate soul power is...half level?"

This guy is also a defective product.

Luo Xiang's eyes widened and he almost smashed the crystal ball to the ground with a trembling hand.

After the martial soul awakens, the measurement of the innate soul power can be regarded as an estimate of the tester's future performance as a soul master.

Without innate soul power, that is, a level 0 martial soul has no qualifications for cultivation. Of course, innate soul power from level 0 to level 3 is also defective. Although it can be cultivated, there will be obstacles to cultivation, and in addition to the extremely slow cultivation speed In addition, after reaching a certain level, such as level [-] great soul master, it is absolutely impossible to advance even half a step further.

Innate soul power of level four and above is considered barely qualified and is an ordinary qualification that can be practiced.

Of course, the best talent is naturally full innate soul power, which means you will be at level ten as soon as you awaken, and you can directly obtain soul rings to advance.

Having full innate soul power means that your cultivation qualifications are extremely high, and the quality of the awakened martial soul should also be quite good.

Zhang San's innate soul power, which is less than level 1, means that he will only be a great soul master at level [-] in the future. No matter how hard he works, he will generally never be able to break through the bottleneck of level [-].

" could this happen? Is this mutated martial spirit of yours a waste?"

Luo Xiang was quite shocked, even more shocked than the first time he saw Zhang San's martial spirit.

The word "waste" made the children on the left who were about to be cultivated by Wuhun Hall cover their mouths and sneer.

Zhang San raised his eyebrows slightly but did not make any expression.

Luo Xiang, who was overjoyed, sighed and said: "Oh, forget it, you go to the right!"

The seats on the right mean that they will be sent back to their respective orphanages, and then wait for adulthood or be adopted by well-wishers to live out their ordinary lives.

Although Zhang San still has innate soul power, his innate soul power is too low. Under normal circumstances, he will be a great soul master of at least twenty levels from now on.

Although having a great soul master in the twenties has already surpassed most ordinary people who cannot practice, after all, civilians who can cultivate martial arts can only pick one out of ten under normal circumstances, but for those who control more than half of the world, For the spirit master's spirit hall, an ordinary great spirit master is not unusual. Even a spirit king like Luo Xiang, who has a high status outside, is just an ordinary deacon of the main hall.

The rules within Wuhun Palace are cruel. The strong survive and the weak are eliminated. There are no exceptions.

Zhang San was considered to have no training value, so he was directly classified into the "repatriation" position.

So does Zhang San really only have half a level of soul power now?

Zhang San walked to the row of seats on the right and prepared to sit down at the most inconspicuous seat at the end. None of the children on the right laughed at him, and the eyes they cast on him changed from jealousy to sympathy. To be precise, they were "sympathizing with each other." ".

The dark-skinned child next to the seat where Zhang San was going reached out to him and said:

"Welcome to the 'trash' group."


Zhang San responded indifferently and sat on his seat without high-fiving the other party, waiting quietly for the Wuhun Palace deacon to finish his final speech.

"Today's martial soul awakening ceremony has come to a successful conclusion. There are sixteen children, four of whom can be trained. The overall results are pretty good."

Luo Xiang put away his martial spirit, and at the same time swept his eyes over the two groups of children on the left and right, one happy and one sad, and said:

"Of course, don't be discouraged if you didn't get selected. Anyway, the results have come out. You all know that your ability does not lie in becoming a noble soul master. Go back and live a good life without worrying about things."

"Okay, that's it, take everyone away!"

Luo Xiang tapped his palms, and the waiting ushers on the left and right greeted the children around him. After they all stood neatly, they took them to the gates in different directions.

And these two doors with different directions represent two completely different lives.

In this Douluo Continent, people do not have the right to choose their own destiny. Many things have been decided the moment they are born.

Those who rebel against the established destiny and do not want to stay in the class to which they belong are what is called - "going against nature."

Zhang San glanced at the gradually darkening hall behind him, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then thought to himself:

"Fate? I believed it at first, but now I don't want to believe it."

"I want to take a path that I didn't take in my previous life, I want to change my destiny, and I want to make those high gods fear me because of my existence!"

Yes, of course it is impossible for Zhang San who made such bold words to really have half-level innate soul power.

When he awakened in his last life, he was innately full of soul power, which shocked everyone.

So before he only released half a level of soul power to get himself sent back, of course it was just Zhang San's performance.

Zhang San, who has already been to the Wuhun School under the Wuhun Palace once, knows that the teaching methods of those schools are rigid and the management is strict. Basically, everything from eating, drinking and eating, to practicing and hunting soul rings must follow the time and process prescribed by the school. conduct.

Although the educational methods of those academies are not incapable of cultivating good seedlings, and these martial arts academies with high benefits and low fees are indeed a good place for ordinary civilians, but in this life, he has already had ten years of training in the martial arts academy in his mind. Years of knowledge, of course, there is no need to suffer this anymore.

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