Zhang San followed Zhang Xiaobiao and others to the front of the crowd. At a glance, he saw three big boys who were half taller than Xieyue surrounding the brother and sister, while Xieyue was protecting his sister Hu Liena behind him.

Although Zhang San didn't have a good impression of Xie Yue, he secretly thought in his heart that he was indeed a good brother.

Regardless of Xie Yue's character, at least he knew how to step forward to protect his sister in a crisis.

And Xie Yue, the young master who had always been arrogant and domineering, finally realized that his current situation was not very optimistic.

As the saying goes, the tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by dogs.

Xieyue obviously thinks this is very appropriate for him. After all, in his eyes, except for himself and Hu Liena, everyone here is just a lackey.

However, he forgot one thing:

The man here may be a dog, but he... is definitely not a tiger.

To talk about the origin of this whole thing, we have to start from half an hour ago.

Since it was their first day living in a dormitory for Xieyue and Hu Liena, the simple beds were not on the same level as the high-end silk beds they had slept on before. At the same time, they were in a strange environment, and their future was uncertain... affected by this series of internal and external factors. Of course, the brother and sister didn't sleep well, so the two of them, who always wanted to sleep in, got up early in the morning and went to the cafeteria after washing up.

So far, the two siblings still haven't interacted much with the people around them. Hu Liena is doing better. She is just a little afraid of strangers. She was originally relatively introverted. Now she has no other acquaintances around her, so she naturally follows her brother outside.

However, Xieyue just wanted to look at people with his nostrils. Even if someone wanted to say hello to him, he would always have a fierce look on his face.

Since these two people had become the topic of the Sacred Heart Orphanage yesterday, knowing that these two people were born into wealthy families, ordinary children would of course have to stay away from Xie Yue like this.

Xie Yue's attitude was actually because he did not accept the possibility that he had been abandoned by his family, which resulted in a rebellious mentality.

Xie Yue has been taught by her family since she was born that she is noble and must not degenerate to associate with common people.

The more he insists on keeping this idea, the more he has to keep distance from the people around him.

Of course, the way he chose to keep a distance was like disguising himself as a durian. The shell was full of thorns, and the smell when opened was not pleasant. I don’t know whether the flesh is delicious before eating it, but at least for now, Xie Yue is not. He didn't win over the other people in the orphanage.

Under normal circumstances, someone should have jumped in to cure this naughty kid's bad habits.

However, the sight of Xie Yue and Hu Liena being served by servants yesterday was still deeply rooted in people's hearts. Everyone was thinking about what abilities these two people must have. At least they were a little scared due to their background, so even if they were dissatisfied, they put it down for the time being.

And when Xieyue took Hu Liena into the cafeteria to have breakfast, an accident finally happened.

Yesterday, the brother and sister had a dinner under the service of the servants. Xie Yue still remembered that the place where she took the meal was the unique separate window. There were not those "stinky and stupid" civilians next to that window, so Xie Yue Naturally, I took Hu Liena and went there.

"You two, what do you want to eat?"

When he saw a customer, the chef behind the window was very enthusiastic and immediately greeted them.

Seeing that the chef was so eager, Xie Yue felt much better. He had been to the restaurant to eat before, so he had naturally seen the way others ordered, so he said in a pretentious manner:

"Bring me the menu."


However, just when Xie Yue was triumphantly making his first choice on the menu amidst the envious and jealous eyes of everyone, he was stunned.

It turned out that Xie Yue actually only knew a few words on the menu, and he couldn't understand most of the content at all, so Xie Yue had to give it to Hu Liena, and after letting Hu Liena choose, he pretended to check a few items. Then handed it to the front desk chef.

"Okay, a total of 38 Gintama coins."

The chef, who had written an order against the menu, held out his hand and motioned for them to pay.

However, not only Xie Yue, but also Hu Liena. The brother and sister looked at the chef in confusion, as if they were looking at something novel.

So you have to pay for food?

The brother and sister looked at each other as if this was the first time they knew about this.

And actually - it's really so.

Although the two brothers and sisters, who were born with silver spoons in their mouths, live a luxurious life, they actually don't have many opportunities to come into contact with money.

Although I didn't know the role of money, I never paid in person.In the few times I went shopping, it was always the housekeeper and servant who paid.

All kinds of rich and luxurious food and snacks were brought to them on time by the servants. If they were too lazy to do anything, the servants would kneel next to them and feed them.

Therefore, these two brothers and sisters, who have nothing but clothes to eat and food to eat, naturally don't know that they have to spend money on food, and they have no habit of putting money on themselves.

After all, the coin belt was heavy and heavy, and the two of them didn't think they needed to bring money when going out to eat, so naturally they didn't bring any money with them.

"Well...we didn't bring any money."

Therefore, the two of them had to honestly say that they did not bring any money.

"You don't have money to go there, naughty kid, don't make trouble!"

Then the chef's eager face immediately dropped. He tore the order he had just written into pieces into pieces and told them to go to the free windows with long queues next to them.

Xie Yue, who suddenly came into contact with his unknown territory, lost his arrogance. Like a defeated rooster, he took Hu Liena to another window.

"Don't jump in line! Do you have the quality? Go to the back and line up!"

Xie Yue, who was about to go directly to the front to receive the meal, was stopped by the person behind him. Xie Yue turned around and wanted to get angry at the person who dared to yell at her. As a result, the other person was not only a head taller than her, but also had a more fierce look in his eyes. Staring at herself, Xie Yue was scared.

This arrogant young master obediently dragged Hu Liena to the end of the queue. On the way, he also heard the comments and laughter of others. These sounds were extremely harsh. Xie Yue wanted to have a fit, but Hu Liena pulled his sleeves. Shaking his head to calm him down.

So Xie Yue gritted her teeth and endured it, quickened her pace and came to the back of the team.

As a result, not long after they stood at the back, several tall boys cut in line directly in front of Xie Yue. Such blatant queue cutting made Xie Yue extremely angry, but he saw that these big boys were not only tall, but even the leaders There were scars on his face, and after those boys glared at him, Xie Yue became frightened again.

There was no other way, so Xie Yue had to wait obediently behind these boys. After waiting for a long time, the long queue came to the end.

When it was finally the turn of brother and sister Xieyue and Hu Liena, their stomachs were growling with hunger.

"Okay, next one."

The rice cook skillfully put a fixed portion of nutritious meal on Xie Yue's plate.

"What, what?"

As a result, Xie Yue made an incredible sound.

He couldn't imagine that after they waited so hard, the food on the plate was so poor. Xie Yue even suspected that the black color next to the bread was mold rather than scorch marks.

Xie Yue asked the indifferent aunt behind the window, "Is that all?"

The rice cook replied very simply: "That's it, you can eat it or not."

Seeing that Xie Yue was about to have another attack, Hu Liena held the fist under Xie Yue's sleeve and said, "Brother, let's do this..."

Xie Yue, who didn't have the confidence to get angry at the moment, could only lament, and then took away his dinner plate, while Hu Liena followed after a while carrying a dinner plate with simple food.

Xie Yue angrily said to Hu Liena beside her: "This, these are simply pig food!"


As soon as Xie Yue finished speaking, he stumbled suddenly, and Xie Yue fell directly to the ground. The soup bread and milk in the dinner plate scattered all over the floor.

The person sitting at the table next to him slowly retracted his legs and said sarcastically:

"It's better now, you can't even eat pig food."

"You! Did you trip me on purpose?"

Xie Yue, who had been holding back a ball of fire for a long time, finally couldn't bear it anymore. As soon as he stood up, he rushed towards the other person like a cheetah and grabbed the man's collar.

But when Xie Yue took a closer look at the familiar scar on the face of the man in front of him, he realized that his little cheetah had actually pounced on the lion.

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