Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 39 Hu Liena’s Suspicion

Later, the brother and sister told them about their situation in the conversation with everyone. After listening, Zhang Xiaobiao sighed and said:

"Since your current situation is so bad, you must be careful in the future. Things like today may happen more and more in the future."

"Why is this? Is there any special reason?"

Facing the meaning of Zhang Xiaobiao's words, Hu Liena and Xie Yue both looked confused.

Zhu Zhu, who was eating steak with relish, took over the conversation and said carelessly:

"There are many people who are better than you in this Sacred Heart Courtyard, and you nobles are not treated well by our people. Today you have no backer, and your background is noble, so you can't get any favors here. "

"Why? We haven't done anything, why are they targeting us?"

Hu Liena looked at Zhang San beside her and asked.

"Oh, it's a long story..."

Zhang San let out a sigh.There was an impression from his previous life that Zhang San had no sympathy for what happened to Hu Liena and Xie Yue. But when Zhang San thought about it carefully, this Hu Liena was not the same Hu Liena, and this Xie Yue was not that Xie Yue. The two brothers and sisters were nothing more than that now. He is just a child of about five years old. He is an innocent and innocent age. He has lost his parents and even has a home that he cannot return to. He is also a pitiful couple.

Moreover, the performance of the two of them so far has been bad at most, and they have not done any real evil deeds, nor have they provoked Zhang San. As for the grievances of the previous life... The previous life should be distinguished from this one. right.

After thinking about this clearly, Zhang San's mentality changed slightly, and his little hand holding Hu Liena became much gentler.

After everyone was silent for a while, Zhang Xiaobiao frowned and said, "Do you know why Scar is targeting you?"

"Ah? Why? Is he just looking for trouble?"

Xieyue became angry at the mention of the scarred face. He kept thinking that if he could return to his family, he would have to find that guy immediately to regain the face he had lost.

Zhang Xiaobiao took a sip of mead, and then began to talk about Scarface's past.

"The scar on Scar's face was made by a gangster with a knife when he was a child. His mother was present. The gangster used this to blackmail his family into paying off their debts. Although I don't know what happened next, it was obvious that the knife Scar hates you nobles very much from this."

After hearing Scar's experience, Xie Yue's inner hatred for him subsided by two points, but he still asked in confusion:

"His family was bullied by gangsters. What does this have to do with us?"

Zhang Xiaobiao was silent for a while and then said:

"This debt is to repay the usury loan issued by the Fox family."


Hearing this, both Xie Yue and Hu Liena fell silent.


Zhang San spoke and said:

"You nobles have always done a lot of harm to people. Many people here have become orphans, and they have the shadow of powerful people like you."

Seeing that the brother and sister looked in disbelief, Zhang Xiaobiao said:

"My father was a Tiandou soldier. He died on the battlefield. My mother went crazy, so I was sent here. The war was obviously started by you. We civilians contributed our lives, but you enjoyed gold and fine wine."

As soon as these words came out, Xie Yue and Hu Liena both lowered their heads. This was something they had never heard before. Their elders had never taught them about the bloody heaviness behind their glory and wealth.

Perhaps affected by this atmosphere, Zhu Zhu also continued:

"My family is poor, the lord collects too many taxes, and there are many children at home. They couldn't support me, so they sent me here."

Now that Zhang Xiaobiao and Zhu Zhu both told their stories, the thin Wang Lang smiled bitterly and said:

"My parents are farmers. The officials in charge cut corners when building the dike upstream. The dike burst after a heavy rain. Our land was flooded. When they went to save their crops, they were washed away by the flood. Then they were washed away by the flood. He didn’t come back either.”

Now only Zhang San did not speak about his experience. Seeing several people looking at him, Zhang San had no choice but to say:

"I'm an abandoned baby. I don't remember who my parents are. I was sent here when I was a baby."

This experience sounds like nothing compared to the previous one, but Zhang San is also the only one among them who has never tasted the warmth of family affection.

Everyone couldn't help but cast sympathetic glances at Zhang San, but Zhang San laughed and said:

"So! No one here will sympathize with anyone else's experience. After all, when it comes to misfortune, everyone is miserable. There is nothing to compare with others. It's better to compare who is more practical."

After saying that, Zhang San began to feast.

The atmosphere at this moment was already extremely solemn. Zhang San's joking statement did not change the atmosphere. It just made everyone present look at each other. Zhang Xiaobiao concluded, saying:

"You don't have the protection of the family now, but you still have the title of a nobleman on your head. You won't be well received here, so you should keep a low profile in everything you do in the future. This is a piece of advice."

"Thank you, we'll keep an eye out."

Hu Liena was the first to express her gratitude, and after Xie Yue hesitated for a while, she also nodded to thank these people.

Perhaps due to the influence of the heavy clouds, everyone tasted this sumptuous breakfast tasteless.

After a while, the seats were dispersed, and Xie Yue and Hu Liena, who were in a low mood, returned to the same house together.

Zhang San, who said goodbye to Hu Liena and Xieyue, checked the event column on the system homepage and found an extra red dot there.

After Zhang San clicked on it, he glanced at the content above:

[The event "No fight, no acquaintance" has ended. The final completion level is 40%, and the additional completion reward is "100 points". 】


Seeing the column of Hu Liena's favorability towards him, Zhang San, who just felt good about himself, suddenly muttered in astonishment:

"How can it be negative?"

Zhang Xiaobiao, who was walking aside, asked in confusion:

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Uh, it's okay. I just said that I was choking because I was too full."

Zhang San had no choice but to put away the system panel with a thought, and then casually prevaricated.

Fortunately, the people around him, including Zhang Xiaobiao, didn't pay much attention, and they soon started talking about this new topic.

Wang Lang laughed and said: "Haha! So I told you, mistress, not to eat so fast. Do you want to be on par with that guy Zhu Zhu?"

Zhu Zhuhan smiled and patted his belly and said:

"Just follow the same rules! Fat people are blessed with fatness!"

Zhang Xiaobiao patted Zhang San on the shoulder kindly and said:

"Drink more water if you choke, and remember to exercise more later. When you grow taller and stronger, no one will dare to bully you."

"Ha...I understand"

While Zhang San was chatting with Zhang Xiaobiao and others, the brother and sister who had gone away also started talking about someone when there was no one else around.

Hu Liena first asked Xie Yue: "Brother, what do you think of Zhang San?"

"Zhang San?"

Xie Yue was slightly stunned. He did not expect that his sister would suddenly ask this matter, so he answered truthfully:

"Ah, he's a pretty good person, isn't he? If he hadn't stood up to help us, we would now..."

"But I think he has ulterior motives."

However, Hu Liena's expression was quite gloomy. She looked into Xie Yue's surprised eyes and said seriously:

"We have to be careful and stay as far away from him as possible. They might all be in the same group."

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